when a stranger calls

Chzo Mythos series

Chzo Mythos series
Une compilation des jeux d'aventure de ben "yathzee" croshaw qui oeuvre dans les jeux indés depuis longtempsau départ pensé comme une trilogie la série des mythes de chzo regroupe : 5 days a stranger special edition 7 days a skeptic special edition trilby's notes special edition the countdown inclus dans 6days_se [...] zip   1: the body   2: the soul   3: the mind 6 days a sacrifice special edition ettrilby: the art of theft , ces jeux d'aventure point'n click à part the art of theft qui est un jeu d'infiltration mettent généralement en scène trilby un gentleman cambrioleur qui est confronté à des situations mystérieuses et fantastiques / ces courtes aventures vous font toutefois voir du pays et surtout sont un bon prétexte pour se plonger dans un univers à part décalé et original | ; une compilation des jeux d'aventure de ben...Télécharger
  • Bureautique Attestation de déplacement international vers les collectivités d'outre-mer
    • Ajouté le :08/04/2020
    • Mis à jour le :08/04/2020
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :gouvernement.fr
    • Langue :Multi

    Attestation de déplacement international vers les collectivités d'outre-mer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Some travel even by air is sometimes necessary especially when returning homeface à la crise sanitaire covid 19 le gouvernement a décidé du confinement des français à compter du 17 mars 2020 [...] pour se déplacer ils doivent produire une attestation de déplacement dérogatoire dont le modèle a été mis en ligne sur le site du ministère de l'intérieur , certains déplacements même aériens sont parfois nécessaires surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de rentrer à son domicile / c'est pourquoi le gouvernement a mis en ligne le 7 avril 2020 trois nouvelles attestations spécifiques qui sont destinées aux voyageurs devant rentrer en france métropolitaine ou dans les collectivités d'outre mer | toucharger propose le document destiné aux voyageurs qui doivent partir d'un pays étranger pour se rendre vers une collectivité d'outre mer française ; il est téléchargeable au format pdf : il convient de l'imprimer ou de le recopier en indiquant précisément le motif du déplacement pour le présenter aux transporteurs et aux différents contrôlesles deux autres documents destinés aux voyages suivant sont disponibles sur toucharger : france métropolitaine > outre mer international > france le document est également some travel even by air is sometimes... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Attestation de déplacement international vers les collectivités d'outre-mer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Attestation de déplacement international vers les collectivités d'outre-mer
    • Ajouté le :08/04/2020
    • Mis à jour le :08/04/2020
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :gouvernement.fr
    • Langue :Multi

    Some travel even by air is sometimes necessary especially when returning homeface à la crise sanitaire covid 19 le gouvernement a décidé du confinement des français à compter du 17 mars 2020 [...] pour se déplacer ils doivent produire une attestation de déplacement dérogatoire dont le modèle a été mis en ligne sur le site du ministère de l'intérieur , certains déplacements même aériens sont parfois nécessaires surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de rentrer à son domicile / c'est pourquoi le gouvernement a mis en ligne le 7 avril 2020 trois nouvelles attestations spécifiques qui sont destinées aux voyageurs devant rentrer en france métropolitaine ou dans les collectivités d'outre mer | toucharger propose le document destiné aux voyageurs qui doivent partir d'un pays étranger pour se rendre vers une collectivité d'outre mer française ; il est téléchargeable au format pdf : il convient de l'imprimer ou de le recopier en indiquant précisément le motif du déplacement pour le présenter aux transporteurs et aux différents contrôlesles deux autres documents destinés aux voyages suivant sont disponibles sur toucharger : france métropolitaine > outre mer international > france le document est également some travel even by air is sometimes... Télécharger

  • Bureautique Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire de la France métropolitaine vers l'Outre-mer
    • Ajouté le :08/04/2020
    • Mis à jour le :08/04/2020
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :gouvernement.fr
    • Langue :Multi

    Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire de la France métropolitaine vers l'Outre-mer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    But some travel even by air is sometimes necessary especially when it is necessary to return homedepuis le 17 mars 2020 la population française est confinée [...] pour se déplacer les français doivent produire une attestation de déplacement dérogatoire dont le modèle a été mis en ligne sur le site du ministère de l'intérieur , mais certains déplacements même aériens sont parfois nécessaires surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de rentrer à la maison / c'est pourquoi le gouvernement a mis en ligne le 7 avril 2020 trois nouvelles attestations destinées aux voyageurs souhaitant rentrer en france métropolitaine ou dans les collectivités d'outre mer | toucharger vous propose le document officiel destiné aux voyageurs qui doivent partir de la france métropolitaine pour se rendre vers une collectivité d'outre mer ; il est téléchargeable au format pdf : il convient de l'imprimer ou de le recopier en spécifiant le motif correspondant pour le présenter aux transporteurs et aux forces de l'ordre aux différents contrôlesle document est également téléchargeable en version anglaise [...] *** since 17 march 2020 the french population has been confined , in order to travel the french must produce a certificate of derogatory travel the model of which has been put online on the but some travel even by air is sometimes... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire de la France métropolitaine vers l'Outre-mer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire de la France métropolitaine vers l'Outre-mer
    • Ajouté le :08/04/2020
    • Mis à jour le :08/04/2020
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :gouvernement.fr
    • Langue :Multi

    But some travel even by air is sometimes necessary especially when it is necessary to return homedepuis le 17 mars 2020 la population française est confinée [...] pour se déplacer les français doivent produire une attestation de déplacement dérogatoire dont le modèle a été mis en ligne sur le site du ministère de l'intérieur , mais certains déplacements même aériens sont parfois nécessaires surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de rentrer à la maison / c'est pourquoi le gouvernement a mis en ligne le 7 avril 2020 trois nouvelles attestations destinées aux voyageurs souhaitant rentrer en france métropolitaine ou dans les collectivités d'outre mer | toucharger vous propose le document officiel destiné aux voyageurs qui doivent partir de la france métropolitaine pour se rendre vers une collectivité d'outre mer ; il est téléchargeable au format pdf : il convient de l'imprimer ou de le recopier en spécifiant le motif correspondant pour le présenter aux transporteurs et aux forces de l'ordre aux différents contrôlesle document est également téléchargeable en version anglaise [...] *** since 17 march 2020 the french population has been confined , in order to travel the french must produce a certificate of derogatory travel the model of which has been put online on the but some travel even by air is sometimes... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls
    • Ajouté le :15/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :27/10/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Ownage Labs
    • Langue :Français

    Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls

    Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Dans les lignes qui suivent vous allez découvrir l'essentiel de ce que vous devez savoir sur ownage pranks real prank calls avant de lancer l'installationownage pranks real prank calls est le fruit du travail de ownage labs [...] si vous souhaitez l’installer sur votre téléphone android vous aurez besoin de la version 4 , 1 de l'os / les utilisateurs ont évalué la pertinence du produit et lui ont attribué la note de 3 9 sur 5 | vous l'aurez compris ownage pranks real prank calls est un programme qui s’adresse à tous les utilisateurs d'android ; pour la télécharger cliquez sur le lien plus bas : cette application a été assez bien reçue par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont installée lui ont donné la note de 3 9une performance qui on l’espère ne va pas s’arrêter rapidement! vous pensez que cette appli est faite pour vous ? avant de la télécharger nous préférons vous prévenir : elle est classée niveau 2 [...] pour être clair attendez vous à tomber sur du contenu choquant , vous l’aurez compris il vaut mieux éviter de laisser des enfant utiliser cette appli / des milliers de personnes ont évalué ce programme comme le prouve ce nombre : 4839 votes | un succès relatif qui pourrait s’accentuer d’ici quelques semaines ; si vous cherchiez une application populaire dans la sous catégorie "divertissement" on peut dire que vous êtes au bon endroit : ce programme devrait certainement répondre à vos attentespour dans les lignes qui suivent vous allez... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls

    Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Ownage Pranks Real Prank Calls
    • Ajouté le :15/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :27/10/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Ownage Labs
    • Langue :Français

    Dans les lignes qui suivent vous allez découvrir l'essentiel de ce que vous devez savoir sur ownage pranks real prank calls avant de lancer l'installationownage pranks real prank calls est le fruit du travail de ownage labs [...] si vous souhaitez l’installer sur votre téléphone android vous aurez besoin de la version 4 , 1 de l'os / les utilisateurs ont évalué la pertinence du produit et lui ont attribué la note de 3 9 sur 5 | vous l'aurez compris ownage pranks real prank calls est un programme qui s’adresse à tous les utilisateurs d'android ; pour la télécharger cliquez sur le lien plus bas : cette application a été assez bien reçue par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont installée lui ont donné la note de 3 9une performance qui on l’espère ne va pas s’arrêter rapidement! vous pensez que cette appli est faite pour vous ? avant de la télécharger nous préférons vous prévenir : elle est classée niveau 2 [...] pour être clair attendez vous à tomber sur du contenu choquant , vous l’aurez compris il vaut mieux éviter de laisser des enfant utiliser cette appli / des milliers de personnes ont évalué ce programme comme le prouve ce nombre : 4839 votes | un succès relatif qui pourrait s’accentuer d’ici quelques semaines ; si vous cherchiez une application populaire dans la sous catégorie "divertissement" on peut dire que vous êtes au bon endroit : ce programme devrait certainement répondre à vos attentespour dans les lignes qui suivent vous allez... Télécharger

  • Bureautique Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more
    • Ajouté le :04/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/05/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :97 Technologies
    • Langue :Français

    Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more

    Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Programmée par 97 technologies free phone tracker monitor calls texts & more est classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires"elle peut être installée sur mobile directement depuis la boutique d'application de google [...] avant d'aller plus loin découvrez ces renseignements spécifiques : les utilisateurs de produits android en manque d'applications de type "utilitaires" sont tombés sur la bonne page car free phone tracker monitor calls texts & more va répondre à toutes leurs demandes , détail supplémentaire concernant ce programme : sa dernière mise à jour date du 04 août 2017 / 97 technologies est à l’origine de cette application | ce produit a obtenu une note plutôt encourageante : 4 1 étoiles ; les utilisateurs ont apparemment apprécié la qualité du travail de 97 technologies nous espérons donc qu'il en sera de même pour vous ! depuis sa sortie sur la marketplace de google le créateur de ce programme n'a pas arrêté de travailler sur son app : pour preuve la dernière actualisation date du 04 août 2017cette app qui a récolté 1043 votes depuis sa dernière mise à jour n’est pour l’instant pas encore incontournable sur android mais on note malgré tout une belle progression qui pourrait intéresser de programmée par 97 technologies free phone... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more

    Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Free Phone Tracker - Monitor calls, texts & more
    • Ajouté le :04/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/05/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :97 Technologies
    • Langue :Français

    Programmée par 97 technologies free phone tracker monitor calls texts & more est classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires"elle peut être installée sur mobile directement depuis la boutique d'application de google [...] avant d'aller plus loin découvrez ces renseignements spécifiques : les utilisateurs de produits android en manque d'applications de type "utilitaires" sont tombés sur la bonne page car free phone tracker monitor calls texts & more va répondre à toutes leurs demandes , détail supplémentaire concernant ce programme : sa dernière mise à jour date du 04 août 2017 / 97 technologies est à l’origine de cette application | ce produit a obtenu une note plutôt encourageante : 4 1 étoiles ; les utilisateurs ont apparemment apprécié la qualité du travail de 97 technologies nous espérons donc qu'il en sera de même pour vous ! depuis sa sortie sur la marketplace de google le créateur de ce programme n'a pas arrêté de travailler sur son app : pour preuve la dernière actualisation date du 04 août 2017cette app qui a récolté 1043 votes depuis sa dernière mise à jour n’est pour l’instant pas encore incontournable sur android mais on note malgré tout une belle progression qui pourrait intéresser de programmée par 97 technologies free phone... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs Turkey calls
    • Ajouté le :04/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/05/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Vstd
    • Langue :Français

    Turkey calls

    Turkey calls
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez lancer l'installation de turkey calls sur votre appareil androidmais avant de faire cela il serait nous vous conseillons de regarder de plus près les informations suivantes [...] la mise à jour de cette application a eu lieu le 04 février 2017 , elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "divertissement" / l’éditeur qui a conçu ce programme est vstd | comme de nombreuses applications sur google play turkey calls n’enregistre pas un très grand nombre de votes seulement 324 pour autant elle mérite qu’on y jette un coup d’œil ; les tablettes et smartphones les plus récents fonctionnent avec des versions android publiées après la version 2 : 3 qui est l’os mobile minimum pour installer ce programmela mise à jour est assez souvent exécutée par l’éditeur [...] n’hésitez pas à l’installer sans a priori , cette app se positionne en haut du tableau de la sous catégorie "divertissement" / ainsi avec une moyenne supérieure à 4 5/5 vous pouvez lancer le téléchargement sans peur | vous serez satisfait à coup sûr ! enfin aucune participation financière ne vous sera demandée pour pouvoir installer turkey calls sur votre appareil android ; si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    Turkey calls

