script instant gagnant complet permettant de créer un site instant gagnant doté de nombreuses fonctionnalités côté membres et côté administrationcaractéristiques principales : affichage des jeux par catégories ou par listes affichage des jeux les plus joués et/ou les plus récents optimisation du référencement du site balise canonical url rewriting module vip pour fidéliser vos membres gestion des rangs et des privilèges parties gratuites… alertez automatiquement les membres par mail lorsqu'un lot est prêt à être gagné affichage d'un bandeau affichant derniers gagnants lots gagnés etc [...] gestion du compte de chaque membres affichage pour les membres du nombre de parties jouées de parties gratuites et du rang vip ajout de message dans le livre d’or du site validation automatique ou manuelle page de statistiques accessible aux membres présentant les jeux les plus joués le nombre de parties gratuites distribuées le nombre de membre etc , stockage des codes achetés sur le compte des membres affichage de la liste des derniers gagnants page gagnant et/ou bandeau défilant page de recommandation envoi de mail automatique aux contacts module facebook formulaire de contact console d'administration : statistiques des jeux instants gagnants statistiques script instant gagnant complet permettant de... Télécharger
script instant gagnant complet permettant de créer un site instant gagnant doté de nombreuses fonctionnalités côté membres et côté administrationcaractéristiques principales : affichage des jeux par catégories ou par listes affichage des jeux les plus joués et/ou les plus récents optimisation du référencement du site balise canonical url rewriting module vip pour fidéliser vos membres gestion des rangs et des privilèges parties gratuites… alertez automatiquement les membres par mail lorsqu'un lot est prêt à être gagné affichage d'un bandeau affichant derniers gagnants lots gagnés etc [...] gestion du compte de chaque membres affichage pour les membres du nombre de parties jouées de parties gratuites et du rang vip ajout de message dans le livre d’or du site validation automatique ou manuelle page de statistiques accessible aux membres présentant les jeux les plus joués le nombre de parties gratuites distribuées le nombre de membre etc , stockage des codes achetés sur le compte des membres affichage de la liste des derniers gagnants page gagnant et/ou bandeau défilant page de recommandation envoi de mail automatique aux contacts module facebook formulaire de contact console d'administration : statistiques des jeux instants gagnants statistiques script instant gagnant complet permettant de... Télécharger
script php qui permet la mise en place d'un service payant d'envoi de sms via allopassles utilisateurs peuvent créer leurs messages qui seront envoyés à la date et à l'heure de leur choix [...] script php qui permet la mise en place d'un... Télécharger
script php qui permet la mise en place d'un service payant d'envoi de sms via allopassles utilisateurs peuvent créer leurs messages qui seront envoyés à la date et à l'heure de leur choix [...] script php qui permet la mise en place d'un... Télécharger
script pag est un puissant script de petites annonces clés en maincréez votre site de petites annonces en quelques minutes et commencez à générer des revenus avec les différentes options payantes paramétrables : options visuelles paiement à l'annonce paiement à la modification paiement au renouvellement option photo payante option vidéo payante pack d'annonce abonnement de vitrine [...] avec son panel complet d'option d'administration vous pourrez adapter vos filtres à votre moteur de recherche ciblé propre à votre thématique éditer vos catégories installer votre site dans le pays de votre choix grâce à la multitude de map svg disponible gratuitement en téléchargement gérer vos factures activer vos solutions de paiement gérer vos clients et vos annonces créer des compte administration sur plusieurs niveau configurer votre site selon vos besoins et bien plus encore , script pag est un puissant script de petites... Télécharger
script pag est un puissant script de petites annonces clés en maincréez votre site de petites annonces en quelques minutes et commencez à générer des revenus avec les différentes options payantes paramétrables : options visuelles paiement à l'annonce paiement à la modification paiement au renouvellement option photo payante option vidéo payante pack d'annonce abonnement de vitrine [...] avec son panel complet d'option d'administration vous pourrez adapter vos filtres à votre moteur de recherche ciblé propre à votre thématique éditer vos catégories installer votre site dans le pays de votre choix grâce à la multitude de map svg disponible gratuitement en téléchargement gérer vos factures activer vos solutions de paiement gérer vos clients et vos annonces créer des compte administration sur plusieurs niveau configurer votre site selon vos besoins et bien plus encore , script pag est un puissant script de petites... Télécharger
Vous voulez que les visiteurs qui consultent votre site sachent le motif des travaux en cours ? grâce à ce script vous pourrez les informer de ce qui ce passe sur votre site vous voulez que les visiteurs qui consultent... Télécharger
Vous voulez que les visiteurs qui consultent votre site sachent le motif des travaux en cours ? grâce à ce script vous pourrez les informer de ce qui ce passe sur votre site vous voulez que les visiteurs qui consultent... Télécharger
script d'échange de liens en dur à validation automatique pour les webmasters qui veulent obtenir plus de liens retour pour leur site web script d'échange de liens en dur à... Télécharger
script d'échange de liens en dur à validation automatique pour les webmasters qui veulent obtenir plus de liens retour pour leur site web script d'échange de liens en dur à... Télécharger
