lock my folder v1.50 keymaker only by core

Lock Screen Paris

Lock Screen Paris
Avant d'aller plus loin n’hésitez pas à découvrir ces quelques informations la concernant : la mise à jour la plus récente de lock screen paris a été effectuée le 28 juillet 2016lock screen paris est la création de gospeed locker [...] si l’on se base sur les informations fournies par le concepteur de lock screen paris l’application est conçue pour fonctionner avec la version android 2 , l'éditeur gospeed locker a peut être estimé que son programme était abouti ou alors il a peut être simplement stoppé son travail quoi qu'il en soit lock screen paris est toujours disponible sur google play vous pouvez donc la télécharger et l'essayer après avoir vérifié bien sûr que les conditions techniques requises pour un fonctionnement optimal sont réunies / vous voulez une application inédite ? vous pouvez télécharger celle ci | 3 ; mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 28 juillet 2016 il faut tout de même noter que ce programme n'est pas de première jeunesse : avec une note de 4 3 sur 5 ce produit a fait son petit bout de chemin sur la plateforme de google gospeed locker a fait un bon travail de programmation en proposant un programme bien ficeléla version android nécessaire pour télécharger ce programme est la version 2 [...] avant d'aller plus loin n’hésitez pas à...Télécharger
  • Bureautique Lock Screen For Mattyb
    • Ajouté le :03/07/2017
    • Mis à jour le :26/02/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :patenauapps
    • Langue :Français

    Lock Screen For Mattyb

    Lock Screen For Mattyb
    • Système d'exploitation :

    lock screen for mattyb est une application disponible sur le play storecomme de nombreuses applications sur le marketplace de google lock screen for mattyb n’enregistre pas un très grand nombre de votes seulement 45 malgré tout elle mérite qu’on y jette un coup d’œil [...] une toute dernière info pour terminer : vous pouvez jouir sans réserve de toutes les fonctionnalités de lock screen for mattyb ce programme est disponible gratuitement sur le marketplace de google , voici toutes les informations que vous devez connaître avant de l’utiliser / la dernière mise à jour de cette application a eu lieu le 03 juillet 2017 | elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires" ; l’éditeur qui est à l’origine de ce programme est patenauapps : cette appli a l’avantage de pouvoir être téléchargée par tous les utilisateurs grâce à son contenu tout publicattention ! l'appli en question n’a pas été améliorée depuis un certain temps ! il vaudrait mieux que vous vérifiiez s’il existe une autre version [...] la version android requise pour installer ce programme est la version 2 , 2 / ce n’est pas le plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour smartphones ou tablettes et in fine il y a de grandes chances que votre lock screen for mattyb est une application... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Lock Screen For Mattyb

    Lock Screen For Mattyb
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Lock Screen For Mattyb
    • Ajouté le :03/07/2017
    • Mis à jour le :26/02/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :patenauapps
    • Langue :Français

    lock screen for mattyb est une application disponible sur le play storecomme de nombreuses applications sur le marketplace de google lock screen for mattyb n’enregistre pas un très grand nombre de votes seulement 45 malgré tout elle mérite qu’on y jette un coup d’œil [...] une toute dernière info pour terminer : vous pouvez jouir sans réserve de toutes les fonctionnalités de lock screen for mattyb ce programme est disponible gratuitement sur le marketplace de google , voici toutes les informations que vous devez connaître avant de l’utiliser / la dernière mise à jour de cette application a eu lieu le 03 juillet 2017 | elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires" ; l’éditeur qui est à l’origine de ce programme est patenauapps : cette appli a l’avantage de pouvoir être téléchargée par tous les utilisateurs grâce à son contenu tout publicattention ! l'appli en question n’a pas été améliorée depuis un certain temps ! il vaudrait mieux que vous vérifiiez s’il existe une autre version [...] la version android requise pour installer ce programme est la version 2 , 2 / ce n’est pas le plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour smartphones ou tablettes et in fine il y a de grandes chances que votre lock screen for mattyb est une application... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs Lock Screen (live heart) Pro
    • Ajouté le :23/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/02/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :TKTech
    • Langue :Français

    Lock Screen (live heart) Pro

    Lock Screen (live heart) Pro
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Intéressé par une application inédite ? téléchargez lock screen live heart proavant toutes choses voici quelques informations à son sujet : la version android 4 [...] 0 est la version sur laquelle a été mise au point cette application , nous vous indiquons que ce programme a été mis à jour le 23 février 2017 / si vous êtes à la recherche d' un programme de type "société" ne cherchez pas plus loin car cette application en est le parfait exemple | si vous hésitez encore à l’idée de la télécharger voici le dernier argument qui peut vous convaincre : cette appli propose du contenu adapté à tous les utilisateurs ; cette app a été plutôt bien accueillie par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont essayée lui ont donné la note de 3 9 : une prouesse qui n’est pas prête de se stopper! sur google play cette appli n’a pas eu le succès escomptétktech espérait certainement un nombre de téléchargement plus élevé [...] il faut dire qu’avec seulement entre 50 et 100 téléchargements elle ne se démarque pas par rapport à ses concurrents , n’hésitez pas à installer cette app vous ne devriez pas avoir de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou intéressé par une application inédite ?... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    Lock Screen (live heart) Pro

    Lock Screen (live heart) Pro
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Lock Screen (live heart) Pro
    • Ajouté le :23/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/02/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :TKTech
    • Langue :Français

