secure it easy

Secure IT Encryption Software

Secure IT Encryption Software
secure it 2000 est transparent pour l'utilisateur final conçu pour lui cacher les complexités de la technologie de cryptagele logiciel combine la facilité d'utilisation avec une technologie de pointe pour assurer une sécurité totale avec une courbe d'apprentissage nulle et une commodité maximale [...] ce logiciel de cryptage puissant garantit qu'il est statistiquement impossible pour une personne non autorisée d'accéder aux données cryptées , secureit est très simple à utiliser / il comprend un clavier virtuel et une option de mode privilège qui peuvent contribuer à empêcher un enregistreur de frappe de capturer les frappes au clavier | aucun accès non autorisé aux données cryptées n'est possible en aucune circonstance c'est à dire qu'il n'y a pas de "portes dérobées" ; il assure le cryptage de tout type de fichier qu'il s'agisse d'un tableur d'un graphique ou d'un traitement de texte : le programme est rapide et nécessite relativement peu de ressources informatiques et peu de temps pour crypter les fichiersle logiciel offre un contrôle d'accès complet [...] le logiciel fonctionne sur tout type de support qu'il s'agisse d'un lecteur amovible clé usb ou de cd/dvd , le logiciel de cryptage de fichiers secureit a la capacité de générer des pièces jointes auto secure it 2000 est transparent pour...Télécharger
  • Sécurité & Vie privée Secure Eraser
    • Ajouté le :22/03/2013
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :ASCOMP Software GmbH
    • Langue :Multi

    Secure Eraser

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure eraser utilise la méthode la plus célèbre d'élimination définitive des données et écrase les informations sensibles de façon à s'assurer qu'elles ne pourront jamais être récupérées même avec un logiciel spécialisésecure eraser est conforme aux standards du ministère américain de la défense normes us dod 5220 [...] un fichier effacé de votre disque dur ne signifie pas qu'il est supprimé pour toujours , tant que l'information n'a pas été écrasée n'importe qui peut la restaurer à tout moment / cela devient problématique si l'ordinateur est revendu ou donné | les données sensibles sont réécrites jusqu'à 35 fois indépendamment du fait qu'elles soient des fichiers dossiers disques corbeille ou traces de navigation sur internet ; 22 me et u : sdod 5220 [...] 22 mece à la norme industrielle allemande et la norme gutmann peter 5220 , 22 mece / tous les suppressions sont enregistrés en détails sur demande de l'utilisateur | remarque : ce logiciel est gratuit uniquement pour les utilisations non commerciales ; secure eraser utilise la méthode la plus... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Secure Eraser

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Eraser
    • Ajouté le :22/03/2013
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :ASCOMP Software GmbH
    • Langue :Multi

    secure eraser utilise la méthode la plus célèbre d'élimination définitive des données et écrase les informations sensibles de façon à s'assurer qu'elles ne pourront jamais être récupérées même avec un logiciel spécialisésecure eraser est conforme aux standards du ministère américain de la défense normes us dod 5220 [...] un fichier effacé de votre disque dur ne signifie pas qu'il est supprimé pour toujours , tant que l'information n'a pas été écrasée n'importe qui peut la restaurer à tout moment / cela devient problématique si l'ordinateur est revendu ou donné | les données sensibles sont réécrites jusqu'à 35 fois indépendamment du fait qu'elles soient des fichiers dossiers disques corbeille ou traces de navigation sur internet ; 22 me et u : sdod 5220 [...] 22 mece à la norme industrielle allemande et la norme gutmann peter 5220 , 22 mece / tous les suppressions sont enregistrés en détails sur demande de l'utilisateur | remarque : ce logiciel est gratuit uniquement pour les utilisations non commerciales ; secure eraser utilise la méthode la plus... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Secure Random Password Generator
    • Ajouté le :24/03/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Lock Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Random Password Generator

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Définissez le nombre de mots de passe dont vous avez besoin secure password generator se charge du reste et trie ses propres résultats selon 4 niveaux de robustessegénérateur de mots de passe difficilement déchiffrables par les outils spécialisés [...] vous pouvez faire varier 3 paramètres dans les mots de passe en fonction par exemple de ce que vous demande l'éditeur d'un site internet : la longueur de 6 à 64 caractères et l'insertion de lettres minuscules majuscules ou les chiffres , cliquez sur celui ou ceux que vous voulez conserver et complétez la mini fiche explicative que vous gardez dans un répertoire protégé par le mot de passe général du programme / définissez le nombre de mots de passe dont... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Secure Random Password Generator

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Random Password Generator
    • Ajouté le :24/03/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Lock Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Définissez le nombre de mots de passe dont vous avez besoin secure password generator se charge du reste et trie ses propres résultats selon 4 niveaux de robustessegénérateur de mots de passe difficilement déchiffrables par les outils spécialisés [...] vous pouvez faire varier 3 paramètres dans les mots de passe en fonction par exemple de ce que vous demande l'éditeur d'un site internet : la longueur de 6 à 64 caractères et l'insertion de lettres minuscules majuscules ou les chiffres , cliquez sur celui ou ceux que vous voulez conserver et complétez la mini fiche explicative que vous gardez dans un répertoire protégé par le mot de passe général du programme / définissez le nombre de mots de passe dont... Télécharger

  • Bureautique Secure Eraser
    • Ajouté le :18/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :30/04/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Giuseppe Romano
    • Langue :Français