    Turkey calls
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Turkey calls
    • Ajouté le :04/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :07/05/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Vstd
    • Langue :Français

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez lancer l'installation de turkey calls sur votre appareil androidmais avant de faire cela il serait nous vous conseillons de regarder de plus près les informations suivantes [...] la mise à jour de cette application a eu lieu le 04 février 2017 , elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "divertissement" / l’éditeur qui a conçu ce programme est vstd | comme de nombreuses applications sur google play turkey calls n’enregistre pas un très grand nombre de votes seulement 324 pour autant elle mérite qu’on y jette un coup d’œil ; les tablettes et smartphones les plus récents fonctionnent avec des versions android publiées après la version 2 : 3 qui est l’os mobile minimum pour installer ce programmela mise à jour est assez souvent exécutée par l’éditeur [...] n’hésitez pas à l’installer sans a priori , cette app se positionne en haut du tableau de la sous catégorie "divertissement" / ainsi avec une moyenne supérieure à 4 5/5 vous pouvez lancer le téléchargement sans peur | vous serez satisfait à coup sûr ! enfin aucune participation financière ne vous sera demandée pour pouvoir installer turkey calls sur votre appareil android ; si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Bureautique CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Add real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur ecrd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reports [...] just define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more , easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to / crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e | g ; 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on : and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinationsevent triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than date [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique add real time monitoring to your crystal... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    Add real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur ecrd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reports [...] just define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more , easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to / crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e | g ; 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on : and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinationsevent triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than date [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique add real time monitoring to your crystal... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Quiet notifications block unimportant notificationsthere are always many annoying notifications when we use the phonesuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big files : storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your devicemobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection service [...] automatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses quiet notifications block unimportant... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Quiet notifications block unimportant notificationsthere are always many annoying notifications when we use the phonesuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big files : storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your devicemobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection service [...] automatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses quiet notifications block unimportant... Télécharger

  • Jeux The Walking Dead Our World Android
    • Ajouté le :08/11/2017
    • Mis à jour le :12/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play,Freeware
    • Editeur :Next Game Oy
    • Langue :Anglais

    The Walking Dead Our World Android

    The Walking Dead Our World Android
    • Système d'exploitation :

    when does twd our world come out? the game will be available in the coming months but the official release date has not yet been announcedrrrr… arrrrrggg… rrrreuuh si vous êtes fan de l’univers de the walking dead vous ne pouvez pas passer à côté du phénomène our world [...] il s’agit tout simplement du premier jeu de la franchise supportant la réalité augmentée , the walking dead our world : le concept développé par next games déjà connu pour l’excellent the walking dead: no man’s land ce jeu vous emmène dans l’univers post apocalyptique de la série / votre mission principale si vous l’acceptez sera de dégommer du zombie à gogo | vous pourrez même recevoir un coup de main de vos héros favoris michonne rick ou daryl très bien modélisés d’après les premières vidéos gameplay ; twd our world sort quand ? le jeu est officiellement disponible depuis le 12 juillet 2018 et requiert l'installation du kit arcore de google pour fonctionner avec la réalité augmentée : le jeu sera proposé dans les prochains mois mais la date officielle de sortie n’a pas encore été dévoiléeil est également probable que next game en fasse un free to play [...] wait and see , vous pouvez when does twd our world come out? the game... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    The Walking Dead Our World Android

    The Walking Dead Our World Android
    • Système d'exploitation :
    The Walking Dead Our World Android
    • Ajouté le :08/11/2017
    • Mis à jour le :12/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play,Freeware
    • Editeur :Next Game Oy
    • Langue :Anglais

    when does twd our world come out? the game will be available in the coming months but the official release date has not yet been announcedrrrr… arrrrrggg… rrrreuuh si vous êtes fan de l’univers de the walking dead vous ne pouvez pas passer à côté du phénomène our world [...] il s’agit tout simplement du premier jeu de la franchise supportant la réalité augmentée , the walking dead our world : le concept développé par next games déjà connu pour l’excellent the walking dead: no man’s land ce jeu vous emmène dans l’univers post apocalyptique de la série / votre mission principale si vous l’acceptez sera de dégommer du zombie à gogo | vous pourrez même recevoir un coup de main de vos héros favoris michonne rick ou daryl très bien modélisés d’après les premières vidéos gameplay ; twd our world sort quand ? le jeu est officiellement disponible depuis le 12 juillet 2018 et requiert l'installation du kit arcore de google pour fonctionner avec la réalité augmentée : le jeu sera proposé dans les prochains mois mais la date officielle de sortie n’a pas encore été dévoiléeil est également probable que next game en fasse un free to play [...] wait and see , vous pouvez when does twd our world come out? the game... Télécharger

  • Jeux Stranger things : The game iOS
    • Ajouté le :04/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :04/10/2017
    • Editeur :BonusXP
    • Langue :Multi

    Stranger things : The game iOS

    Stranger things : The game iOS
    • Système d'exploitation :

    stranger things est à l’origine une série diffusée sur netflix mettant en scène des enfants partant à l’aventure pour retrouver leur ami disparu mystérieusement dans la petite ville d’hawkinsc’est tout ce que l’on peut vous dire pour ne pas vous spoiler [...] la série à succès dispose maintenant de son propre jeu éponyme dans lequel vous avez la possibilité d’incarner les petits héros , d’ailleurs pour résoudre les énigmes de ce rpg d’aventure au design rétro vous devrez faire appel aux capacités uniques des différents personnages / exemple: la batte de nancy ou le lance pierre de lucas | si vous avez aimé eleven et ses petits potes vous adorerez ce jeu qui rend hommage aux années 80 avec sa musique en 8 bits et ses séduisants pixels ; stranger things est à l’origine une série... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    Stranger things : The game iOS

    Stranger things : The game iOS
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Stranger things : The game iOS
    • Ajouté le :04/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :04/10/2017
    • Editeur :BonusXP
    • Langue :Multi

    stranger things est à l’origine une série diffusée sur netflix mettant en scène des enfants partant à l’aventure pour retrouver leur ami disparu mystérieusement dans la petite ville d’hawkinsc’est tout ce que l’on peut vous dire pour ne pas vous spoiler [...] la série à succès dispose maintenant de son propre jeu éponyme dans lequel vous avez la possibilité d’incarner les petits héros , d’ailleurs pour résoudre les énigmes de ce rpg d’aventure au design rétro vous devrez faire appel aux capacités uniques des différents personnages / exemple: la batte de nancy ou le lance pierre de lucas | si vous avez aimé eleven et ses petits potes vous adorerez ce jeu qui rend hommage aux années 80 avec sa musique en 8 bits et ses séduisants pixels ; stranger things est à l’origine une série... Télécharger