script de sondage où un seul vote par personne est autorisé reconnaissance d'ip et où les résultats ne s'affichent qu'une fois que l'on a votépour plus de simplicité un formulaire est inclus pour la création d'un nouveau sondage [...] script de sondage où un seul vote par... Télécharger
script de sondage où un seul vote par personne est autorisé reconnaissance d'ip et où les résultats ne s'affichent qu'une fois que l'on a votépour plus de simplicité un formulaire est inclus pour la création d'un nouveau sondage [...] script de sondage où un seul vote par... Télécharger
script genie étend les capacités de microsoft word en vous permettant de gérer facilement vos scénarios de filmsles entêtes de scènes sont automatiquement formatées et vous pouvez facilement gérer les dialogues et autres éléments [...] l'arrangement final est facilité vous pouvez modifier l'ordre des scènes en toute simplicité , script genie étend les capacités de... Télécharger
script genie étend les capacités de microsoft word en vous permettant de gérer facilement vos scénarios de filmsles entêtes de scènes sont automatiquement formatées et vous pouvez facilement gérer les dialogues et autres éléments [...] l'arrangement final est facilité vous pouvez modifier l'ordre des scènes en toute simplicité , script genie étend les capacités de... Télécharger
Choisissez la piste vidéo et la piste audio dont vous avez besoin avec ce lecteur blu ray pour mac vous pouvez définir la piste de sous titres/le canal vidéo le plus approprié en cliquant sur vidéo dans la barre de menu de votre macvous pouvez profiter de tous les fichiers multimédia courants comme mp4 mov m4v mkv avi wmv ts mp3 etc [...] pour mac , fonctions principales : 1 / expérience d'utilisateur merveilleuse avaide blu ray player for mac est une application facile à utiliser vous pouvez facilement l'utiliser sans aucune confusion | 2 ; avaide blu ray player for mac vous permet de lire les disques blu ray/fichiers iso/dossiers avec une haute qualité sur mac : 3en outre il vous permet de lire des fichiers multimédia dans des formats tels que mp4 mts mkv avi flv mov wmv mp3 etc [...] de plus vous pouvez choisir la piste vidéo et la piste audio de votre choix pour lire votre film , 4 / lisez n'importe quelle vidéo comme mp4 mov wmv et ainsi de suite avaide blu ray player pour mac peut également lire diverses vidéos pour une meilleure expérience de visionnage | vous pouvez également cliquer sur audio dans la barre de menu pour choisir la piste audio/le canal audio que vous souhaitez ; lecture de tous les disques dossiers et fichiers iso blu ray sur mac ce lecteur blu ray pour mac vous permet de lire tous les disques blu ray les choisissez la piste vidéo et la piste audio... Télécharger
Choisissez la piste vidéo et la piste audio dont vous avez besoin avec ce lecteur blu ray pour mac vous pouvez définir la piste de sous titres/le canal vidéo le plus approprié en cliquant sur vidéo dans la barre de menu de votre macvous pouvez profiter de tous les fichiers multimédia courants comme mp4 mov m4v mkv avi wmv ts mp3 etc [...] pour mac , fonctions principales : 1 / expérience d'utilisateur merveilleuse avaide blu ray player for mac est une application facile à utiliser vous pouvez facilement l'utiliser sans aucune confusion | 2 ; avaide blu ray player for mac vous permet de lire les disques blu ray/fichiers iso/dossiers avec une haute qualité sur mac : 3en outre il vous permet de lire des fichiers multimédia dans des formats tels que mp4 mts mkv avi flv mov wmv mp3 etc [...] de plus vous pouvez choisir la piste vidéo et la piste audio de votre choix pour lire votre film , 4 / lisez n'importe quelle vidéo comme mp4 mov wmv et ainsi de suite avaide blu ray player pour mac peut également lire diverses vidéos pour une meilleure expérience de visionnage | vous pouvez également cliquer sur audio dans la barre de menu pour choisir la piste audio/le canal audio que vous souhaitez ; lecture de tous les disques dossiers et fichiers iso blu ray sur mac ce lecteur blu ray pour mac vous permet de lire tous les disques blu ray les choisissez la piste vidéo et la piste audio... Télécharger
La vitesse de conversion est 60x plus rapide et la sortie peut être de qualité cdvous pouvez l'utiliser pour un usage personnel en toute légalité [...] macsome audiobook converter for win est un convertisseur de livres audio audible puissant et facile à utiliser pour convertir des livres audio aa ou aax sur pc , c'est aussi un convertisseur / aa un convertisseur de livres audio en mp3 | ce convertisseur de livres audio pour win travaille avec audible et la technologie d'enregistrement du son pour convertir les livres audio ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de rester dans la légalité ; il convertit les livres audio en fichiers mp3 ou aac : pour la conversion par lots audio book converter vous permet de convertir des livres audio aa ou aax en fichiers mp3 ou aac non protégés avec les balises id préservées en même tempsil prend en charge la conversion des livres audio audible en m4a avec les chapitres conservés [...] la vitesse de conversion est 60x plus rapide ... Télécharger
La vitesse de conversion est 60x plus rapide et la sortie peut être de qualité cdvous pouvez l'utiliser pour un usage personnel en toute légalité [...] macsome audiobook converter for win est un convertisseur de livres audio audible puissant et facile à utiliser pour convertir des livres audio aa ou aax sur pc , c'est aussi un convertisseur / aa un convertisseur de livres audio en mp3 | ce convertisseur de livres audio pour win travaille avec audible et la technologie d'enregistrement du son pour convertir les livres audio ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de rester dans la légalité ; il convertit les livres audio en fichiers mp3 ou aac : pour la conversion par lots audio book converter vous permet de convertir des livres audio aa ou aax en fichiers mp3 ou aac non protégés avec les balises id préservées en même tempsil prend en charge la conversion des livres audio audible en m4a avec les chapitres conservés [...] la vitesse de conversion est 60x plus rapide ... Télécharger