    Secure Eraser

    Secure Eraser
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Cette appli vous tape dans l’œil ? en premier lieu vous pouvez consulter ces quelques informations : giuseppe romano est l'éditeur de secure eraserenfin un détail important peut faire basculer le choix des utilisateurs vers secure eraser [...] autre détail relatif à ce produit : sa dernière mise à jour date du 18 mars 2017 , il s’agit de la version 1 / 2 | 5 de ce programme ; cette app ne fait pas partie au groupe des programmes les plus récents mais avec une mise à jour remontant pour la dernière fois au 18 mars 2017 elle reste toujours au goût du jour : concernant son fonctionnement avec votre appareil sachez que cette app fonctionne correctement avec android 23 [...] si toutefois vous pensez rencontrer des soucis techniques liées à cette caractéristique toucharger dispose de nombreuses alternatives qui peuvent vous intéresser , même si généralement on ne s’attarde pas sur les apps qui comptabilisent peu de votes sur la boutique d’apps de google 519 votes au total celle ci a sans doute ce qu’il faut pour séduire encore plus d’utilisateurs / en ce qui concerne sa classification nos sources nous indiquent que ce produit est tout public | vous n’avez donc aucune raison de ne pas la télécharger par peur de tomber sur du contenu violent ; l'appli est gratuite de quoi faire cogiter cette appli vous tape dans l’œil ? en premier... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Secure Eraser

    Secure Eraser
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Secure Eraser
    • Ajouté le :18/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :30/04/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Giuseppe Romano
    • Langue :Français

    Cette appli vous tape dans l’œil ? en premier lieu vous pouvez consulter ces quelques informations : giuseppe romano est l'éditeur de secure eraserenfin un détail important peut faire basculer le choix des utilisateurs vers secure eraser [...] autre détail relatif à ce produit : sa dernière mise à jour date du 18 mars 2017 , il s’agit de la version 1 / 2 | 5 de ce programme ; cette app ne fait pas partie au groupe des programmes les plus récents mais avec une mise à jour remontant pour la dernière fois au 18 mars 2017 elle reste toujours au goût du jour : concernant son fonctionnement avec votre appareil sachez que cette app fonctionne correctement avec android 23 [...] si toutefois vous pensez rencontrer des soucis techniques liées à cette caractéristique toucharger dispose de nombreuses alternatives qui peuvent vous intéresser , même si généralement on ne s’attarde pas sur les apps qui comptabilisent peu de votes sur la boutique d’apps de google 519 votes au total celle ci a sans doute ce qu’il faut pour séduire encore plus d’utilisateurs / en ce qui concerne sa classification nos sources nous indiquent que ce produit est tout public | vous n’avez donc aucune raison de ne pas la télécharger par peur de tomber sur du contenu violent ; l'appli est gratuite de quoi faire cogiter cette appli vous tape dans l’œil ? en premier... Télécharger

  • Bureautique Secure PDF Software
    • Ajouté le :12/01/2010
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :PDF Password Remover
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure PDF Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Logiciel de suppression des mots de passe et des restrictions de sécurité diverses dans les documents pdfil peut notamment désactiver l'interdiction d'imprimer de copier et d'éditer les fichiers [...] logiciel de suppression des mots de passe et... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Secure PDF Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure PDF Software
    • Ajouté le :12/01/2010
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :PDF Password Remover
    • Langue :Anglais

    Logiciel de suppression des mots de passe et des restrictions de sécurité diverses dans les documents pdfil peut notamment désactiver l'interdiction d'imprimer de copier et d'éditer les fichiers [...] logiciel de suppression des mots de passe et... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Secure Folder
    • Ajouté le :20/10/2010
    • Mis à jour le :01/02/2016
    • Type :Logiciel
    • Editeur :Secure Folder
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Folder

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure folder est un petit logiciel de sécurité facile à utiliser qui vous permet de masquer verrouiller et crypter des dossiers en utilisant l'algorithme de chiffrement aesprincipales fonctionnalités : programme gratuit sous licence libre [...] un nombre illimité de dossiers peut être protégé au même moment , 7 modes de protection disponibles : verrouiller masquer verrouiller et masquer crypter crypter et verrouiller masquer et crypter masquer + crypter + verrouiller / efface les dossiers des documents récemment utilisés | la suppression ou la désinstallation du programme ne permettent pas de découvrir les dossiers verrouillés ; intégration dans windows explorer : supporte le glisser et déposer secure folder est un petit logiciel de... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Secure Folder

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Folder
    • Ajouté le :20/10/2010
    • Mis à jour le :01/02/2016
    • Type :Logiciel
    • Editeur :Secure Folder
    • Langue :Anglais

    secure folder est un petit logiciel de sécurité facile à utiliser qui vous permet de masquer verrouiller et crypter des dossiers en utilisant l'algorithme de chiffrement aesprincipales fonctionnalités : programme gratuit sous licence libre [...] un nombre illimité de dossiers peut être protégé au même moment , 7 modes de protection disponibles : verrouiller masquer verrouiller et masquer crypter crypter et verrouiller masquer et crypter masquer + crypter + verrouiller / efface les dossiers des documents récemment utilisés | la suppression ou la désinstallation du programme ne permettent pas de découvrir les dossiers verrouillés ; intégration dans windows explorer : supporte le glisser et déposer secure folder est un petit logiciel de... Télécharger

  • Bureautique Secure Notes Organizer
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SecureAction Research
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Notes Organizer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Sno est un organiseur d'informations personnelles qui vous permet d'enregistrer toutes sortes d'éléments de façon hiérarchisée tels que des listes de tâches à effectuer des notes des contacts personnels etcil peut servir de journal intime et peut être protégé par un mot de passe [...] tous les documents produits peuvent être imprimés , sno est un organiseur d'informations... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    Secure Notes Organizer

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Notes Organizer
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SecureAction Research
    • Langue :Anglais