  • Jeux Stranger Things : The game Android
    • Ajouté le :04/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :27/08/2021
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Netflix
    • Langue :Multi

    Stranger Things : The game Android

    Stranger Things : The game Android
    • Système d'exploitation :

    stranger things dispose désormais de son propre jeula série à succès de netflix a été déclinée dans un jeu d’aventure sur mobile [...] le jeu rend comme la série éponyme hommage aux années 80 avec des graphismes rétro et une musique typique des jeux de l’époque , l’histoire se déroule en 1984 dans la petite ville d’hawkins / vous devrez explorer les lieux emblématiques de la série comme la forêt de mirkwood ou le laboratoire | stranger things: the game comporte des énigmes à résoudre grâce aux capacités uniques de nos héros ; lucas fera par exemple usage de son lance pierre et nancy de ses battes : chaque énigme vous rapportera des points sous forme de gaufres et de gnomes ainsi que des récompenses surprisesle jeu vous permet aussi de comparer votre classement avec vos amis sur les réseaux sociaux [...] stranger things dispose désormais de son... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    Stranger Things : The game Android

    Stranger Things : The game Android
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Stranger Things : The game Android
    • Ajouté le :04/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :27/08/2021
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Netflix
    • Langue :Multi

    stranger things dispose désormais de son propre jeula série à succès de netflix a été déclinée dans un jeu d’aventure sur mobile [...] le jeu rend comme la série éponyme hommage aux années 80 avec des graphismes rétro et une musique typique des jeux de l’époque , l’histoire se déroule en 1984 dans la petite ville d’hawkins / vous devrez explorer les lieux emblématiques de la série comme la forêt de mirkwood ou le laboratoire | stranger things: the game comporte des énigmes à résoudre grâce aux capacités uniques de nos héros ; lucas fera par exemple usage de son lance pierre et nancy de ses battes : chaque énigme vous rapportera des points sous forme de gaufres et de gnomes ainsi que des récompenses surprisesle jeu vous permet aussi de comparer votre classement avec vos amis sur les réseaux sociaux [...] stranger things dispose désormais de son... Télécharger

  • Multimédia WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0
    • Ajouté le :01/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/05/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Multi

    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Free hd video converter is a powerful and easy to use hd video conversion softwaremore iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone iphone iphone 6 more ipad pro ipad mini apple tv samsung galaxy series android smart curved 8k / 4k tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more [...] new pop devices are keeping added , this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed / what are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter hd other from converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technology optimization and sharp pictures | it completely calls out the avoids the disproportionation aspect ratio and dull color of the output image ; secondly it can let you extract audio tracks and any video : moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formatssuch as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more [...] in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software , like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; / free hd video converter is a powerful and easy... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0
    • Ajouté le :01/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/05/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Multi

    Free hd video converter is a powerful and easy to use hd video conversion softwaremore iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone iphone iphone 6 more ipad pro ipad mini apple tv samsung galaxy series android smart curved 8k / 4k tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more [...] new pop devices are keeping added , this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed / what are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter hd other from converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technology optimization and sharp pictures | it completely calls out the avoids the disproportionation aspect ratio and dull color of the output image ; secondly it can let you extract audio tracks and any video : moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formatssuch as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more [...] in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software , like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; / free hd video converter is a powerful and easy... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires CF Card Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2016
    • Mis à jour le :17/10/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :m4p-converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    CF Card Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    No matter how much you know about computer you would feel satisfied when using this sharewarecf card recovery is easy to use recovery software to recovers photos pictures video other files from cf card used in digital camera! mac cf card recovery professional is a super recovery tool for recovering lost data from sd card and other memory card [...] with its assistant there is no need to worry about the deleted photos pictures videos and important files , it can restore delete photos missing pictures formatted data and deleted files easily and securely / in addition it can support nearly all the mac card types and famous digital camera brands in the market | restore deleted lost formatted or corrupted photos pictures video and other files from various memory cards e ; g : compact flash sd card sdhc sim card memory sticks xd card and usb flash drivecompatible with pc and mac systems [...] cf card recovery has helped so many owners get their missing or corrupted files , have talked so much about this recovery tool then how to recover your deleted files from sd card and other memory card? the following steps is the guide to recover photos videos on card cf / step 1 first download and install cf card recovery on your computer | step 2 then connect your camera or card reader to your computer ; step 3 double click the cf card photos videos recovery and open it : step 4 connect the device and select the destination folderstep 5 scan and select the no matter how much you know about computer ... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    CF Card Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    CF Card Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2016
    • Mis à jour le :17/10/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :m4p-converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    No matter how much you know about computer you would feel satisfied when using this sharewarecf card recovery is easy to use recovery software to recovers photos pictures video other files from cf card used in digital camera! mac cf card recovery professional is a super recovery tool for recovering lost data from sd card and other memory card [...] with its assistant there is no need to worry about the deleted photos pictures videos and important files , it can restore delete photos missing pictures formatted data and deleted files easily and securely / in addition it can support nearly all the mac card types and famous digital camera brands in the market | restore deleted lost formatted or corrupted photos pictures video and other files from various memory cards e ; g : compact flash sd card sdhc sim card memory sticks xd card and usb flash drivecompatible with pc and mac systems [...] cf card recovery has helped so many owners get their missing or corrupted files , have talked so much about this recovery tool then how to recover your deleted files from sd card and other memory card? the following steps is the guide to recover photos videos on card cf / step 1 first download and install cf card recovery on your computer | step 2 then connect your camera or card reader to your computer ; step 3 double click the cf card photos videos recovery and open it : step 4 connect the device and select the destination folderstep 5 scan and select the no matter how much you know about computer ... Télécharger

  • Jeux Stranger Things
    • Ajouté le :30/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :30/08/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Anglais