Vous cherchez une app dans la veine de answers for apensar nous vous proposons de découvrir dès aujourd’hui word searchcette app est téléchargeable en version 1 [...] 3 , 1026 depuis le 21 février 2017 / disponible sur le play store cette app a déjà été téléchargée entre 100000 et 500000 fois | si cette app vous intéresse vous trouverez plus bas un lien direct vers le site de google ; sa dernière version actualisée n'est pas si vieille que ça elle date du 21 février 2017 : vous pouvez toujours jeter un coup d'œil aux conditions techniques requises pour l'installer sur votre appareil mais normalement il ne devrait pas y avoir de problème pour l'utiliserpour installer cette app vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 3 [...] vérifiez donc que votre appareil est compatible en vous rendant dans les réglages de votre mobile , si vous cherchiez une app réputée dans la sous catégorie "jeux de chiffres et de lettres" on peut dire que vous êtes bien tombé / cette app devrait probablement répondre à vos attentes | si vous voulez télécharger une app de bonne facture pour votre terminal android optez pour celle ci ; elle a obtenu une note moyenne de 4 4 sur 5 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaits : pour terminer une vous cherchez une app dans la veine de answers... Télécharger
Vous cherchez une app dans la veine de answers for apensar nous vous proposons de découvrir dès aujourd’hui word searchcette app est téléchargeable en version 1 [...] 3 , 1026 depuis le 21 février 2017 / disponible sur le play store cette app a déjà été téléchargée entre 100000 et 500000 fois | si cette app vous intéresse vous trouverez plus bas un lien direct vers le site de google ; sa dernière version actualisée n'est pas si vieille que ça elle date du 21 février 2017 : vous pouvez toujours jeter un coup d'œil aux conditions techniques requises pour l'installer sur votre appareil mais normalement il ne devrait pas y avoir de problème pour l'utiliserpour installer cette app vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 3 [...] vérifiez donc que votre appareil est compatible en vous rendant dans les réglages de votre mobile , si vous cherchiez une app réputée dans la sous catégorie "jeux de chiffres et de lettres" on peut dire que vous êtes bien tombé / cette app devrait probablement répondre à vos attentes | si vous voulez télécharger une app de bonne facture pour votre terminal android optez pour celle ci ; elle a obtenu une note moyenne de 4 4 sur 5 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaits : pour terminer une vous cherchez une app dans la veine de answers... Télécharger
Déçu de l’appli answers for apensar ? découvrez word search english ! 238 personnes qui ont installé et évalué cette appli lui ont donné une note de 3 8 sur 5la version 2 [...] 3 d'android est nécessaire pour installer word search english sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette , vous l'aurez compris word search english est une appli qui s’adresse à tous les utilisateurs du système d'exploitation de google / pour la télécharger cliquez sur le lien à la fin de cette page | evidemment l’application est toujours disponible sur la plateforme de téléchargement google play en revanche méfiez vous la dernière fois qu'elle a remise à jour date de remonte à une date plutôt lointaine : vérifiez avant de la télécharger que votre système la supporte ; avec un total de 238 votes sur le play store ce qui est relativement peu on le concède androbros espère que son programme se fasse un peu mieux connaître et séduise toujours plus d’utilisateurs : word search english a réussi à obtenir un succès correct avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargementsl’application ne fait pas partie des produits les plus téléchargés du play store mais l’éditeur y travaille [...] la version android requise pour déçu de l’appli answers for apensar ?... Télécharger
Déçu de l’appli answers for apensar ? découvrez word search english ! 238 personnes qui ont installé et évalué cette appli lui ont donné une note de 3 8 sur 5la version 2 [...] 3 d'android est nécessaire pour installer word search english sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette , vous l'aurez compris word search english est une appli qui s’adresse à tous les utilisateurs du système d'exploitation de google / pour la télécharger cliquez sur le lien à la fin de cette page | evidemment l’application est toujours disponible sur la plateforme de téléchargement google play en revanche méfiez vous la dernière fois qu'elle a remise à jour date de remonte à une date plutôt lointaine : vérifiez avant de la télécharger que votre système la supporte ; avec un total de 238 votes sur le play store ce qui est relativement peu on le concède androbros espère que son programme se fasse un peu mieux connaître et séduise toujours plus d’utilisateurs : word search english a réussi à obtenir un succès correct avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargementsl’application ne fait pas partie des produits les plus téléchargés du play store mais l’éditeur y travaille [...] la version android requise pour déçu de l’appli answers for apensar ?... Télécharger
Android file transfer mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3x 8 [...] x , android file transfer mac is offered in two editions free and expert / with android file transfer mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac | no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android file transfer mac ; while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync options : with android file transfer mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid file transfer mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android file transfer mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android file transfer mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android file transfer mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : android file transfer mac is a powerful sync... Télécharger