    Intéressé par une application inédite ? téléchargez lock screen live heart proavant toutes choses voici quelques informations à son sujet : la version android 4 [...] 0 est la version sur laquelle a été mise au point cette application , nous vous indiquons que ce programme a été mis à jour le 23 février 2017 / si vous êtes à la recherche d' un programme de type "société" ne cherchez pas plus loin car cette application en est le parfait exemple | si vous hésitez encore à l’idée de la télécharger voici le dernier argument qui peut vous convaincre : cette appli propose du contenu adapté à tous les utilisateurs ; cette app a été plutôt bien accueillie par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont essayée lui ont donné la note de 3 9 : une prouesse qui n’est pas prête de se stopper! sur google play cette appli n’a pas eu le succès escomptétktech espérait certainement un nombre de téléchargement plus élevé [...] il faut dire qu’avec seulement entre 50 et 100 téléchargements elle ne se démarque pas par rapport à ses concurrents , n’hésitez pas à installer cette app vous ne devriez pas avoir de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou intéressé par une application inédite ?... Télécharger

  • Internet Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds
    • Ajouté le :13/09/2017
    • Mis à jour le :11/06/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Laland Apps
    • Langue :Français

    Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds

    Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Vous avez envie d'essayer une nouvelle application ? notre équipe vous suggère de découvrir lock screen wallpapers & backgroundsnous vous encourageons à consulter les lignes qui suivent pour en apprendre plus sur l'application et ses caractéristiques avant d'arrêter votre choix et de lancer le téléchargement : cette version que nous vous présentons est la plus récente de lock screen wallpapers & backgrounds elle date du 13 septembre 2017 [...] c’est laland apps qui est à l’origine de lock screen wallpapers & backgrounds , la version android 3 / 0 est la version pour laquelle a été développée cette application | avec un total de 4 votes sur le play store c'est peu laland apps espère que son programme soit encore plus populaire et séduise toujours plus d’utilisateurs ; ce qui est bien avec notre site c’est que nous aidons les petits éditeurs : grâce à nous vous pouvez opter pour une app qui n’a pas été beaucoup mise en avant sur le play store en raison de son petit nombre d'installationsmême si la plupart des applications du marketplace de google sont tout public ce n’est pas le cas de celle ci [...] laland apps l'a classée dans la catégorie 2 , ce qui veut dire qu’il peut y avoir des images choquantes inapproprié pour les plus jeunes / vous avez envie d'essayer une nouvelle... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds

    Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Lock Screen Wallpapers & Backgrounds
    • Ajouté le :13/09/2017
    • Mis à jour le :11/06/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Laland Apps
    • Langue :Français

    Vous avez envie d'essayer une nouvelle application ? notre équipe vous suggère de découvrir lock screen wallpapers & backgroundsnous vous encourageons à consulter les lignes qui suivent pour en apprendre plus sur l'application et ses caractéristiques avant d'arrêter votre choix et de lancer le téléchargement : cette version que nous vous présentons est la plus récente de lock screen wallpapers & backgrounds elle date du 13 septembre 2017 [...] c’est laland apps qui est à l’origine de lock screen wallpapers & backgrounds , la version android 3 / 0 est la version pour laquelle a été développée cette application | avec un total de 4 votes sur le play store c'est peu laland apps espère que son programme soit encore plus populaire et séduise toujours plus d’utilisateurs ; ce qui est bien avec notre site c’est que nous aidons les petits éditeurs : grâce à nous vous pouvez opter pour une app qui n’a pas été beaucoup mise en avant sur le play store en raison de son petit nombre d'installationsmême si la plupart des applications du marketplace de google sont tout public ce n’est pas le cas de celle ci [...] laland apps l'a classée dans la catégorie 2 , ce qui veut dire qu’il peut y avoir des images choquantes inapproprié pour les plus jeunes / vous avez envie d'essayer une nouvelle... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Lock My PC
    • Ajouté le :06/06/2013
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :FSPro Labs
    • Langue :Anglais

    Lock My PC

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    lock my pc est un utilitaire permettant de verrouiller votre ordinateur lorsque vous le quittez quelques instantsil peut enregistrer toutes les tentatives d'intrusion non autorisées [...] lock my pc est un utilitaire permettant de... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Lock My PC

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Lock My PC
    • Ajouté le :06/06/2013
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :FSPro Labs
    • Langue :Anglais

    lock my pc est un utilitaire permettant de verrouiller votre ordinateur lorsque vous le quittez quelques instantsil peut enregistrer toutes les tentatives d'intrusion non autorisées [...] lock my pc est un utilitaire permettant de... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Lock Folder XP
    • Ajouté le :20/06/2011
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Everstrike Software
    • Langue :Multi

    Lock Folder XP

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    lock folder xp va vous permettre de sécuriser l'accès à vos dossiers fichiers ou lecteurs en les protégeant par mot de passe ou en les masquantcette action vous protégera d'utilisateurs malveillants et des virus [...] lock folder xp va vous permettre de sécuriser... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Lock Folder XP

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Lock Folder XP
    • Ajouté le :20/06/2011
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Everstrike Software
    • Langue :Multi

    lock folder xp va vous permettre de sécuriser l'accès à vos dossiers fichiers ou lecteurs en les protégeant par mot de passe ou en les masquantcette action vous protégera d'utilisateurs malveillants et des virus [...] lock folder xp va vous permettre de sécuriser... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs Lock GSM
    • Ajouté le :11/08/2008
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Inter-Défi
    • Langue :Français

    Lock GSM

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Faîtes croire à vos amis que vous pouvez les suivre à la trace grâce à leur portable faîtes croire à vos amis que vous pouvez les... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    Lock GSM

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Lock GSM
    • Ajouté le :11/08/2008
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Inter-Défi
    • Langue :Français

    Faîtes croire à vos amis que vous pouvez les suivre à la trace grâce à leur portable faîtes croire à vos amis que vous pouvez les... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Lock Computer
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Omniparadoxe inc
    • Langue :Français