    Stranger Things

    Stranger Things
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    stranger things a été le carton surprise de l'été pour netflixpas étonnant que des créateurs indépendants s'en soient inspirés pour pondre un jeu qui rend hommage à la série de la plus belel manière qui soit c'est à dire à travers un jeu d'aventure point'n click réminiscent des productions lucasart de l'époque [...] l'intrigue est calquée sur la série vous incarnez le shérif jim hopper menant l'enquête sur la disparition d'un garçon , la piste mène dans la forêt où une série d'indices laisse penser que les choses ne se sont pas déroulées naturellement / ce jeu très court a surtout été créé dans l'optique de vous faire découvrir cette très bonne série | stranger things a été le carton surprise de... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    Stranger Things

    Stranger Things
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Stranger Things
    • Ajouté le :30/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :30/08/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Anglais

    stranger things a été le carton surprise de l'été pour netflixpas étonnant que des créateurs indépendants s'en soient inspirés pour pondre un jeu qui rend hommage à la série de la plus belel manière qui soit c'est à dire à travers un jeu d'aventure point'n click réminiscent des productions lucasart de l'époque [...] l'intrigue est calquée sur la série vous incarnez le shérif jim hopper menant l'enquête sur la disparition d'un garçon , la piste mène dans la forêt où une série d'indices laisse penser que les choses ne se sont pas déroulées naturellement / ce jeu très court a surtout été créé dans l'optique de vous faire découvrir cette très bonne série | stranger things a été le carton surprise de... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player
    • Ajouté le :28/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Macgo
    • Langue :Multi

    Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    4? solved some old discs' "no sound when playback " problemmacgo windows blu ray player is a superior blu ray player that can bring you the most unforgettable blu ray experience on your pc [...] overview macgo windows blu ray player can satisfy just about every need you could possibly have in a blu ray player , it features a friendly user interface ultrafast loading and super high quality / besides that it perfectly supports blu ray dvd and any other media format that you want to play | it outputs video at up to 1080p high definition quality without loss of data and frame and allows full preservation of all audio tracks like dts 5 ; 1 dolby truehd audio etc : macgo windows blu ray player is really easy to operate [...] you can control almost everything on the main interface with your mouse , more settings can be done by right click on the interface while playing / or you can change preferences in the menu on the top of the interface | macgo windows blu ray player is the first blu ray player on windows and its uniqueness doesn not just end with that ; it can support any media format that you can possibly think of video audio even photos : also this brilliant blu ray player now supports dvd menu which make it really convenient to play movies and choose settingsusing the distinctive share function of this versatile blu ray player you can directly recommend the movie you're watching to all of your friends on facebook or twitter anywhere and anytime [...] what 4? solved some old discs' "no sound when... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player
    • Ajouté le :28/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Macgo
    • Langue :Multi

    4? solved some old discs' "no sound when playback " problemmacgo windows blu ray player is a superior blu ray player that can bring you the most unforgettable blu ray experience on your pc [...] overview macgo windows blu ray player can satisfy just about every need you could possibly have in a blu ray player , it features a friendly user interface ultrafast loading and super high quality / besides that it perfectly supports blu ray dvd and any other media format that you want to play | it outputs video at up to 1080p high definition quality without loss of data and frame and allows full preservation of all audio tracks like dts 5 ; 1 dolby truehd audio etc : macgo windows blu ray player is really easy to operate [...] you can control almost everything on the main interface with your mouse , more settings can be done by right click on the interface while playing / or you can change preferences in the menu on the top of the interface | macgo windows blu ray player is the first blu ray player on windows and its uniqueness doesn not just end with that ; it can support any media format that you can possibly think of video audio even photos : also this brilliant blu ray player now supports dvd menu which make it really convenient to play movies and choose settingsusing the distinctive share function of this versatile blu ray player you can directly recommend the movie you're watching to all of your friends on facebook or twitter anywhere and anytime [...] what 4? solved some old discs' "no sound when... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesthe more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to boot [...] so if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol , sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows / by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer | you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations ; it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor : with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startupyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows when you first start the sterjo startup patrol... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesthe more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to boot [...] so if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol , sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows / by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer | you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations ; it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor : with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startupyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows when you first start the sterjo startup patrol... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being usedever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for you [...] sterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords , just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds / the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc | and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network ; these are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective software : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi when launched the application instantly scans... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being usedever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for you [...] sterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords , just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds / the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc | and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network ; these are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective software : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi when launched the application instantly scans... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires ChrisPC Win Experience Index
    • Ajouté le :08/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/08/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Chris P.C. srl
    • Langue :Multi

    ChrisPC Win Experience Index

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    a higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score especially when performing more advanced and resource intensive taskschrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 8 [...] 1 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests , you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index / chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release | you want to have the latest windows version 8 ; 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 : totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 81 [...] chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 , / brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 | rate your computer on windows 8 ; 1 with 1 click : fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 [...] a higher base score generally means that your... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    ChrisPC Win Experience Index

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    ChrisPC Win Experience Index
    • Ajouté le :08/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/08/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Chris P.C. srl
    • Langue :Multi

    a higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score especially when performing more advanced and resource intensive taskschrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 8 [...] 1 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests , you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index / chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release | you want to have the latest windows version 8 ; 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 : totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 81 [...] chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 , / brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 | rate your computer on windows 8 ; 1 with 1 click : fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 [...] a higher base score generally means that your... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Win Spy Software Pro w Android Monitoring
    • Ajouté le :29/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Langue :Multi

    Win Spy Software Pro w Android Monitoring

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Win spy software is a complete stealth monitoring spy softwarewith win spy you can monitor your local pc or remote pc or any android device cell phone or tablet [...] win spy software will capture anything the user sees or types on local and remote pc , win spy includes remote install and realtime remote pc monitoring and android monitoring / with win spy software remote you can remotely monitor any computer as if you were sitting right in front of it | this feature will work even if remote pc is behind a firewall or router ; this feature will also allow you to watch what someone is doing on their pc in realtime : win spy software includes phone monitoringphone monitoring includes sim card undelete and android monitoring [...] sim card undelete will retrieve deleted messages on your sim card , android monitoring comes with the following functions monitor phone calls gps locations contact book sms geo fence installed apps phone videos enviroment recording phone call recording browser info notifications phone images whatapp skype gmail facebook info and screen shots / win spy software is a complete stealth... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Win Spy Software Pro w Android Monitoring

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Win Spy Software Pro w Android Monitoring
    • Ajouté le :29/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Langue :Multi