Android file transfer mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3x 8 [...] x , android file transfer mac is offered in two editions free and expert / with android file transfer mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac | no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android file transfer mac ; while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync options : with android file transfer mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid file transfer mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android file transfer mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android file transfer mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android file transfer mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : android file transfer mac is a powerful sync... Télécharger
Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simplefotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever [...] it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks , it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use / it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced ; it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invations etc : simply click templateobject to adjust or replace italso you canmake a flip managelayers changeopacity replace text change fonts and etc [...] clipart provides shapes icons emoji and other objects in groups so that you can easily customize any art , you are allowed tochoose your colorscheme and artsy patternsin fotojet designer / resourceful fotojet designer helpsyou createprofessional & inspiring arts for your cards flyers invitations posters banners and whatnot | fast powerful and easy to use • thousands of templates and resources to choose from ; fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design... Télécharger
Fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simplefotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever [...] it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks , it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use / it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced ; it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invations etc : simply click templateobject to adjust or replace italso you canmake a flip managelayers changeopacity replace text change fonts and etc [...] clipart provides shapes icons emoji and other objects in groups so that you can easily customize any art , you are allowed tochoose your colorscheme and artsy patternsin fotojet designer / resourceful fotojet designer helpsyou createprofessional & inspiring arts for your cards flyers invitations posters banners and whatnot | fast powerful and easy to use • thousands of templates and resources to choose from ; fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design... Télécharger
Dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros it offers a robust set of features yet remains easy to use and affordable for a wide audience of music fansdj mixer express has an easy to use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing automatic gain master tempo record mixes automatic beat and tempo detection allows you to easily match two songs for a perfect transition [...] control your mix with sample accurate cue points or continuously loop part of a song perfectly in sync with the beat , seamlessly integrates with your itunes mix all your favorite songs and video from itunes / simply drag and drop and get creative with your own music | it has ability to output full screen video mixes to external monitor ; dj mixer express offers high quality sound with support for all major audio and video formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 m4v mpg avi flv mov wkv wmv and so on : dj mixer express for windows is used around the world by beginners and bedroom djs alike made for windows dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for... Télécharger
Dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros it offers a robust set of features yet remains easy to use and affordable for a wide audience of music fansdj mixer express has an easy to use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing automatic gain master tempo record mixes automatic beat and tempo detection allows you to easily match two songs for a perfect transition [...] control your mix with sample accurate cue points or continuously loop part of a song perfectly in sync with the beat , seamlessly integrates with your itunes mix all your favorite songs and video from itunes / simply drag and drop and get creative with your own music | it has ability to output full screen video mixes to external monitor ; dj mixer express offers high quality sound with support for all major audio and video formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 m4v mpg avi flv mov wkv wmv and so on : dj mixer express for windows is used around the world by beginners and bedroom djs alike made for windows dj mxing made easy! dj mixer express for... Télécharger