    Lock Computer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    lock computer verrouille votre ordinateur en votre absenceempêchez quiconque d'utiliser votre ordinateur à votre insu bloquez tout accès possible [...] de cette façon il n'y a moins de risques de perte de donnée et moins de regards indiscrets , les utilisateurs peuvent vous laisser un message pendant votre absence / lock computer verrouille votre ordinateur en... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Lock Computer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Lock Computer
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Omniparadoxe inc
    • Langue :Français

    lock computer verrouille votre ordinateur en votre absenceempêchez quiconque d'utiliser votre ordinateur à votre insu bloquez tout accès possible [...] de cette façon il n'y a moins de risques de perte de donnée et moins de regards indiscrets , les utilisateurs peuvent vous laisser un message pendant votre absence / lock computer verrouille votre ordinateur en... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée PDF Page Lock 2.0
    • Ajouté le :23/04/2018
    • Mis à jour le :23/04/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Page Lock 2.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public availablepdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption [...] with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available , one great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected / features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons | hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file ; customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only locks or hides important pdf pages you want to protect and leaves other pages public and visible : easily unlock pdf with 1 click unlock simply open a pdf file and select your confidential pages to lock or hide then set a password while saving the pdfmulti language pdf page lock has a multiple languages pack which includes english french german and chinese [...] hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers , password pdf page lock is a windows software ultility... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    PDF Page Lock 2.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF Page Lock 2.0
    • Ajouté le :23/04/2018
    • Mis à jour le :23/04/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi

    Pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public availablepdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption [...] with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available , one great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected / features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons | hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file ; customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only locks or hides important pdf pages you want to protect and leaves other pages public and visible : easily unlock pdf with 1 click unlock simply open a pdf file and select your confidential pages to lock or hide then set a password while saving the pdfmulti language pdf page lock has a multiple languages pack which includes english french german and chinese [...] hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers , password pdf page lock is a windows software ultility... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Virus Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :17/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Virus Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :

    App lock smart app lock with stylish lock themeswith it you can add an extra password protection to sensitive appslock your private apps by using fingerprint pattern or pin and keep your secret safe from snoopers [...] personalize your unlocking app lock themes and make unlocking experience unique and interesting , virus cleaner is powered by mcafee the powerful anti virus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware trojans / we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the world class antivirus protection service globally | scheduled virus scan automatically scan your phone daily weekly or monthly ; deep scan scanning and examining filesscanning both internal device storage and sd cards : remove viruses and threats from your mobile phonememory junk clean memory cleanscan and clean phone memory junk [...] optimize phone speed by releasing more phone memories , safe browsing a real time online protectionblock malicious urls and protect yourself against phishing websites with instant warning notifications / this applock's password is different from your phone unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone | brand new app lock's themes updated ; fingerprint unlocking is technologically supported specific devices and android 6 : efficient wifi speed test and security virus cleaner protects your online securitytest speed detect wifi spy and protect your app lock smart app lock with stylish lock... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Virus Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Virus Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :17/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    App lock smart app lock with stylish lock themeswith it you can add an extra password protection to sensitive appslock your private apps by using fingerprint pattern or pin and keep your secret safe from snoopers [...] personalize your unlocking app lock themes and make unlocking experience unique and interesting , virus cleaner is powered by mcafee the powerful anti virus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware trojans / we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the world class antivirus protection service globally | scheduled virus scan automatically scan your phone daily weekly or monthly ; deep scan scanning and examining filesscanning both internal device storage and sd cards : remove viruses and threats from your mobile phonememory junk clean memory cleanscan and clean phone memory junk [...] optimize phone speed by releasing more phone memories , safe browsing a real time online protectionblock malicious urls and protect yourself against phishing websites with instant warning notifications / this applock's password is different from your phone unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone | brand new app lock's themes updated ; fingerprint unlocking is technologically supported specific devices and android 6 : efficient wifi speed test and security virus cleaner protects your online securitytest speed detect wifi spy and protect your app lock smart app lock with stylish lock... Télécharger

  • Programmation jQuery Spell Check
    • Ajouté le :12/11/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Nanospell
    • Langue :Multi

    JQuery Spell Check

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading spellchecker plugin for jquery flavor javascript from javascript spellcheckcom [...] the plug in provides an easy way to add spell check as you type scayt or spell checking dialog popup windows to any html web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jquery code , you can seen an example of jquery spell check and download it for free from http://www / javascriptspellcheck | com/jquery spell check/ the spellcheck plugin can also be used to spellcheck rich/wysiwyg html editors such as tinymce and ckeditor ; jquery spell check can also be used in 'abstract' as a behind the scenes spell checker for form processing or online word games : jquery spell check is unique in that it does all of the spell checking its selfit runs using ajax behind teh scenes to avoid users having to download huge dictionary files [...] we have ajax handlers for asp vbscriupt php asp , net c# and vb / net | and java ; unlike other plugins we never send your data across the internet for remote processing on a 3rd party server : this makes jquery spell check ideal for use in an intarnet or secure login environmentit can be installed on windows linux and osx just by uploading 1 folder into your website project [...] you can read the full guide at http://www , / com/jquery spell check/#tabs 3 users can also 'add' or 'learn' words just lke in microsoft word | these words are stored locally and affect only 1 user ; with advanced setup http://www : 'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading... Télécharger

  • Programmation

    JQuery Spell Check

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    jQuery Spell Check
    • Ajouté le :12/11/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Nanospell
    • Langue :Multi

    'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading spellchecker plugin for jquery flavor javascript from javascript spellcheckcom [...] the plug in provides an easy way to add spell check as you type scayt or spell checking dialog popup windows to any html web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jquery code , you can seen an example of jquery spell check and download it for free from http://www / javascriptspellcheck | com/jquery spell check/ the spellcheck plugin can also be used to spellcheck rich/wysiwyg html editors such as tinymce and ckeditor ; jquery spell check can also be used in 'abstract' as a behind the scenes spell checker for form processing or online word games : jquery spell check is unique in that it does all of the spell checking its selfit runs using ajax behind teh scenes to avoid users having to download huge dictionary files [...] we have ajax handlers for asp vbscriupt php asp , net c# and vb / net | and java ; unlike other plugins we never send your data across the internet for remote processing on a 3rd party server : this makes jquery spell check ideal for use in an intarnet or secure login environmentit can be installed on windows linux and osx just by uploading 1 folder into your website project [...] you can read the full guide at http://www , / com/jquery spell check/#tabs 3 users can also 'add' or 'learn' words just lke in microsoft word | these words are stored locally and affect only 1 user ; with advanced setup http://www : 'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading... Télécharger

  • Internet TextPipe Lite
    • Ajouté le :20/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :DataMystic
    • Langue :Multi

    TextPipe Lite

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger

  • Internet

    TextPipe Lite

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    TextPipe Lite
    • Ajouté le :20/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :DataMystic
    • Langue :Multi

    Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger

  • Bureautique ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16
    • Ajouté le :09/09/2021
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2023
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :RamizKhan
    • Langue :Anglais

    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Activtrak captures user activity data in the digital workplace helping teams address security and compliance concerns while also identifying opportunities for greater engagement productivity and efficiencyunlike traditional uam providers that offer only a technical view of users activtrak delivers rich contextual user activity insights through the human vantage point [...] named pcmags editor's choice for employee monitoring activtrak is the only cloud based solution of its kind making it flexible affordable and easy to deploy across an entire organization , users are able to start analyzing data within minutes of signup / thousands of organizations worldwide use activtrak to: monitor remote workforces establish baselines and improve employee productivity identify users that may be either disengaged or creating security vulnerabilities and compliance risks alert and report on high risk behavior defend against data leakage of proprietary private and sensitive information to reduce security investigations time with rich forensics balance data security and compliance concerns with employee confidentiality and privacy considerationsthe aggregated data collected by activtrak quantifies employee productivity so employers and managers have the insight they need to improve employee performance as well as keep track of sensitive internal information and improve operational efficiency | the software is easy to install and the data is available within minutes with preset activtrak captures user activity data in the... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16

    • Système d'exploitation :
    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16
    • Ajouté le :09/09/2021
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2023
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :RamizKhan
    • Langue :Anglais

    Activtrak captures user activity data in the digital workplace helping teams address security and compliance concerns while also identifying opportunities for greater engagement productivity and efficiencyunlike traditional uam providers that offer only a technical view of users activtrak delivers rich contextual user activity insights through the human vantage point [...] named pcmags editor's choice for employee monitoring activtrak is the only cloud based solution of its kind making it flexible affordable and easy to deploy across an entire organization , users are able to start analyzing data within minutes of signup / thousands of organizations worldwide use activtrak to: monitor remote workforces establish baselines and improve employee productivity identify users that may be either disengaged or creating security vulnerabilities and compliance risks alert and report on high risk behavior defend against data leakage of proprietary private and sensitive information to reduce security investigations time with rich forensics balance data security and compliance concerns with employee confidentiality and privacy considerationsthe aggregated data collected by activtrak quantifies employee productivity so employers and managers have the insight they need to improve employee performance as well as keep track of sensitive internal information and improve operational efficiency | the software is easy to install and the data is available within minutes with preset activtrak captures user activity data in the... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs 1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers
    • Ajouté le :20/09/2017
    • Mis à jour le :05/04/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :All My Elegance
    • Langue :Français

    1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers

    1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez installer 1800+ lock screen wallpapers sur votre tablette1800+ lock screen wallpapers a été mise au point par all my elegance qui a mis tout son savoir faire dans ce projet [...] pour conclure une ultime information : côté prix 1800+ lock screen wallpapers fait partie des nombreuses applications de la sous catégorie "actualités et magazines" de la boutique d’applications de google qui ne vous coûtent rien , mais avant de faire cela il serait nous vous recommandons de jeter un oeil aux infos suivantes / vérifiez bien que votre smartphone android est compatible avant de la télécharger | elle a reçu la note de 3 9 sur 5 ; cette application n'a pas été mise à jour depuis quelques mois déjà : effectivement les dernières améliorations apportées par l'éditeur datent du 20 septembre 2017il y a beaucoup d'apps qui parviennent à avoir une note supérieure à la moyenne [...] toutefois celle ci se détache de la masse en vous offrant des propriétés vraiment intéressantes , chez toucharger nous sommes surpris que vous n’ayez pas encore téléchargé cette application / nous parlons tout de même de l’un des plus gros succès du google play avec entre 500 000 et 1 000 000 installations | si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers

    1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers
    • Système d'exploitation :
    1800+ Lock Screen Wallpapers
    • Ajouté le :20/09/2017
    • Mis à jour le :05/04/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :All My Elegance
    • Langue :Français

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez installer 1800+ lock screen wallpapers sur votre tablette1800+ lock screen wallpapers a été mise au point par all my elegance qui a mis tout son savoir faire dans ce projet [...] pour conclure une ultime information : côté prix 1800+ lock screen wallpapers fait partie des nombreuses applications de la sous catégorie "actualités et magazines" de la boutique d’applications de google qui ne vous coûtent rien , mais avant de faire cela il serait nous vous recommandons de jeter un oeil aux infos suivantes / vérifiez bien que votre smartphone android est compatible avant de la télécharger | elle a reçu la note de 3 9 sur 5 ; cette application n'a pas été mise à jour depuis quelques mois déjà : effectivement les dernières améliorations apportées par l'éditeur datent du 20 septembre 2017il y a beaucoup d'apps qui parviennent à avoir une note supérieure à la moyenne [...] toutefois celle ci se détache de la masse en vous offrant des propriétés vraiment intéressantes , chez toucharger nous sommes surpris que vous n’ayez pas encore téléchargé cette application / nous parlons tout de même de l’un des plus gros succès du google play avec entre 500 000 et 1 000 000 installations | si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Bureautique PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Ajouté le :21/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/03/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :7-PDF, Germany - Th. Hodes
    • Langue :Anglais