    Win spy software is a complete stealth monitoring spy softwarewith win spy you can monitor your local pc or remote pc or any android device cell phone or tablet [...] win spy software will capture anything the user sees or types on local and remote pc , win spy includes remote install and realtime remote pc monitoring and android monitoring / with win spy software remote you can remotely monitor any computer as if you were sitting right in front of it | this feature will work even if remote pc is behind a firewall or router ; this feature will also allow you to watch what someone is doing on their pc in realtime : win spy software includes phone monitoringphone monitoring includes sim card undelete and android monitoring [...] sim card undelete will retrieve deleted messages on your sim card , android monitoring comes with the following functions monitor phone calls gps locations contact book sms geo fence installed apps phone videos enviroment recording phone call recording browser info notifications phone images whatapp skype gmail facebook info and screen shots / win spy software is a complete stealth... Télécharger

  • Internet FTPGetter Professional
    • Ajouté le :07/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :FTPGetter Team
    • Langue :Multi

    FTPGetter Professional

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manuallythe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp client , normally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files / this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time | the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past ; the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetable [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 plus workers who need to stay abreast of the... Télécharger

  • Internet

    FTPGetter Professional

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    FTPGetter Professional
    • Ajouté le :07/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :FTPGetter Team
    • Langue :Multi

    Plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manuallythe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp client , normally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files / this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time | the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past ; the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetable [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 plus workers who need to stay abreast of the... Télécharger

  • Bureautique PDF Printer for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Alicia MARTINEZ
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Printer for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    when a user prints their document to pdf printer rather than sending the file to a laser jet or inkjet printer the software creates a pdf documentto an application the pdf printer for windows 10 looks like a printer and allows the application to write a document as a pdf document in the same way it would print the document to the printer [...] features: easily create adobe pdf documents easily create adobe pdf documents from microsoft word excel powerpoint access outlook project visio publisher internet explorer autocad lotus notes quark express xpress or any application that prints , convert e mail to adobe pdf files convert e mail in microsoft outlook outlook express or ibm lotus notes to adobe pdf documents by printing from within e mail message / archive web pages as adobe pdf files convert web pages to adobe pdf documents to easily archive or share | optimize adobe pdf output select from multiple quality settings for text and graphics to optimize pdf output for your intended purpose such as cmyk compliant output icc profiled output ; quickly regenerate a pdf file regenerate a pdf document by printing that document for your intended purpose : embed fonts of your choice automatic and manual settings for font embedding and subsettingto embed all fonts can be done with a click [...] apply passwords and assign permissions control access to and use of adobe pdf documents by applying password and assigning permissions to help restrict who can when a user prints their document to pdf... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    PDF Printer for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF Printer for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Alicia MARTINEZ
    • Langue :Multi

    when a user prints their document to pdf printer rather than sending the file to a laser jet or inkjet printer the software creates a pdf documentto an application the pdf printer for windows 10 looks like a printer and allows the application to write a document as a pdf document in the same way it would print the document to the printer [...] features: easily create adobe pdf documents easily create adobe pdf documents from microsoft word excel powerpoint access outlook project visio publisher internet explorer autocad lotus notes quark express xpress or any application that prints , convert e mail to adobe pdf files convert e mail in microsoft outlook outlook express or ibm lotus notes to adobe pdf documents by printing from within e mail message / archive web pages as adobe pdf files convert web pages to adobe pdf documents to easily archive or share | optimize adobe pdf output select from multiple quality settings for text and graphics to optimize pdf output for your intended purpose such as cmyk compliant output icc profiled output ; quickly regenerate a pdf file regenerate a pdf document by printing that document for your intended purpose : embed fonts of your choice automatic and manual settings for font embedding and subsettingto embed all fonts can be done with a click [...] apply passwords and assign permissions control access to and use of adobe pdf documents by applying password and assigning permissions to help restrict who can when a user prints their document to pdf... Télécharger

  • Bureautique PDF Preview for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Alicia MARTINEZ
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Preview for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Pdf preview features include preview pdf document pdf document can be previewed in thumbnail when it is not opened via the preview handler interface in microsoft windows 10by default windows 10 does not have the ability to preview pdf files like images in windows explorer or other apps like office 2013 [...] pdf preview allows pc users to preview pdf file in windows 10 without opening , this freeware tool installs pdf preview add in for windows explorer microsoft office and microsoft outlook and automatically configures itself to preview a pdf file in the preview pane of windows explorer or in the reading pane in outlook 2013 2010 2007 / once installed the application also shows a thumbnail preview for icons and also the icon changes to the one from pdf preview | however it cannot preview password protected pdf files ; this freeware program is specifically designed for windows 10 and works on both windows 10 64 bit and windows 32 bit systems : the software outperforms its peers both in speed and stabilitythumbnail pdf icon the icon of your pdf document is generated on the fly according to the content of the first page in your pdf document [...] support pdf files of all versions just install the software and it works with all versions of pdf files , fast display the preview thumbnail can be displayed instantly after you mouse click on it / high quality rendering pdf preview for windows 10 gives your pdf files a high quality preview thumbnail | work with 86 pdf preview features include preview pdf... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    PDF Preview for Windows 10

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF Preview for Windows 10
    • Ajouté le :07/01/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Alicia MARTINEZ
    • Langue :Multi

    Pdf preview features include preview pdf document pdf document can be previewed in thumbnail when it is not opened via the preview handler interface in microsoft windows 10by default windows 10 does not have the ability to preview pdf files like images in windows explorer or other apps like office 2013 [...] pdf preview allows pc users to preview pdf file in windows 10 without opening , this freeware tool installs pdf preview add in for windows explorer microsoft office and microsoft outlook and automatically configures itself to preview a pdf file in the preview pane of windows explorer or in the reading pane in outlook 2013 2010 2007 / once installed the application also shows a thumbnail preview for icons and also the icon changes to the one from pdf preview | however it cannot preview password protected pdf files ; this freeware program is specifically designed for windows 10 and works on both windows 10 64 bit and windows 32 bit systems : the software outperforms its peers both in speed and stabilitythumbnail pdf icon the icon of your pdf document is generated on the fly according to the content of the first page in your pdf document [...] support pdf files of all versions just install the software and it works with all versions of pdf files , fast display the preview thumbnail can be displayed instantly after you mouse click on it / high quality rendering pdf preview for windows 10 gives your pdf files a high quality preview thumbnail | work with 86 pdf preview features include preview pdf... Télécharger

  • Multimédia MagicScore Guitar
    • Ajouté le :03/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Maestro Music Software
    • Langue :Multi

    MagicScore Guitar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositionscompose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream about [...] whether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software , used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable / a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    MagicScore Guitar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    MagicScore Guitar
    • Ajouté le :03/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Maestro Music Software
    • Langue :Multi

    Magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositionscompose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream about [...] whether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software , used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable / a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for... Télécharger

  • Bureautique ECTkeyboard
    • Ajouté le :19/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator deviceectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical button [...] the program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking , it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills / the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard allows to enter text using... Télécharger

  • Bureautique


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :19/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :EyeComTec (LAZgroup S.A.)
    • Langue :Multi

    Ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator deviceectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical button [...] the program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking , it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills / the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard allows to enter text using... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires System Mechanic Trial 23
    • Ajouté le :21/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2023
    • Type :Freeware,Demo
    • Editeur :iolo technologies, LLC
    • Langue :Anglais

    System Mechanic Trial 23

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Internet connection repair: automatically heals broken and chronically unstable internet connections to get you back online and keep you connected when you most need to besystem mechanic free keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance features [...] using 7 safe and effective tools its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability , consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and running like new / system mechanic free delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes | startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start ; supercharges boot times and frees up resources for improved overall performance : memory mechanic: reclaims system ram orphaned by memory leaks and sloppy programs for improved system responsivenessoptimizes and defragments memory for snappier programs downloads and gaming experience [...] pc cleanup: performs a system wide scan for internet connection repair: automatically... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    System Mechanic Trial 23

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    System Mechanic Trial 23
    • Ajouté le :21/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2023
    • Type :Freeware,Demo
    • Editeur :iolo technologies, LLC
    • Langue :Anglais

    Internet connection repair: automatically heals broken and chronically unstable internet connections to get you back online and keep you connected when you most need to besystem mechanic free keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance features [...] using 7 safe and effective tools its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability , consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and running like new / system mechanic free delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes | startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start ; supercharges boot times and frees up resources for improved overall performance : memory mechanic: reclaims system ram orphaned by memory leaks and sloppy programs for improved system responsivenessoptimizes and defragments memory for snappier programs downloads and gaming experience [...] pc cleanup: performs a system wide scan for internet connection repair: automatically... Télécharger

  • Internet Elmedia Player PRO
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Eltima mac SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    Elmedia Player PRO

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    when you are downloading swf files you have a possibility to preview all external resources used by the swf animationwith elmedia player pro downloading youtube and other online videos was never easier [...] this essential youtube downloader for mac allows you to save videos from other services as well such as vimeo dailymotion metacafe and many more , all you need to do to have a video on your hard drive is to enter a url to the video select preferable video format and resolution and press download button / that's it! with elmedia youtube downloader you are able to extract mp3 files from the videos and save whole youtube playlist | it supports even downloading streaming videos broadcasted over rtmp and videos embedded via html5 ; you can download them along with the swf file if you wish or even download just the external resources without the initial swf : this versatile youtube downloader mac app also enables you to take snapshots of video frames or convert entire movies and videos into sets of snapshots save flash projector exe files as swf animations right on your macto get the pro version of elmedia player first download the free version and upgrade it to pro [...] when you are downloading swf files you have a... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Elmedia Player PRO

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Elmedia Player PRO
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Eltima mac SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    when you are downloading swf files you have a possibility to preview all external resources used by the swf animationwith elmedia player pro downloading youtube and other online videos was never easier [...] this essential youtube downloader for mac allows you to save videos from other services as well such as vimeo dailymotion metacafe and many more , all you need to do to have a video on your hard drive is to enter a url to the video select preferable video format and resolution and press download button / that's it! with elmedia youtube downloader you are able to extract mp3 files from the videos and save whole youtube playlist | it supports even downloading streaming videos broadcasted over rtmp and videos embedded via html5 ; you can download them along with the swf file if you wish or even download just the external resources without the initial swf : this versatile youtube downloader mac app also enables you to take snapshots of video frames or convert entire movies and videos into sets of snapshots save flash projector exe files as swf animations right on your macto get the pro version of elmedia player first download the free version and upgrade it to pro [...] when you are downloading swf files you have a... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Synchredible
    • Ajouté le :23/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :11/11/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :ASCOMP Software GmbH
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    This way large folders are synchronized in seconds! synchredible not only works when synchronizing files locally on your computer but also for synchronizing folders via an external network or when using a usb devicewhether it's an individual file or an entire drive synchredible will synchronize copy and save them for you [...] a software wizard will assist you to determine jobs that are either pre scheduled or to be done through a usb connection , this way you can keep your files in sync automatically! over the years our state of the art technology in synchredible has made copying files easy / it also makes matching your files a simple task while it automatically detects changes and synchronizes the most recently edited files safely and reliably! thanks to its advanced system for identifying similar files synchredible saves you time unedited files may be skipped if desired | whether you are matching data or simply backing up your files synchredible reliably transfers your files to any preferred location! ; this way large folders are synchronized in... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :23/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :11/11/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :ASCOMP Software GmbH
    • Langue :Multi

    This way large folders are synchronized in seconds! synchredible not only works when synchronizing files locally on your computer but also for synchronizing folders via an external network or when using a usb devicewhether it's an individual file or an entire drive synchredible will synchronize copy and save them for you [...] a software wizard will assist you to determine jobs that are either pre scheduled or to be done through a usb connection , this way you can keep your files in sync automatically! over the years our state of the art technology in synchredible has made copying files easy / it also makes matching your files a simple task while it automatically detects changes and synchronizes the most recently edited files safely and reliably! thanks to its advanced system for identifying similar files synchredible saves you time unedited files may be skipped if desired | whether you are matching data or simply backing up your files synchredible reliably transfers your files to any preferred location! ; this way large folders are synchronized in... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée SpyShelter Firewall
    • Ajouté le :22/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Editeur :Spyshelter
    • Langue :Multi

    SpyShelter Firewall

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    More sophisticated programs can capture everything a user sees on his screen when performing a screen capture: just the mere opening of a file can allow an information thief to steal your dataspyshelter anti keylogger can protect you against attacks that happen even when you do ordinary computer tasks like: typing into your computer getting screenshots opening files and visiting sites [...] you need the spyshelter firewall ! the internet is now a vital part of our personal and business lives , with increasing use of online systems cybercrime also has grown exponentially / information stealing software are produced regularly and are used by thieves to steal personal and business information | one of the most effective ways of stealing information is through a program that can easily be made to capture keystrokes ; this program captures everything that a user is doing keystrokes mouseclicks files opened and closed sites visited and network traffic : these sophisticated and dangerous programs are called keylogging programs eg [...] keyloggers key recorder keytrappers key capture programs etc , and they are developed continuously all over the world / the spyshelter monitors vulnerable and weak spots in your computer system to ensure that even the most advanced keyloggers are shut down even before these can launch a single dangerous attack against your computer | two way internet firewall: locks out hackers blocks intrusions provides incoming/outgoing network more sophisticated programs can capture... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    SpyShelter Firewall