Permission analyzer scans your network and combines ntfs permissions with user and group data from the active directoryall data that is stored locally can be retrieved to create overviews of permissions per group or user [...] you will be able to monitor permissions for entire user groups and receive notifications if undesired permissions are flagged within your network , main featuresscanning the networkconfigure the directories and ldap organizational units to scan / all directory information and group memberships from ldap are saved in a local database file | run the scan whenever you like or schedule an automated scan ; permission analyzer supports an external database allowing multiple workstations to share the same information source : running your overviewsall information is saved on a database allowing you to conduct targeted search queries in seconds instead of scanning the whole network every time you want to apply a new filteradd filters for specific members all members of a group or ldap ou permissions or folders [...] tracing permissionsthe main overview provides an aggregated summary of all permissions found and may contain the permissions of multiple users or groups , the trace function is part of the overview and shows you the origin of permissions for a specific user or group and folder via the group membership or parent folder they have been inherited / use this view to zoom in on your search results | creating reports and policiessave your filters as permission analyzer scans your network and... Télécharger
Permission analyzer scans your network and combines ntfs permissions with user and group data from the active directoryall data that is stored locally can be retrieved to create overviews of permissions per group or user [...] you will be able to monitor permissions for entire user groups and receive notifications if undesired permissions are flagged within your network , main featuresscanning the networkconfigure the directories and ldap organizational units to scan / all directory information and group memberships from ldap are saved in a local database file | run the scan whenever you like or schedule an automated scan ; permission analyzer supports an external database allowing multiple workstations to share the same information source : running your overviewsall information is saved on a database allowing you to conduct targeted search queries in seconds instead of scanning the whole network every time you want to apply a new filteradd filters for specific members all members of a group or ldap ou permissions or folders [...] tracing permissionsthe main overview provides an aggregated summary of all permissions found and may contain the permissions of multiple users or groups , the trace function is part of the overview and shows you the origin of permissions for a specific user or group and folder via the group membership or parent folder they have been inherited / use this view to zoom in on your search results | creating reports and policiessave your filters as permission analyzer scans your network and... Télécharger
mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volumemp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches [...] with this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume , or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection | tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level ; mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume : mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav filesand it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once [...] with mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keep , or normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed... Télécharger
mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volumemp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches [...] with this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume , or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection | tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level ; mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume : mp3 normalizer can normalize both audio mp3 and wav filesand it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once [...] with mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keep , or normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed... Télécharger
Set watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayedphotobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one go [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / set watermark with photobulk you can choose to... Télécharger
Set watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayedphotobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one go [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / set watermark with photobulk you can choose to... Télécharger
Free video converter factory is an easy to use video conversion software with the ability to convert most of the popular video/audio formats including hd and flash video with lossless image quality at a high speedwith this free video converter you're able to convert video to your portable devices for convenient playback [...] you don't have to figure out what's the right video format or resolution for your ipad/iphone or other portable devices , this video converter has been added optimized presets for supported devices / that is if you want to convert a video file to your iphone just select output format as iphone | it's so simple for everyone ; free video converter factory is totally free : it offers super fast video converting speed stable converting process and excellent video qualityits additional features enable you to convert videos more flexibly [...] for example you can control all video/audio parameters to adjust video quality for what you want , besides with this free video converting software you can also extract audio from video to mp3 wma aiff flac ac3 and other formats as well as capture pictures from video to jpg format / supported video formats: avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv asf 3gp mts webm vob flv swf f4v and more | supported devices: iphone 6/6 plus iphone 5s/c ipad air2/mini 3 apple tv samsung galaxy series blackberry htc nokia lumia 2520/icon/1520 included kindle fire nexus surface tvs samsung/lg/sony/panasonic/vimeo etc free video converter factory is an easy to use... Télécharger