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    This first class pdf to word converter for windows lets you convert pdf documents to word openoffice and libreoffice to make re editing the pdf content with these trusted office applications child's play and all this with outstanding accuracy!table contents are also converted with the layout reproduced faithfully together with images and formatting and much more besidesimported pdf tables can subsequently also be re edited by copying & pasting from word into excel [...] features: premium pdf to word converter support for citrix metaframe and terminal server conversions are running only on your system! no transfer of your pdfs to web/cloud new! converts pdf files directly inside your windows explorer converts pdf documents and tables while retaining layout super fast conversion rate transfers graphics text alignment and paragraph formatting to word supports conversion of headers and footers transfer of pdf tables of contents to word transfer of pdf links identifies and positions lists and list elements automatic syllable division for continuous text conversion of complex tables for further processing in excel while maintaining layoutthis pdf to word converter can be run on current windows systems from windows xp and above , operation on terminal and citrix systems is also possible / we will be happy to provide free support during set up via our customer support department | this first class pdf to word converter for... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Ajouté le :21/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/03/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :7-PDF, Germany - Th. Hodes
    • Langue :Anglais

    This first class pdf to word converter for windows lets you convert pdf documents to word openoffice and libreoffice to make re editing the pdf content with these trusted office applications child's play and all this with outstanding accuracy!table contents are also converted with the layout reproduced faithfully together with images and formatting and much more besidesimported pdf tables can subsequently also be re edited by copying & pasting from word into excel [...] features: premium pdf to word converter support for citrix metaframe and terminal server conversions are running only on your system! no transfer of your pdfs to web/cloud new! converts pdf files directly inside your windows explorer converts pdf documents and tables while retaining layout super fast conversion rate transfers graphics text alignment and paragraph formatting to word supports conversion of headers and footers transfer of pdf tables of contents to word transfer of pdf links identifies and positions lists and list elements automatic syllable division for continuous text conversion of complex tables for further processing in excel while maintaining layoutthis pdf to word converter can be run on current windows systems from windows xp and above , operation on terminal and citrix systems is also possible / we will be happy to provide free support during set up via our customer support department | this first class pdf to word converter for... Télécharger

  • Bureautique CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger

  • Jeux Marvel Strike Force iOS
    • Ajouté le :23/11/2017
    • Mis à jour le :29/03/2018
    • Type :App Store
    • Editeur :Foxnet Games
    • Langue :Anglais

    Marvel Strike Force iOS

    Marvel Strike Force iOS
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Si vous aimez l'univers marvel vous serez ravi d'apprendre la sortie du jeu marvel strike forceil s'agit d'un jeu mobile de type rpg développé par foxnet games [...] dans ce jeu de rôle vous avez la possibilité d'incarner de nombreux personnages de l'univers marvel , strike force permet de faire des combats 5 contre 5 / pour cela il faudra élaborer la meilleure équipe en fonction des affinités entre personnages et des différentes compétences | l'objectif est d'avoir l'équipe la plus performante pour réaliser des combos surpuissants et venir à bout de ses adversaires ; pour l'instant marvel strike force n'est sorti qu'en nouvelle zélande et sur ios : la sortie mondiale du jeu serait prévue en 2018d'ici là vous pouvez toujours vous préinscrire cliquez sur visiter le site pour obtenir des bonus au moment de la sortie [...] if you love the marvel universe you'll be delighted to learn the release of the marvel strike force game , this is a rpg type mobile game developed by foxnet games / in this role playing game you have the opportunity to play many characters from the marvel universe | strike force makes it possible to fight 5 to 5 ; to do this it will be necessary to develop the best team according to the affinities between characters and different skills : the goal is to have the most powerful team to make super powerful combos and defeat your opponentsfor si vous aimez l'univers marvel vous serez... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    Marvel Strike Force iOS

    Marvel Strike Force iOS
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Marvel Strike Force iOS
    • Ajouté le :23/11/2017
    • Mis à jour le :29/03/2018
    • Type :App Store
    • Editeur :Foxnet Games
    • Langue :Anglais

    Si vous aimez l'univers marvel vous serez ravi d'apprendre la sortie du jeu marvel strike forceil s'agit d'un jeu mobile de type rpg développé par foxnet games [...] dans ce jeu de rôle vous avez la possibilité d'incarner de nombreux personnages de l'univers marvel , strike force permet de faire des combats 5 contre 5 / pour cela il faudra élaborer la meilleure équipe en fonction des affinités entre personnages et des différentes compétences | l'objectif est d'avoir l'équipe la plus performante pour réaliser des combos surpuissants et venir à bout de ses adversaires ; pour l'instant marvel strike force n'est sorti qu'en nouvelle zélande et sur ios : la sortie mondiale du jeu serait prévue en 2018d'ici là vous pouvez toujours vous préinscrire cliquez sur visiter le site pour obtenir des bonus au moment de la sortie [...] if you love the marvel universe you'll be delighted to learn the release of the marvel strike force game , this is a rpg type mobile game developed by foxnet games / in this role playing game you have the opportunity to play many characters from the marvel universe | strike force makes it possible to fight 5 to 5 ; to do this it will be necessary to develop the best team according to the affinities between characters and different skills : the goal is to have the most powerful team to make super powerful combos and defeat your opponentsfor si vous aimez l'univers marvel vous serez... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Icecream Password Manager
    • Ajouté le :06/07/2017
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :IceCream Apps
    • Langue :Multi