    Sno est un organiseur d'informations personnelles qui vous permet d'enregistrer toutes sortes d'éléments de façon hiérarchisée tels que des listes de tâches à effectuer des notes des contacts personnels etcil peut servir de journal intime et peut être protégé par un mot de passe [...] tous les documents produits peuvent être imprimés , sno est un organiseur d'informations... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Secure Image Pro
    • Ajouté le :30/10/2008
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Artistscope
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Image Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure image pro est un utilitaire très pratique pour protéger vos images haute qualité que vous ne souhaitez pas voir copiéesil permet la protection complète de vos images le clic droit et l'action "enregistrer l'image sous" sont désactivés [...] il encrypte les images jpg et gif , inclut un système de traitement par lots capable de traiter 1 000 images par minute / secure image pro est un utilitaire très... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Secure Image Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Image Pro
    • Ajouté le :30/10/2008
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Artistscope
    • Langue :Anglais

    secure image pro est un utilitaire très pratique pour protéger vos images haute qualité que vous ne souhaitez pas voir copiéesil permet la protection complète de vos images le clic droit et l'action "enregistrer l'image sous" sont désactivés [...] il encrypte les images jpg et gif , inclut un système de traitement par lots capable de traiter 1 000 images par minute / secure image pro est un utilitaire très... Télécharger

  • Internet Secure HTML Lock
    • Ajouté le :22/12/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Stefan Fahlberg
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure HTML Lock

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure html lock va vous aider à protéger vos pages web en les cryptant rendant toute copie du code source html impossiblesi vous êtes un concepteur web vous savez combien de temps d'énergie et d'argent sont nécessaires à la création de pages web uniques et professionnelles et vous savez également combien il est facile pour un utilisateur malhonnête de copier votre travail [...] c'est ce que l'on appelle le plagiat de site web , le texte ne peut plus être ni copié ni imprimé et ce à partir du navigateur ou du code source / le logiciel inclut également un outil de génération de popups de protection d'adresse email de protection de liens hypertextes et de protection d'une page avec un mot de passe | secure html lock va vous aider à protéger... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Secure HTML Lock

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure HTML Lock
    • Ajouté le :22/12/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Stefan Fahlberg
    • Langue :Anglais

    secure html lock va vous aider à protéger vos pages web en les cryptant rendant toute copie du code source html impossiblesi vous êtes un concepteur web vous savez combien de temps d'énergie et d'argent sont nécessaires à la création de pages web uniques et professionnelles et vous savez également combien il est facile pour un utilisateur malhonnête de copier votre travail [...] c'est ce que l'on appelle le plagiat de site web , le texte ne peut plus être ni copié ni imprimé et ce à partir du navigateur ou du code source / le logiciel inclut également un outil de génération de popups de protection d'adresse email de protection de liens hypertextes et de protection d'une page avec un mot de passe | secure html lock va vous aider à protéger... Télécharger

  • Internet Secure Network Chat
    • Ajouté le :28/09/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SecureAction Research
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Network Chat

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure network messenger snm est un programme de communication en réseau et en temps réel capable d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages et des fichiers d'un autre ordinateur sans utiliser de serveurs dédiésn'importe qui étant familier avec de tels programmes comme aol messenger irc ou encore icq comprendra immédiatement que secure network messenger est sécurisé [...] toutes les communications sont hautement sécurisées , tout le trafic entre les copies de snm est crypté par de robustes algorithmes / l'interface est conçue pour être très simple à utiliser | snm est particulièrement conçu pour fonctionner avec des réseaux de moyenne et grande taille mais il convient également pour les petits réseaux comprenant peu d'ordinateurs ; avec snm vos employés pourront communiquer sans quitter leur poste de travail : secure network messenger snm est un... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Secure Network Chat

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Network Chat
    • Ajouté le :28/09/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SecureAction Research
    • Langue :Anglais

    secure network messenger snm est un programme de communication en réseau et en temps réel capable d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages et des fichiers d'un autre ordinateur sans utiliser de serveurs dédiésn'importe qui étant familier avec de tels programmes comme aol messenger irc ou encore icq comprendra immédiatement que secure network messenger est sécurisé [...] toutes les communications sont hautement sécurisées , tout le trafic entre les copies de snm est crypté par de robustes algorithmes / l'interface est conçue pour être très simple à utiliser | snm est particulièrement conçu pour fonctionner avec des réseaux de moyenne et grande taille mais il convient également pour les petits réseaux comprenant peu d'ordinateurs ; avec snm vos employés pourront communiquer sans quitter leur poste de travail : secure network messenger snm est un... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Secure Folder Hider
    • Ajouté le :29/08/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Rebrand Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Folder Hider

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Un moyen rapide et facile pour protéger les données sensibles sur votre ordinateur des enfants employés ou hackersle programme masque les fichiers de votre choix afin qu'ils ne soient pas accessibles [...] ces derniers restent invisible même si l'option « afficher les fichiers cachés » de l'explorateur de windows est cochée , ils ne sont pas non plus visibles dans vos documents récemment ouverts / pour une sécurité accrue vous pouvez également définir un mot de passe pour l'accès aux fichiers | enfin le programme peut être lancé en mode discrétion afin que personne ne se doute de son existence ; un moyen rapide et facile pour protéger les... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Secure Folder Hider

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Folder Hider
    • Ajouté le :29/08/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Rebrand Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Un moyen rapide et facile pour protéger les données sensibles sur votre ordinateur des enfants employés ou hackersle programme masque les fichiers de votre choix afin qu'ils ne soient pas accessibles [...] ces derniers restent invisible même si l'option « afficher les fichiers cachés » de l'explorateur de windows est cochée , ils ne sont pas non plus visibles dans vos documents récemment ouverts / pour une sécurité accrue vous pouvez également définir un mot de passe pour l'accès aux fichiers | enfin le programme peut être lancé en mode discrétion afin que personne ne se doute de son existence ; un moyen rapide et facile pour protéger les... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Secure Storage Pro
    • Ajouté le :12/04/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Rayslab
    • Langue :Anglais