Free video converter factory is an easy to use video conversion software with the ability to convert most of the popular video/audio formats including hd and flash video with lossless image quality at a high speedwith this free video converter you're able to convert video to your portable devices for convenient playback [...] you don't have to figure out what's the right video format or resolution for your ipad/iphone or other portable devices , this video converter has been added optimized presets for supported devices / that is if you want to convert a video file to your iphone just select output format as iphone | it's so simple for everyone ; free video converter factory is totally free : it offers super fast video converting speed stable converting process and excellent video qualityits additional features enable you to convert videos more flexibly [...] for example you can control all video/audio parameters to adjust video quality for what you want , besides with this free video converting software you can also extract audio from video to mp3 wma aiff flac ac3 and other formats as well as capture pictures from video to jpg format / supported video formats: avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv asf 3gp mts webm vob flv swf f4v and more | supported devices: iphone 6/6 plus iphone 5s/c ipad air2/mini 3 apple tv samsung galaxy series blackberry htc nokia lumia 2520/icon/1520 included kindle fire nexus surface tvs samsung/lg/sony/panasonic/vimeo etc free video converter factory is an easy to use... Télécharger
Android sync mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3x 6 [...] x , android sync mac is offered in two editions free and expert / with android sync mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac | no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android sync mac ; while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync options : with android sync mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid sync mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android sync mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android sync mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android sync mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : android sync mac is a powerful sync tool that... Télécharger
Android sync mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3x 6 [...] x , android sync mac is offered in two editions free and expert / with android sync mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac | no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android sync mac ; while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync options : with android sync mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid sync mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android sync mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android sync mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android sync mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : android sync mac is a powerful sync tool that... Télécharger
Elmedia is a free media player for mac that supports various video and audio formats including flv swf mp4 avi mov mp4 dat mp3 etcthe app features built in web browser that allows you to watch online videos directly from the app while open url lets you to do it without noisy ads [...] there is plenty elmedia offers to enhance your viewing experience: 10 band equalizer to shape your audio tone video tuner to make your videos better video aspect ratio change to fit image into screen optimize your video viewing by adjusting playback speed a b loop to repeat a video segment playback on screen display for actions such as pausing playback flipping rotating images , add hardware accelerated decoding to the list ・it can significantly unload the processor helps avoiding video slowdown helps with sound to video sync etc / elmedia can play video in full screen mode or pin player window on top of other running apps so you do not miss a moment of a movie | the player has its own volume control enables you to edit subtitles and more ; elmedia player is also available as a pro edition : for $1995 it offers: downloading videos from the internet including videos broadcast over rtmp and videos embedded via html5; downloading youtube videos in various formats and resolutions; extracting audio files from youtube videos in mp3 and other formats; downloading youtube playlists; making screenshots of your favorite moments; adjusting audio in various ways; choosing output elmedia is a free media player for mac that... Télécharger
Elmedia is a free media player for mac that supports various video and audio formats including flv swf mp4 avi mov mp4 dat mp3 etcthe app features built in web browser that allows you to watch online videos directly from the app while open url lets you to do it without noisy ads [...] there is plenty elmedia offers to enhance your viewing experience: 10 band equalizer to shape your audio tone video tuner to make your videos better video aspect ratio change to fit image into screen optimize your video viewing by adjusting playback speed a b loop to repeat a video segment playback on screen display for actions such as pausing playback flipping rotating images , add hardware accelerated decoding to the list ・it can significantly unload the processor helps avoiding video slowdown helps with sound to video sync etc / elmedia can play video in full screen mode or pin player window on top of other running apps so you do not miss a moment of a movie | the player has its own volume control enables you to edit subtitles and more ; elmedia player is also available as a pro edition : for $1995 it offers: downloading videos from the internet including videos broadcast over rtmp and videos embedded via html5; downloading youtube videos in various formats and resolutions; extracting audio files from youtube videos in mp3 and other formats; downloading youtube playlists; making screenshots of your favorite moments; adjusting audio in various ways; choosing output elmedia is a free media player for mac that... Télécharger