    Icecream Password Manager

    Icecream Password Manager
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automaticallyicecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free [...] the program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items , the users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items / users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices | the program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users ; the feature to create automatic backups is helpful in order not to lose any important information : the backup regularity the number of the backups to be kept and the path to keep the backups can be manually set in the settings panel of icecream password managerthis password manages support the addition of the attachments of various formats to the items created in the program [...] the support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser , the autolock of the program within a certain... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Icecream Password Manager

    Icecream Password Manager
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Icecream Password Manager
    • Ajouté le :06/07/2017
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :IceCream Apps
    • Langue :Multi

    Autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automaticallyicecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for free [...] the program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items , the users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items / users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices | the program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users ; the feature to create automatic backups is helpful in order not to lose any important information : the backup regularity the number of the backups to be kept and the path to keep the backups can be manually set in the settings panel of icecream password managerthis password manages support the addition of the attachments of various formats to the items created in the program [...] the support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser , the autolock of the program within a certain... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Hi Security
    • Ajouté le :26/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Hi Security

    • Système d'exploitation :

    A world class free antivirus and mobile security solution for android phonesthe best antivirus protection no [...] 1 antivirus engine inside hi security is powered by mcafee the best antivirus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware adware or trojans , we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the best antivirus protection service globally / applock privacy protectionwith hi security you can add an extra password protection to sensitive apps such as facebook message whatsapp tinder snapchat gallery and video | this password is different from your phones unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone ; protecting your privacy with pin pattern or fingerprint : junk clean phone memory releases intelligently analysis and remove junk files to free up more space and improve the performance of your device such as residual files cache temp filesclean junk to create a faster lighter and smoother user experience [...] now you can take more pictures and install apps , wifi security wi fi examination wi fi optimisation and wifi boosterhi security protects your online security to avoid insecure public wifi or phishing hotspot by detecting dns hijacking arp spoofing and ssl hijacking / boost wifi and enhance wifi signal strength for faster internet speed | intelligently manage your wifi ; no more wifi safety concerns : a world class free antivirus and mobile... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Hi Security

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Hi Security
    • Ajouté le :26/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    A world class free antivirus and mobile security solution for android phonesthe best antivirus protection no [...] 1 antivirus engine inside hi security is powered by mcafee the best antivirus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware adware or trojans , we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the best antivirus protection service globally / applock privacy protectionwith hi security you can add an extra password protection to sensitive apps such as facebook message whatsapp tinder snapchat gallery and video | this password is different from your phones unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone ; protecting your privacy with pin pattern or fingerprint : junk clean phone memory releases intelligently analysis and remove junk files to free up more space and improve the performance of your device such as residual files cache temp filesclean junk to create a faster lighter and smoother user experience [...] now you can take more pictures and install apps , wifi security wi fi examination wi fi optimisation and wifi boosterhi security protects your online security to avoid insecure public wifi or phishing hotspot by detecting dns hijacking arp spoofing and ssl hijacking / boost wifi and enhance wifi signal strength for faster internet speed | intelligently manage your wifi ; no more wifi safety concerns : a world class free antivirus and mobile... Télécharger

  • Multimédia WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 8.2
    • Ajouté le :13/01/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/01/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Anglais

    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 8.2

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programdecrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk , there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc / wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd tovideofile | dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes ; this is the real no : 1 speedall of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original [...] flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc , you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile / | wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 8.2

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 8.2
    • Ajouté le :13/01/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/01/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Anglais

    Wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programdecrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk , there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc / wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd tovideofile | dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes ; this is the real no : 1 speedall of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original [...] flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc , you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile / | wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :09/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    With its cutting edge beat lock engine your audio will always stay on the beat and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other djdj mixer professional is the complete audio and video mixing software solution for windows [...] offering audio video and karaoke mixing ability , this ground breaking software is designed with rock solid 4 deck coupled with a powerful djing tool offering visual effects and creative transitions / dj mixer professional includes a lot of professional features and hardware controller support allowing you to mixing your music and video on the fly | dj mixer pro's innovative feature set reliable mixing platform and easy to use interface will insure that you "rock the house" every night ; perfect automated beat matching seamless live looping vinyl simulation precise bpm counter smart sync between the 4 dj decks sample decks pitch shifting tempo shifting smooth crossfades keylock external effects crossfader curve perceptual automatic gain itunes browser integration plus many more advanced features are all at your finger tips : it is best choice for club djs mobile djs video djs and entertaineralso great for discos night clubs pubs restaurants and even retail stores as an automated music/video system [...] it is used around the world by bedroom djs and professional superstars alike , with its cutting edge beat lock engine your... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :09/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    With its cutting edge beat lock engine your audio will always stay on the beat and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other djdj mixer professional is the complete audio and video mixing software solution for windows [...] offering audio video and karaoke mixing ability , this ground breaking software is designed with rock solid 4 deck coupled with a powerful djing tool offering visual effects and creative transitions / dj mixer professional includes a lot of professional features and hardware controller support allowing you to mixing your music and video on the fly | dj mixer pro's innovative feature set reliable mixing platform and easy to use interface will insure that you "rock the house" every night ; perfect automated beat matching seamless live looping vinyl simulation precise bpm counter smart sync between the 4 dj decks sample decks pitch shifting tempo shifting smooth crossfades keylock external effects crossfader curve perceptual automatic gain itunes browser integration plus many more advanced features are all at your finger tips : it is best choice for club djs mobile djs video djs and entertaineralso great for discos night clubs pubs restaurants and even retail stores as an automated music/video system [...] it is used around the world by bedroom djs and professional superstars alike , with its cutting edge beat lock engine your... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires MacX MediaTrans 3.5
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :07/04/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Jessie
    • Langue :Multi