    Secure Storage Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure storage pro vous permet de créer un disque dur virtuel protégé des regards indiscrets par un cryptage haute performanceson utilisation est similaire à celle d'un disque normal vous pouvez y placer tous vos documents confidentiels [...] un mot de passe vous sera demandé pour accéder aux fichiers ainsi enregistrés , secure storage pro vous permet de créer un... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Secure Storage Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure Storage Pro
    • Ajouté le :12/04/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Rayslab
    • Langue :Anglais

    secure storage pro vous permet de créer un disque dur virtuel protégé des regards indiscrets par un cryptage haute performanceson utilisation est similaire à celle d'un disque normal vous pouvez y placer tous vos documents confidentiels [...] un mot de passe vous sera demandé pour accéder aux fichiers ainsi enregistrés , secure storage pro vous permet de créer un... Télécharger

  • Internet FlexiHub for Linux
    • Ajouté le :29/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :29/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    FlexiHub for Linux

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub is safe and secure thanks to 256 bit ssl encryptionflexihub is a software that enables you to access and manage usb devices remotely over network [...] thus for example you can send documents for a printout to your office printer while you are working from home or access the contents of a usb dongle attached to your colleague’s pc as long as you are in the network , flexihub works as a control panel for all shared usb devices in the network forming a hardware cloud accessible by network users / there is absolutely no difference whether the device you access is attached to your computer or another computer somewhere else | your shared device can be accessed and used by any flexihub user you invite ; using the app is really easy you first have to download and install it : flexihub consists of server and client parts: the former goes to a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and the latter – to computers that need access to these portsthe application will list all computers in the network as nodes and you will see usb devices attached to them [...] the app also displays information about devices’ types so it is easier for you to find the device you need to connect to , no unauthorized party can access your data / data traffic is reduced by flexihub via data compression | information for developers: flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions and distributed as part of them ; you can sign up sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub... Télécharger

  • Internet

    FlexiHub for Linux

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    FlexiHub for Linux
    • Ajouté le :29/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :29/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    Sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub is safe and secure thanks to 256 bit ssl encryptionflexihub is a software that enables you to access and manage usb devices remotely over network [...] thus for example you can send documents for a printout to your office printer while you are working from home or access the contents of a usb dongle attached to your colleague’s pc as long as you are in the network , flexihub works as a control panel for all shared usb devices in the network forming a hardware cloud accessible by network users / there is absolutely no difference whether the device you access is attached to your computer or another computer somewhere else | your shared device can be accessed and used by any flexihub user you invite ; using the app is really easy you first have to download and install it : flexihub consists of server and client parts: the former goes to a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and the latter – to computers that need access to these portsthe application will list all computers in the network as nodes and you will see usb devices attached to them [...] the app also displays information about devices’ types so it is easier for you to find the device you need to connect to , no unauthorized party can access your data / data traffic is reduced by flexihub via data compression | information for developers: flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions and distributed as part of them ; you can sign up sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub... Télécharger

  • Internet FlexiHub for Mac
    • Ajouté le :28/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    FlexiHub for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    The app is especially helpful in corporate environment where it is often required to share data in a fast efficient and secure waythe safety of your data is guaranteed by secure 256 bit ssl encryption you do not need to worry about your sensitive data being accessed by an unauthorized party [...] flexihub is a versatile software tool to access the contents and functionality of remote usb devices over network , with flexihub you can access and manage remote devices as if they were connected directly to your machine no matter where they are actually physically located next door or across the globe / the app forms a hardware cloud that has all devices connected to network computers via usb ports | the devices are listed along with their types so you can easily figure out what device you need to connect to a scanner a printer a usb dongle a camera etc ; flexihub users can also invite others to access and work with their shared devices : you can access a device share on a mac from windows machine and the other way roundby compressing data flexihub in effect reduces data traffic [...] this powerful application is also very easy to use all you have to do is to download and install flexihub: a server part on a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and a client part on computers that need access to the shared ports , once you share a usb device it becomes accessible to all authorized users in the network / flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions the app is especially helpful in corporate... Télécharger

  • Internet

    FlexiHub for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    FlexiHub for Mac
    • Ajouté le :28/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    The app is especially helpful in corporate environment where it is often required to share data in a fast efficient and secure waythe safety of your data is guaranteed by secure 256 bit ssl encryption you do not need to worry about your sensitive data being accessed by an unauthorized party [...] flexihub is a versatile software tool to access the contents and functionality of remote usb devices over network , with flexihub you can access and manage remote devices as if they were connected directly to your machine no matter where they are actually physically located next door or across the globe / the app forms a hardware cloud that has all devices connected to network computers via usb ports | the devices are listed along with their types so you can easily figure out what device you need to connect to a scanner a printer a usb dongle a camera etc ; flexihub users can also invite others to access and work with their shared devices : you can access a device share on a mac from windows machine and the other way roundby compressing data flexihub in effect reduces data traffic [...] this powerful application is also very easy to use all you have to do is to download and install flexihub: a server part on a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and a client part on computers that need access to the shared ports , once you share a usb device it becomes accessible to all authorized users in the network / flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions the app is especially helpful in corporate... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    These are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective softwareever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for you [...] sterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords , just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds / when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being used | the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc ; and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi these are the great features of this tool: ?... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    These are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective softwareever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for you [...] sterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords , just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds / when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being used | the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc ; and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi these are the great features of this tool: ?... Télécharger