Folx is a powerful torrent client for macapart from making torrent download simple and efficient the app offers a number of benefits: download tasks can be assigned different priorities you can regulate download and upload speed to optimize internet traffic allocation tag downloaded content to make files management and search easier [...] magnet links also supported , paid pro version enables search for torrents directly from the application / you do not have to browse through multiple torrent trackers all you need to do is to enter a keyword in the app and folx will display a list of relevant results from the extensive list of torrent trackers within seconds | folx is a powerful torrent client for macapart... Télécharger
Folx is a powerful torrent client for macapart from making torrent download simple and efficient the app offers a number of benefits: download tasks can be assigned different priorities you can regulate download and upload speed to optimize internet traffic allocation tag downloaded content to make files management and search easier [...] magnet links also supported , paid pro version enables search for torrents directly from the application / you do not have to browse through multiple torrent trackers all you need to do is to enter a keyword in the app and folx will display a list of relevant results from the extensive list of torrent trackers within seconds | folx is a powerful torrent client for macapart... Télécharger
With ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp clientnormally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files [...] this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time , plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manually / the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past | the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc ; : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetablethe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an... Télécharger
With ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp clientnormally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files [...] this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time , plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manually / the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past | the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc ; : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetablethe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an... Télécharger
Compose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream aboutwhether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software [...] used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable , a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements / magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositions | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the compose transcribe and edit music the way you... Télécharger
Compose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream aboutwhether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software [...] used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable , a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements / magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositions | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the compose transcribe and edit music the way you... Télécharger
Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger
Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger
Diskdrill est un outil de récupération de données spécialement conçu pour le macil peut récupérer les données perdues à partir de tout disque monté sur votre mac : lecteurs usb caméras lecteurs de carte disques durs externes ipod etc [...] disk drill dispose de plusieurs fonctionnalités vous permettant de restaurer les partitions perdues et de retrouver vos données : universal partition search scan for lost hfs partition and rebuild hfs catalog file , disk drill transforme les fichiers « perdus » en fichiers « trouvés » ! la récupération de données peut s'effectuer à partir de n'importe quel périphérique de stockage : disques durs internes et externes clés usb appareils photo ipods kindles et cartes mémoire / disk drill est même capable de scanner les appareils endommagés | en un seul clic le logiciel vérifiera l'intégralité du disque et affichera une liste de fichiers qui peuvent potentiellement être récupérés ; les fichiers trouvés peuvent être prévisualisés pour identifier ceux qui sont à récupérer : si les fonctions de protection de données de disk drill sont activées certaines méthodes de récupération sur mac sont gratuitesles options de diskdrill est un outil de récupération de... Télécharger
Diskdrill est un outil de récupération de données spécialement conçu pour le macil peut récupérer les données perdues à partir de tout disque monté sur votre mac : lecteurs usb caméras lecteurs de carte disques durs externes ipod etc [...] disk drill dispose de plusieurs fonctionnalités vous permettant de restaurer les partitions perdues et de retrouver vos données : universal partition search scan for lost hfs partition and rebuild hfs catalog file , disk drill transforme les fichiers « perdus » en fichiers « trouvés » ! la récupération de données peut s'effectuer à partir de n'importe quel périphérique de stockage : disques durs internes et externes clés usb appareils photo ipods kindles et cartes mémoire / disk drill est même capable de scanner les appareils endommagés | en un seul clic le logiciel vérifiera l'intégralité du disque et affichera une liste de fichiers qui peuvent potentiellement être récupérés ; les fichiers trouvés peuvent être prévisualisés pour identifier ceux qui sont à récupérer : si les fonctions de protection de données de disk drill sont activées certaines méthodes de récupération sur mac sont gratuitesles options de diskdrill est un outil de récupération de... Télécharger