    MacX MediaTrans 3.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Macx mediatrans is the best solution to transfer & backup data between iphone ipad ipod and macit not only manages and organizes the file on your device like video music photo movie tv show but also supports backing up pdf app dmg to iphone by using it as usb drive [...] this mac file manager also empowers you to create/delete/edit playlists and to manage music tracks albums & genres in batch like a breeze , in addition this iphone transfer can auto rotate sideways videos and convert avi wmv mkv etc / to mp4 to fit iphone ipad with high quality preserved | on top of this macx mediatrans has no ; 1 fast speed : with cutting edge tech this iphone manager is able to transfer data at a speed of 20 megabits per second so even 100 4k photos can be transferred in 8 seconds! working as itunes alternative macx mediatrans is the fastest data transfer to backup your iphone ipad files free up more storage space before updating to new ios or change to a new iphoneno more erasing original data complicated operation awkward one way sync process or strict format limitation [...] macx mediatrans is the best solution to... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    MacX MediaTrans 3.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    MacX MediaTrans 3.5
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :07/04/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Jessie
    • Langue :Multi

    Macx mediatrans is the best solution to transfer & backup data between iphone ipad ipod and macit not only manages and organizes the file on your device like video music photo movie tv show but also supports backing up pdf app dmg to iphone by using it as usb drive [...] this mac file manager also empowers you to create/delete/edit playlists and to manage music tracks albums & genres in batch like a breeze , in addition this iphone transfer can auto rotate sideways videos and convert avi wmv mkv etc / to mp4 to fit iphone ipad with high quality preserved | on top of this macx mediatrans has no ; 1 fast speed : with cutting edge tech this iphone manager is able to transfer data at a speed of 20 megabits per second so even 100 4k photos can be transferred in 8 seconds! working as itunes alternative macx mediatrans is the fastest data transfer to backup your iphone ipad files free up more storage space before updating to new ios or change to a new iphoneno more erasing original data complicated operation awkward one way sync process or strict format limitation [...] macx mediatrans is the best solution to... Télécharger

  • Multimédia PhotoBulk for Mac  1.7
    • Ajouté le :01/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :01/08/2016
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Eltima Mac Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    PhotoBulk for Mac 1.7

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Photobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one goset watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayed [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / photobulk is an application for editing... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    PhotoBulk for Mac 1.7

    • Système d'exploitation :
    PhotoBulk for Mac  1.7
    • Ajouté le :01/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :01/08/2016
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Eltima Mac Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Photobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one goset watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayed [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / photobulk is an application for editing... Télécharger

  • Multimédia WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speed 12.0
    • Ajouté le :10/05/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/11/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JennyT
    • Langue :Anglais

    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speed 12.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programmain features are as follows [...] support hardware encoding inter qsv nvidia nvenc , up to 30x faster video conversion speed than the previous version / decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video filedvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you back up a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes [...] this is the real no , 1 speed / all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as the original | flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc ; you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile : update: fix some bugsfixed an issue with video_ts ripping [...] wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speed 12.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speed 12.0
    • Ajouté le :10/05/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/11/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JennyT
    • Langue :Anglais

    Wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programmain features are as follows [...] support hardware encoding inter qsv nvidia nvenc , up to 30x faster video conversion speed than the previous version / decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video filedvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you back up a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes [...] this is the real no , 1 speed / all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as the original | flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc ; you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile : update: fix some bugsfixed an issue with video_ts ripping [...] wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    The more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to bootso if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol [...] sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows , by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer / you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations | it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor ; with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startup : when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows the more applications are set to automatically... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    The more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to bootso if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol [...] sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows , by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer / you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations | it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor ; with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startup : when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows the more applications are set to automatically... Télécharger

  • Bureautique PDF Converter for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Vivid Document Imaging Technologies
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Converter for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Convert adobe pdf files of all versions to other file formats with rich settingsthe target formats include plain text file txt windows bitmap bmp portable network graphics png jpeg format jpg gif format gif encapsulated postscript eps windows meta file wmf enhanced meta file emf and tiff file format tif [...] you can choose single mode for conversion of pdf file one by one or batch mode for conversion of several files all at once , all you need to do is simply reading explicative texts making some clicks with your mouse buttons and pressing next button / extraction of text and graphics from pdf files with the aid of the pdf converter for windows 10 can be as easy as abc | just choose web pages with images ; htm : html as the output option and you will be able to turn text and graphics into web pages for further editsconversion between different versions for pdf files is also supported which means you can easily upgrade or downgrade any pdf file to pdf version 1 [...] 0 adobe acrobat 1 , x 1 / 1 adobe acrobat 2 | ; 2 adobe acrobat 3 : 3 adobe acrobat 4 [...] , 4 adobe acrobat 5 / | 5 adobe acrobat 6 ; : 6 adobe acrobat 7x and 1 [...] 7 adobe acrobat 8 x 9 , x 10 / x iso 32000 standard | convert adobe pdf files of all versions to... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    PDF Converter for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF Converter for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Vivid Document Imaging Technologies
    • Langue :Multi