  • Programmation jQuery Spell Check
    • Ajouté le :12/11/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Nanospell
    • Langue :Multi

    JQuery Spell Check

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    This makes jquery spell check ideal for use in an intarnet or secure login environment'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading spellchecker plugin for jquery flavor javascript from javascript spellcheck [...] com , the plug in provides an easy way to add spell check as you type scayt or spell checking dialog popup windows to any html web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jquery code / you can seen an example of jquery spell check and download it for free from http://www | javascriptspellcheck ; com/jquery spell check/ the spellcheck plugin can also be used to spellcheck rich/wysiwyg html editors such as tinymce and ckeditor : jquery spell check can also be used in 'abstract' as a behind the scenes spell checker for form processing or online word gamesjquery spell check is unique in that it does all of the spell checking its self [...] it runs using ajax behind teh scenes to avoid users having to download huge dictionary files , we have ajax handlers for asp vbscriupt php asp / net c# and vb | net ; and java : unlike other plugins we never send your data across the internet for remote processing on a 3rd party serverit can be installed on windows linux and osx just by uploading 1 folder into your website project [...] you can read the full guide at http://www , / com/jquery spell check/#tabs 3 users can also 'add' or 'learn' words just lke in microsoft word | these words are stored locally and affect only 1 user ; with advanced setup http://www : this makes jquery spell check ideal for use in... Télécharger

  • Programmation

    JQuery Spell Check

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    jQuery Spell Check
    • Ajouté le :12/11/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Nanospell
    • Langue :Multi

    This makes jquery spell check ideal for use in an intarnet or secure login environment'jquery spellcheck' is the industry leading spellchecker plugin for jquery flavor javascript from javascript spellcheck [...] com , the plug in provides an easy way to add spell check as you type scayt or spell checking dialog popup windows to any html web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jquery code / you can seen an example of jquery spell check and download it for free from http://www | javascriptspellcheck ; com/jquery spell check/ the spellcheck plugin can also be used to spellcheck rich/wysiwyg html editors such as tinymce and ckeditor : jquery spell check can also be used in 'abstract' as a behind the scenes spell checker for form processing or online word gamesjquery spell check is unique in that it does all of the spell checking its self [...] it runs using ajax behind teh scenes to avoid users having to download huge dictionary files , we have ajax handlers for asp vbscriupt php asp / net c# and vb | net ; and java : unlike other plugins we never send your data across the internet for remote processing on a 3rd party serverit can be installed on windows linux and osx just by uploading 1 folder into your website project [...] you can read the full guide at http://www , / com/jquery spell check/#tabs 3 users can also 'add' or 'learn' words just lke in microsoft word | these words are stored locally and affect only 1 user ; with advanced setup http://www : this makes jquery spell check ideal for use in... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Secure IT Encryption Software
    • Ajouté le :20/06/2012
    • Mis à jour le :25/08/2023
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Cypherix Encryption Software
    • Langue :Français

    Secure IT Encryption Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    secure it 2000 is transparent to the end user designed to hide the complexities of encryption technology from the end usercypherix's secureit file and folder encryption software is an easy to use feature packed program that protects all your files and folders using 448 bit strong blowfish encryption [...] it includes a powerful customizable file shredder , secureit file encryption software has the ability to generate self decrypting email attachments that allows the user to send encrypted/secure email to anyone the recipient need not have a copy of the program / this strong encryption software ensures that it is statistically impossible for an unauthorized person to access the encrypted data | it includes virtual keyboard and privilege mode option that can help to prevent a keylogger from capturing keystrokes ; secureit is so simple to use : sit 2000 is designed to meet the growing security and privacy needs of all computer usersthe software combines ease of use with state of the art technology to ensure total security with a zero learning curve and maximum convenience [...] the program is fast and requires relatively few computing resources and little time to encrypt files , the software provides full access control / secureit includes password strength and monitor meter which is useful in setting up effective and strong passwords | no unauthorized access to encrypted data is possible under any circumstances i ; e : there are no 'back doors'it ensures encryption of secure it 2000 is transparent to the end user ... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Secure IT Encryption Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Secure IT Encryption Software
    • Ajouté le :20/06/2012
    • Mis à jour le :25/08/2023
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Cypherix Encryption Software
    • Langue :Français

    secure it 2000 is transparent to the end user designed to hide the complexities of encryption technology from the end usercypherix's secureit file and folder encryption software is an easy to use feature packed program that protects all your files and folders using 448 bit strong blowfish encryption [...] it includes a powerful customizable file shredder , secureit file encryption software has the ability to generate self decrypting email attachments that allows the user to send encrypted/secure email to anyone the recipient need not have a copy of the program / this strong encryption software ensures that it is statistically impossible for an unauthorized person to access the encrypted data | it includes virtual keyboard and privilege mode option that can help to prevent a keylogger from capturing keystrokes ; secureit is so simple to use : sit 2000 is designed to meet the growing security and privacy needs of all computer usersthe software combines ease of use with state of the art technology to ensure total security with a zero learning curve and maximum convenience [...] the program is fast and requires relatively few computing resources and little time to encrypt files , the software provides full access control / secureit includes password strength and monitor meter which is useful in setting up effective and strong passwords | no unauthorized access to encrypted data is possible under any circumstances i ; e : there are no 'back doors'it ensures encryption of secure it 2000 is transparent to the end user ... Télécharger

  • Bureautique ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16
    • Ajouté le :09/09/2021
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2023
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :RamizKhan
    • Langue :Anglais