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SpyShelter Firewall
    • Ajouté le :22/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Editeur :Spyshelter
    • Langue :Multi

    More sophisticated programs can capture everything a user sees on his screen when performing a screen capture: just the mere opening of a file can allow an information thief to steal your dataspyshelter anti keylogger can protect you against attacks that happen even when you do ordinary computer tasks like: typing into your computer getting screenshots opening files and visiting sites [...] you need the spyshelter firewall ! the internet is now a vital part of our personal and business lives , with increasing use of online systems cybercrime also has grown exponentially / information stealing software are produced regularly and are used by thieves to steal personal and business information | one of the most effective ways of stealing information is through a program that can easily be made to capture keystrokes ; this program captures everything that a user is doing keystrokes mouseclicks files opened and closed sites visited and network traffic : these sophisticated and dangerous programs are called keylogging programs eg [...] keyloggers key recorder keytrappers key capture programs etc , and they are developed continuously all over the world / the spyshelter monitors vulnerable and weak spots in your computer system to ensure that even the most advanced keyloggers are shut down even before these can launch a single dangerous attack against your computer | two way internet firewall: locks out hackers blocks intrusions provides incoming/outgoing network more sophisticated programs can capture... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Smart Driver Updater
    • Ajouté le :08/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Editeur :Smart PC Solutions
    • Langue :Multi

    Smart Driver Updater

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    when your drivers are managed properly your pc and hardware can show increased speed stability performance and new featuressmart driver updater provides the latest in automatic driver update technology making it easy for even the most novice computer user to manage their drivers [...] with just one click smart driver updater will search your entire computer and any associated hardware devices and recommend suitable driver updates , the programs extensive driver database contains thousands of product drivers which are constantly updated ensuring users only download the most up to date drivers / product drivers include networks printers monitors keyboards mice modems digital cameras sound cards video cards etc | with easy to follow steps smart driver updater will walk you through updating backing up restoring and deleting drivers ; hardware manufacturers are constantly improving their products and often release several driver updates a year : use smart driver updater's schedule feature to run automatic scans on a daily or weekly bases and you'll never have to worry about outdated drivers againregular scans with smart driver updater ensure that your system is always fully optimized for maximum performance [...] if you're upgrading your operating system or just need to reinstall windows smart driver updater can backup all the drivers on your pc or laptop compressing them to a zip file that is easy to export and reinstall , smart driver updater's backup and when your drivers are managed properly your pc... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Smart Driver Updater

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Smart Driver Updater
    • Ajouté le :08/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo,Shareware
    • Editeur :Smart PC Solutions
    • Langue :Multi

    when your drivers are managed properly your pc and hardware can show increased speed stability performance and new featuressmart driver updater provides the latest in automatic driver update technology making it easy for even the most novice computer user to manage their drivers [...] with just one click smart driver updater will search your entire computer and any associated hardware devices and recommend suitable driver updates , the programs extensive driver database contains thousands of product drivers which are constantly updated ensuring users only download the most up to date drivers / product drivers include networks printers monitors keyboards mice modems digital cameras sound cards video cards etc | with easy to follow steps smart driver updater will walk you through updating backing up restoring and deleting drivers ; hardware manufacturers are constantly improving their products and often release several driver updates a year : use smart driver updater's schedule feature to run automatic scans on a daily or weekly bases and you'll never have to worry about outdated drivers againregular scans with smart driver updater ensure that your system is always fully optimized for maximum performance [...] if you're upgrading your operating system or just need to reinstall windows smart driver updater can backup all the drivers on your pc or laptop compressing them to a zip file that is easy to export and reinstall , smart driver updater's backup and when your drivers are managed properly your pc... Télécharger

  • Programmation Penpot
    • Ajouté le :23/07/2024
    • Mis à jour le :23/07/2024
    • Type :Site
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Penpot traduit vos designs en code le produit final reflète fidèlement la vision initiale des designers sans travail supplémentairecréez des designs époustouflants concevez des visuels et des interfaces superbes [...] des composants interactifs aux polices personnalisées en passant par des mises en page réactives trouvez tout ce dont vous avez besoin dans un seul outil de design , designs réactifs révolutionnaires grâce à des fonctionnalités uniques disposition flex et grille concevez des mises en page flexibles capables de s'adapter à toutes les tailles / conformes aux standards css ces fonctionnalités simplifient le travail des développeurs | pas de transferts l'intégration des normes de code directement dans les capacités de design élimine les allers retours entre designers et développeurs ; prototypes interactifs créez des interactions riches : partagez et présentez vos propositions à votre équipe et aux autres parties prenantesvalidez vos designs grâce aux tests utilisateurs le tout dans un seul endroit [...] évoluez vos systèmes de design avec des composants et des tokens de design faites évoluer vos créations maintenez la cohérence et facilitez la collaboration entre designers et développeurs , tableaux blancs collaboratifs en temps réel penpot traduit vos designs en code le produit... Télécharger

  • Programmation


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :23/07/2024
    • Mis à jour le :23/07/2024
    • Type :Site
    • Langue :Multi

    Penpot traduit vos designs en code le produit final reflète fidèlement la vision initiale des designers sans travail supplémentairecréez des designs époustouflants concevez des visuels et des interfaces superbes [...] des composants interactifs aux polices personnalisées en passant par des mises en page réactives trouvez tout ce dont vous avez besoin dans un seul outil de design , designs réactifs révolutionnaires grâce à des fonctionnalités uniques disposition flex et grille concevez des mises en page flexibles capables de s'adapter à toutes les tailles / conformes aux standards css ces fonctionnalités simplifient le travail des développeurs | pas de transferts l'intégration des normes de code directement dans les capacités de design élimine les allers retours entre designers et développeurs ; prototypes interactifs créez des interactions riches : partagez et présentez vos propositions à votre équipe et aux autres parties prenantesvalidez vos designs grâce aux tests utilisateurs le tout dans un seul endroit [...] évoluez vos systèmes de design avec des composants et des tokens de design faites évoluer vos créations maintenez la cohérence et facilitez la collaboration entre designers et développeurs , tableaux blancs collaboratifs en temps réel penpot traduit vos designs en code le produit... Télécharger