    Convert adobe pdf files of all versions to other file formats with rich settingsthe target formats include plain text file txt windows bitmap bmp portable network graphics png jpeg format jpg gif format gif encapsulated postscript eps windows meta file wmf enhanced meta file emf and tiff file format tif [...] you can choose single mode for conversion of pdf file one by one or batch mode for conversion of several files all at once , all you need to do is simply reading explicative texts making some clicks with your mouse buttons and pressing next button / extraction of text and graphics from pdf files with the aid of the pdf converter for windows 10 can be as easy as abc | just choose web pages with images ; htm : html as the output option and you will be able to turn text and graphics into web pages for further editsconversion between different versions for pdf files is also supported which means you can easily upgrade or downgrade any pdf file to pdf version 1 [...] 0 adobe acrobat 1 , x 1 / 1 adobe acrobat 2 | ; 2 adobe acrobat 3 : 3 adobe acrobat 4 [...] , 4 adobe acrobat 5 / | 5 adobe acrobat 6 ; : 6 adobe acrobat 7x and 1 [...] 7 adobe acrobat 8 x 9 , x 10 / x iso 32000 standard | convert adobe pdf files of all versions to... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Magic Word Recovery
    • Ajouté le :15/12/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :East Imperial Soft
    • Langue :Multi

    Magic Word Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Magic Word Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Magic Word Recovery
    • Ajouté le :15/12/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :East Imperial Soft
    • Langue :Multi

    Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020
    • Ajouté le :09/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2021
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :Tuxera Inc.
    • Langue :Multi

    Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020

    Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    This software allows you to write ntfs files from a mac computerby default mac operating systems provide read only access to ntfs partitions [...] the software has full support for os x high sierra , mac os x ne supporte pas l'ecriture a partir des volumes ntfs formates par microsoft windows pret a l'emploi / voici la solution | nous vous proposons tuxera ntfs pour mac notre logiciel de lecture/ecriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac ; tuxera ntfs pour mac offre une vitesse de transfert de donnees ntfs inegalee sur mac tout en protegeant vos donnees avec sa cache intelligente : le logiciel supporte toutes les versions de mac os x a partir 104 tiger y compris os x mavericks avec son noyau 64 bits il est livre aussi avec des fonctionnalites avancees exclusivement proposees par tuxera tels que le support des attributs etendus ntfs [...] tuxera ntfs pour mac est compatible avec la majorite de solutions de virtualisation et d'encryptage tels que parallels desktop ® vmware fusion ® et truecrypt , / this software allows you to write ntfs files... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020

    Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020
    • Ajouté le :09/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2021
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :Tuxera Inc.
    • Langue :Multi

    This software allows you to write ntfs files from a mac computerby default mac operating systems provide read only access to ntfs partitions [...] the software has full support for os x high sierra , mac os x ne supporte pas l'ecriture a partir des volumes ntfs formates par microsoft windows pret a l'emploi / voici la solution | nous vous proposons tuxera ntfs pour mac notre logiciel de lecture/ecriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac ; tuxera ntfs pour mac offre une vitesse de transfert de donnees ntfs inegalee sur mac tout en protegeant vos donnees avec sa cache intelligente : le logiciel supporte toutes les versions de mac os x a partir 104 tiger y compris os x mavericks avec son noyau 64 bits il est livre aussi avec des fonctionnalites avancees exclusivement proposees par tuxera tels que le support des attributs etendus ntfs [...] tuxera ntfs pour mac est compatible avec la majorite de solutions de virtualisation et d'encryptage tels que parallels desktop ® vmware fusion ® et truecrypt , / this software allows you to write ntfs files... Télécharger

  • Internet ECTmorse
    • Ajouté le :18/07/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program designed to emulate the morse telegraph and help sufferers of various forms of paralysis and other disabilities by allowing them to type using the universal language of morse codethe program may be used on nearly any pc or laptop because of its low system requirements [...] even most older and low end computers should be able to run ectmorse , ectmorse is easy to use as well / all it takes is the pressing of a single key and ectmorse can enable the user access to any letter or symbol needed to type | the typed characters are displayed in the program ; this ensures that the user may review their work and edit it to their individual needs : beyond the ease of use and language options nearly every aspect of ectmorse can be customized in order to better fit the needs of the userthis can include anything such the key pressure time for writing dots and dashes allowing the user to write at their own pace or even fully customizable characters [...] work can be saved to a time stamped file allowing the user to see the evolution of the piece that is currently being typed over time , in addition to changing the settings the user can use hotkeys to increase the efficiency of the program / these are just a few of the many customization options available in the program that can be found in the user guide and site for ectmorse | ectmorse is incredibly portable ; there are no complicated installation processes so even the most novice of ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program... Télécharger

  • Internet


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :18/07/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi

    Ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program designed to emulate the morse telegraph and help sufferers of various forms of paralysis and other disabilities by allowing them to type using the universal language of morse codethe program may be used on nearly any pc or laptop because of its low system requirements [...] even most older and low end computers should be able to run ectmorse , ectmorse is easy to use as well / all it takes is the pressing of a single key and ectmorse can enable the user access to any letter or symbol needed to type | the typed characters are displayed in the program ; this ensures that the user may review their work and edit it to their individual needs : beyond the ease of use and language options nearly every aspect of ectmorse can be customized in order to better fit the needs of the userthis can include anything such the key pressure time for writing dots and dashes allowing the user to write at their own pace or even fully customizable characters [...] work can be saved to a time stamped file allowing the user to see the evolution of the piece that is currently being typed over time , in addition to changing the settings the user can use hotkeys to increase the efficiency of the program / these are just a few of the many customization options available in the program that can be found in the user guide and site for ectmorse | ectmorse is incredibly portable ; there are no complicated installation processes so even the most novice of ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program... Télécharger

  • Bureautique ECTkeyboard
    • Ajouté le :19/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical buttonthe program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking [...] it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills , the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user / ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator device | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and... Télécharger

  • Bureautique


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :19/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi

    Ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical buttonthe program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking [...] it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills , the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user / ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator device | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and... Télécharger