    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Activtrak captures user activity data in the digital workplace helping teams address security and compliance concerns while also identifying opportunities for greater engagement productivity and efficiencyunlike traditional uam providers that offer only a technical view of users activtrak delivers rich contextual user activity insights through the human vantage point [...] named pcmags editor's choice for employee monitoring activtrak is the only cloud based solution of its kind making it flexible affordable and easy to deploy across an entire organization , users are able to start analyzing data within minutes of signup / thousands of organizations worldwide use activtrak to: monitor remote workforces establish baselines and improve employee productivity identify users that may be either disengaged or creating security vulnerabilities and compliance risks alert and report on high risk behavior defend against data leakage of proprietary private and sensitive information to reduce security investigations time with rich forensics balance data security and compliance concerns with employee confidentiality and privacy considerationsthe aggregated data collected by activtrak quantifies employee productivity so employers and managers have the insight they need to improve employee performance as well as keep track of sensitive internal information and improve operational efficiency | the software is easy to install and the data is available within minutes with preset activtrak captures user activity data in the... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16

    • Système d'exploitation :
    ActivTrak for MacOS 8.2.18-6.16
    • Ajouté le :09/09/2021
    • Mis à jour le :28/10/2023
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :RamizKhan
    • Langue :Anglais

    Activtrak captures user activity data in the digital workplace helping teams address security and compliance concerns while also identifying opportunities for greater engagement productivity and efficiencyunlike traditional uam providers that offer only a technical view of users activtrak delivers rich contextual user activity insights through the human vantage point [...] named pcmags editor's choice for employee monitoring activtrak is the only cloud based solution of its kind making it flexible affordable and easy to deploy across an entire organization , users are able to start analyzing data within minutes of signup / thousands of organizations worldwide use activtrak to: monitor remote workforces establish baselines and improve employee productivity identify users that may be either disengaged or creating security vulnerabilities and compliance risks alert and report on high risk behavior defend against data leakage of proprietary private and sensitive information to reduce security investigations time with rich forensics balance data security and compliance concerns with employee confidentiality and privacy considerationsthe aggregated data collected by activtrak quantifies employee productivity so employers and managers have the insight they need to improve employee performance as well as keep track of sensitive internal information and improve operational efficiency | the software is easy to install and the data is available within minutes with preset activtrak captures user activity data in the... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Active@ Data Studio 24.0.0
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2019
    • Mis à jour le :07/02/2024
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :ActiveDataStudioToolsActiveDataS
    • Langue :Anglais

    Active@ Data Studio 24.0.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Avec active@ data vous pouvez alors démarrer votre ordinateur dual boot dans un environnement dos ou windowscela vous permet également d'accéder à votre ordinateur même si windows ne démarre pas [...] vous pourrez utiliser les applications incluses pour gérer vos données effectuer des opérations de récupération de données supprimer des fichiers en toute sécurité sauvegarder des données créer des images disque etc , active@ data studio offre une excellente opportunité d'économiser de l'argent sur vos utilitaires de disque puisqu'il inclut tous les outils principaux de la gamme active@ dans un seul package pratique plutôt que d'avoir à acheter chaque application séparément / parmi les fonctionnalités supplémentaires on trouve un configurateur réseau un gestionnaire de fichiers un graveur de cd/dvd et un défragmenteur de disque parmi d'autres outils utiles | obtenez l'ensemble des utilitaires pour un prix généreux à l'adresse http://lsoft ; net/data studio : aspxpour en savoir plus sur le progiciel et chacun de ses composants cliquez ici [...] avec active@ data vous pouvez alors démarrer... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Active@ Data Studio 24.0.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Active@ Data Studio 24.0.0
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2019
    • Mis à jour le :07/02/2024
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :ActiveDataStudioToolsActiveDataS
    • Langue :Anglais

    Avec active@ data vous pouvez alors démarrer votre ordinateur dual boot dans un environnement dos ou windowscela vous permet également d'accéder à votre ordinateur même si windows ne démarre pas [...] vous pourrez utiliser les applications incluses pour gérer vos données effectuer des opérations de récupération de données supprimer des fichiers en toute sécurité sauvegarder des données créer des images disque etc , active@ data studio offre une excellente opportunité d'économiser de l'argent sur vos utilitaires de disque puisqu'il inclut tous les outils principaux de la gamme active@ dans un seul package pratique plutôt que d'avoir à acheter chaque application séparément / parmi les fonctionnalités supplémentaires on trouve un configurateur réseau un gestionnaire de fichiers un graveur de cd/dvd et un défragmenteur de disque parmi d'autres outils utiles | obtenez l'ensemble des utilitaires pour un prix généreux à l'adresse http://lsoft ; net/data studio : aspxpour en savoir plus sur le progiciel et chacun de ses composants cliquez ici [...] avec active@ data vous pouvez alors démarrer... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DesignEvo - Logo Maker
    • Ajouté le :30/07/2018
    • Mis à jour le :30/07/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Pearlmountainsoft
    • Langue :Multi

    DesignEvo - Logo Maker

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your handwith 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills [...] whether you are looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity , it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals / highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology | • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol ; • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles : • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork• adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic [...] • customize background with a solid color or add preset custom color to use , • undo / redo every step of your logo editing / • manage layers for the selected object move it forward or backward | • freely move resize and rotate any objects with your fingers ; • duplicate or delete any objects at will : • save your logo as designevo is an easy and fast app that lets... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DesignEvo - Logo Maker

    • Système d'exploitation :
    DesignEvo - Logo Maker
    • Ajouté le :30/07/2018
    • Mis à jour le :30/07/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Pearlmountainsoft
    • Langue :Multi

    Designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your handwith 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills [...] whether you are looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity , it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals / highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology | • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol ; • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles : • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork• adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic [...] • customize background with a solid color or add preset custom color to use , • undo / redo every step of your logo editing / • manage layers for the selected object move it forward or backward | • freely move resize and rotate any objects with your fingers ; • duplicate or delete any objects at will : • save your logo as designevo is an easy and fast app that lets... Télécharger

  • Multimédia WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
    • Ajouté le :16/05/2018
    • Mis à jour le :16/05/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :JennyT
    • Langue :Anglais

    WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photosbrief introduction if you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen [...] someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know , watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator / it can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use | our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc ; watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats : pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is freefast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine [...] add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you in 10 seconds , display exif information watermark software is an useful to understand exif information from your digital photos / watermark software provides these information to you include "camera name" "date time" "f nunber" etc | support all popular formats if you add different formats to watermark software will process them in function secure protection add text and... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
    • Ajouté le :16/05/2018
    • Mis à jour le :16/05/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :JennyT
    • Langue :Anglais

    Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photosbrief introduction if you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen [...] someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know , watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator / it can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use | our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc ; watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats : pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is freefast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine [...] add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you in 10 seconds , display exif information watermark software is an useful to understand exif information from your digital photos / watermark software provides these information to you include "camera name" "date time" "f nunber" etc | support all popular formats if you add different formats to watermark software will process them in function secure protection add text and... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Radmin VPN 1.0.3524
    • Ajouté le :01/02/2018
    • Mis à jour le :30/03/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Famatech Corp.
    • Langue :Multi

    Radmin VPN 1.0.3524

    Radmin VPN 1.0.3524
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    The program allows users to establish a secure connection between computers over the internet as if they were connected over a lan about famatech: famatech is the world’s leading developer of remote control software for desktop and server managementradmin vpn is a free and easy to use software product to create virtual private network vpn for different needs [...] famatech’s most popular product is radmin , the computer access solution that the company has developed and been continuously improving since its inception in 1999 have won multiple awards / radmin is widely used to provide technical support to users administer corporate networks and execute a wide range of tasks | famatech software is used by 40% of fortune 500 enterprises and by home users all around the world ; radmin by the numbers: 17 – years of the remote support software solutions market experience 18 – million of radmin users worldwide 27 – the number of languages spoken by radmin : the program allows users to establish a secure... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Radmin VPN 1.0.3524

    Radmin VPN 1.0.3524
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Radmin VPN 1.0.3524
    • Ajouté le :01/02/2018
    • Mis à jour le :30/03/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Famatech Corp.
    • Langue :Multi

    The program allows users to establish a secure connection between computers over the internet as if they were connected over a lan about famatech: famatech is the world’s leading developer of remote control software for desktop and server managementradmin vpn is a free and easy to use software product to create virtual private network vpn for different needs [...] famatech’s most popular product is radmin , the computer access solution that the company has developed and been continuously improving since its inception in 1999 have won multiple awards / radmin is widely used to provide technical support to users administer corporate networks and execute a wide range of tasks | famatech software is used by 40% of fortune 500 enterprises and by home users all around the world ; radmin by the numbers: 17 – years of the remote support software solutions market experience 18 – million of radmin users worldwide 27 – the number of languages spoken by radmin : the program allows users to establish a secure... Télécharger

  • Bureautique CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
    • Ajouté le :19/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/06/2019
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :MarketingChristianSteven
    • Langue :Anglais

    Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Mobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection servicesuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big files : storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your deviceautomatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses trojans vulnerabilities adware and spyware [...] block and remove malicious virus protect your device in real time , cpu mobile security & antivirus guard your... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Mobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection servicesuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big files : storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your deviceautomatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses trojans vulnerabilities adware and spyware [...] block and remove malicious virus protect your device in real time , cpu mobile security & antivirus guard your... Télécharger

  • Multimédia reaConverter Estándar
    • Ajouté le :03/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :reasoft
    • Langue :Multi

    ReaConverter Estándar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Reaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operationthe batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats [...] in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported , supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more / in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more | if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution ; the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operations : the function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlybeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can reaconverter is a powerful batch image... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    ReaConverter Estándar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    reaConverter Estándar
    • Ajouté le :03/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :reasoft
    • Langue :Multi

    Reaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operationthe batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats [...] in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported , supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more / in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more | if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution ; the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operations : the function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlybeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can reaconverter is a powerful batch image... Télécharger

  • Multimédia FotoJet Designer 1.1.0
    • Ajouté le :01/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :01/08/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Pearlmountainsoft
    • Langue :Français

    FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simplefotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever [...] it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks , it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use / it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced ; it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invations etc : simply click templateobject to adjust or replace italso you canmake a flip managelayers changeopacity replace text change fonts and etc [...] clipart provides shapes icons emoji and other objects in groups so that you can easily customize any art , you are allowed tochoose your colorscheme and artsy patternsin fotojet designer / resourceful fotojet designer helpsyou createprofessional & inspiring arts for your cards flyers invitations posters banners and whatnot | fast powerful and easy to use • thousands of templates and resources to choose from ; fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    FotoJet Designer 1.1.0
    • Ajouté le :01/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :01/08/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Pearlmountainsoft
    • Langue :Français

    Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simplefotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever [...] it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks , it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use / it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced ; it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invations etc : simply click templateobject to adjust or replace italso you canmake a flip managelayers changeopacity replace text change fonts and etc [...] clipart provides shapes icons emoji and other objects in groups so that you can easily customize any art , you are allowed tochoose your colorscheme and artsy patternsin fotojet designer / resourceful fotojet designer helpsyou createprofessional & inspiring arts for your cards flyers invitations posters banners and whatnot | fast powerful and easy to use • thousands of templates and resources to choose from ; fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design... Télécharger