Do you want to cut mp3 and other audio ? do you want to merge mp3 songs ? then this free application is for youit can even split mp3 in parts or by time it can edit mp3 files and shows their waveform and can mix mp3 or record mp3 files from various sources [...] simple mp3 cutter joiner editor handles also other formats such as flac m4a wav aac opus ogg mp4 avi wma wmv e , t / c | with it you can rip cds apply audio effects such as fade in fade out tempo noise reduction normalize and more ; you can also record and mix audio from various inputs or even record the output of the computer's speakers : use it to cut join split mix and edit audio files and produce music for clips movies and presentationsyou can create professional quality ringtones and tunes in a few seconds [...] do you want to cut mp3 and other audio ? do... Télécharger
Do you want to cut mp3 and other audio ? do you want to merge mp3 songs ? then this free application is for youit can even split mp3 in parts or by time it can edit mp3 files and shows their waveform and can mix mp3 or record mp3 files from various sources [...] simple mp3 cutter joiner editor handles also other formats such as flac m4a wav aac opus ogg mp4 avi wma wmv e , t / c | with it you can rip cds apply audio effects such as fade in fade out tempo noise reduction normalize and more ; you can also record and mix audio from various inputs or even record the output of the computer's speakers : use it to cut join split mix and edit audio files and produce music for clips movies and presentationsyou can create professional quality ringtones and tunes in a few seconds [...] do you want to cut mp3 and other audio ? do... Télécharger
Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger
Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger
Craftshirt phone case design script gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want themcraftshirt doesn't just deliver innovative phone case design script but also creates great relations with customers [...] craftshirt online phone case designer is the top quality for starting your own online printing business , combined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners / craftshirt phone case designer offers exclusive functionality for store owner | it allows to upload a wide range of products clip arts designs and offers different customization tools ; for every product our phone case design tool provides scalable editing area : from personalized mobile cases skins to covers our designer software is all about giving our customers unlimited options to create unique and stylish personalized designsadd your own texts graphics designs or choose from rich variety of our cliparts [...] craftshirt phone case design script gives you... Télécharger
Craftshirt phone case design script gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want themcraftshirt doesn't just deliver innovative phone case design script but also creates great relations with customers [...] craftshirt online phone case designer is the top quality for starting your own online printing business , combined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners / craftshirt phone case designer offers exclusive functionality for store owner | it allows to upload a wide range of products clip arts designs and offers different customization tools ; for every product our phone case design tool provides scalable editing area : from personalized mobile cases skins to covers our designer software is all about giving our customers unlimited options to create unique and stylish personalized designsadd your own texts graphics designs or choose from rich variety of our cliparts [...] craftshirt phone case design script gives you... Télécharger
for the qualitative final outcome of our custom gift card design script company assures the clients to fulfill their specific needs preciselygift card design tool is a service provided by craftshirt company which offers number of quality rich features [...] craftshirt includes installation of designer on your own hosting integrated into prestashop e commerce platform , craftshirt online gift card designer offers unique functionality for store owner / company assures customers with the rich variety of clip arts included into standard set up and possibility to create their own | for instance gift card design tool can adjust the editing area ; user of craftshirt online gift card designer can enjoy wide range of products cliparts designs graphics texts colors : use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classyonline gift card designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them [...] craftshirt delivers innovative gift card design software and creates great relations with customers , for the qualitative final outcome of our... Télécharger
for the qualitative final outcome of our custom gift card design script company assures the clients to fulfill their specific needs preciselygift card design tool is a service provided by craftshirt company which offers number of quality rich features [...] craftshirt includes installation of designer on your own hosting integrated into prestashop e commerce platform , craftshirt online gift card designer offers unique functionality for store owner / company assures customers with the rich variety of clip arts included into standard set up and possibility to create their own | for instance gift card design tool can adjust the editing area ; user of craftshirt online gift card designer can enjoy wide range of products cliparts designs graphics texts colors : use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classyonline gift card designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them [...] craftshirt delivers innovative gift card design software and creates great relations with customers , for the qualitative final outcome of our... Télécharger