  • Internet Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5
    • Ajouté le :16/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :22/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Tommy
    • Langue :Anglais

    Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    You are someone who needs to communicate with a large list of customers or subscribersemailsaler can simplify your e mail marketing campaign it allows you to easily design rich html emails send a personalized copy of your e mail to each address in your mailing list and each recipient sees only its own e mail adress [...] easy to use interface at emailsaler we understand that it is not necessary to acquire a degree in computer science before entering into email marketing , that's why we keep things very simple and simple / our software has one of the simplest and most user friendly interface for you to carry out your email marketing business without any difficulty | multiple task management emailsaler allows you to create multiple sending jobs simultaneously ; you can edit copy execute or stop a task at any time you want : it also allows you to monitor the progress of sending each task you can give your full attention to the task in front of youcustomizing email using e mail merge the rate of reading and opening e mails can be maximized if your customer sees his or her name or name in the subject line [...] the overall impact of your email can be even greater if you use the mail merge feature of our mass mailing software , you will never return anonymous mailing lists you will use your stored data to compose a very attractive and personalized email / automatic cancellation and rebound management the emailsaler bounce handler can automatically unsubscribe or delete you are someone who needs to communicate with... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5
    • Ajouté le :16/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :22/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Tommy
    • Langue :Anglais

    You are someone who needs to communicate with a large list of customers or subscribersemailsaler can simplify your e mail marketing campaign it allows you to easily design rich html emails send a personalized copy of your e mail to each address in your mailing list and each recipient sees only its own e mail adress [...] easy to use interface at emailsaler we understand that it is not necessary to acquire a degree in computer science before entering into email marketing , that's why we keep things very simple and simple / our software has one of the simplest and most user friendly interface for you to carry out your email marketing business without any difficulty | multiple task management emailsaler allows you to create multiple sending jobs simultaneously ; you can edit copy execute or stop a task at any time you want : it also allows you to monitor the progress of sending each task you can give your full attention to the task in front of youcustomizing email using e mail merge the rate of reading and opening e mails can be maximized if your customer sees his or her name or name in the subject line [...] the overall impact of your email can be even greater if you use the mail merge feature of our mass mailing software , you will never return anonymous mailing lists you will use your stored data to compose a very attractive and personalized email / automatic cancellation and rebound management the emailsaler bounce handler can automatically unsubscribe or delete you are someone who needs to communicate with... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion toolthis app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app [...] from there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as well , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :
    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    Pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion toolthis app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app [...] from there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as well , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art... Télécharger

  • Multimédia WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0
    • Ajouté le :01/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/05/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Multi

    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Free hd video converter is a powerful and easy to use hd video conversion softwaremore iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone iphone iphone 6 more ipad pro ipad mini apple tv samsung galaxy series android smart curved 8k / 4k tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more [...] new pop devices are keeping added , this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed / what are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter hd other from converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technology optimization and sharp pictures | it completely calls out the avoids the disproportionation aspect ratio and dull color of the output image ; secondly it can let you extract audio tracks and any video : moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formatssuch as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more [...] in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software , like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; / free hd video converter is a powerful and easy... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 9.0
    • Ajouté le :01/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :15/05/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :EchoW
    • Langue :Multi

    Free hd video converter is a powerful and easy to use hd video conversion softwaremore iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone iphone iphone 6 more ipad pro ipad mini apple tv samsung galaxy series android smart curved 8k / 4k tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more [...] new pop devices are keeping added , this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed / what are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter hd other from converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technology optimization and sharp pictures | it completely calls out the avoids the disproportionation aspect ratio and dull color of the output image ; secondly it can let you extract audio tracks and any video : moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formatssuch as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more [...] in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software , like merge multiple videos; trim and crop video; / free hd video converter is a powerful and easy... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DJ Mixer Express for Windows
    • Ajouté le :14/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :14/11/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :macdjmixer
    • Langue :Anglais

    DJ Mixer Express for Windows

    DJ Mixer Express for Windows
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros it offers a robust set of features yet remains easy to use and affordable for a wide audience of music fansdj mixer express has an easy to use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing automatic gain master tempo record mixes automatic beat and tempo detection allows you to easily match two songs for a perfect transition [...] control your mix with sample accurate cue points or continuously loop part of a song perfectly in sync with the beat , seamlessly integrates with your itunes mix all your favorite songs and video from itunes / simply drag and drop and get creative with your own music | it has ability to output full screen video mixes to external monitor ; dj mixer express offers high quality sound with support for all major audio and video formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 m4v mpg avi flv mov wkv wmv and so on : dj mixer express for windows is used around the world by beginners and bedroom djs alike made for windows dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DJ Mixer Express for Windows

    DJ Mixer Express for Windows
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    DJ Mixer Express for Windows
    • Ajouté le :14/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :14/11/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :macdjmixer
    • Langue :Anglais

    Dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros it offers a robust set of features yet remains easy to use and affordable for a wide audience of music fansdj mixer express has an easy to use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing automatic gain master tempo record mixes automatic beat and tempo detection allows you to easily match two songs for a perfect transition [...] control your mix with sample accurate cue points or continuously loop part of a song perfectly in sync with the beat , seamlessly integrates with your itunes mix all your favorite songs and video from itunes / simply drag and drop and get creative with your own music | it has ability to output full screen video mixes to external monitor ; dj mixer express offers high quality sound with support for all major audio and video formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 m4v mpg avi flv mov wkv wmv and so on : dj mixer express for windows is used around the world by beginners and bedroom djs alike made for windows dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for... Télécharger