hacker tool by hacker noir

PDF Page Lock 2.0

PDF Page Lock 2.0
Pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public availablepdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption [...] with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available , one great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected / hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers | features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons ; hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file : password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf fileno one could unlock the pdf document without your password [...] customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only locks or hides important pdf pages you want to protect and leaves other pages public and visible , easily unlock pdf with 1 click unlock simply open a pdf file and select your confidential pages to lock or hide then set pdf page lock is a windows software ultility...Télécharger
  • Internet HACKER Atom Theme
    • Ajouté le :18/04/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :DLTO
    • Langue :Français

    HACKER Atom Theme

    HACKER Atom Theme
    • Système d'exploitation :

    hacker atom theme est une app appartenant à la catégorie "internet"cependant si au niveau de compatibilité cela ne correspond pas n’hésitez pas à regarder parmi les alternatives à hacker atom theme dans lacatégorie "internet" de toucharger [...] dernier sujet à aborder pour finir : l'un des meilleurs points avec android c'est que l'on compte énormément d'apps qui sont gratuites hacker atom theme n'échappe pas à cette règle elle est proposée en téléchargement gratuit , il y a eu plusieurs mises à jour de cette app nous arrivons donc aujourd'hui à la version 1 / créée par dlto elle est l'une des apps incontournables de lacatégorie "internet" | avec une note de 4 4 sur 5 ce produit a fait du chemin sur le google play ; dlto a fait un bon travail de programmation en offrant un programme bien pensé : etant donné l’ancienneté de la version android requise pour faire fonctionner ce programme vous n'aurez pas de difficulté à l’installer sur votre smartphone ou tablette s’il s’agit d’un appareil relativement récentvous y trouverez peut être votre bonheur [...] toutes les apps de la boutique d’apps de google ne sont pas faites pour tout le monde mais celle ci est tout public , vous avez de la chance ! avec un total de 460 votes sur hacker atom theme est une app appartenant à la... Télécharger

  • Internet

    HACKER Atom Theme

    HACKER Atom Theme
    • Système d'exploitation :
    HACKER Atom Theme
    • Ajouté le :18/04/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :DLTO
    • Langue :Français

    hacker atom theme est une app appartenant à la catégorie "internet"cependant si au niveau de compatibilité cela ne correspond pas n’hésitez pas à regarder parmi les alternatives à hacker atom theme dans lacatégorie "internet" de toucharger [...] dernier sujet à aborder pour finir : l'un des meilleurs points avec android c'est que l'on compte énormément d'apps qui sont gratuites hacker atom theme n'échappe pas à cette règle elle est proposée en téléchargement gratuit , il y a eu plusieurs mises à jour de cette app nous arrivons donc aujourd'hui à la version 1 / créée par dlto elle est l'une des apps incontournables de lacatégorie "internet" | avec une note de 4 4 sur 5 ce produit a fait du chemin sur le google play ; dlto a fait un bon travail de programmation en offrant un programme bien pensé : etant donné l’ancienneté de la version android requise pour faire fonctionner ce programme vous n'aurez pas de difficulté à l’installer sur votre smartphone ou tablette s’il s’agit d’un appareil relativement récentvous y trouverez peut être votre bonheur [...] toutes les apps de la boutique d’apps de google ne sont pas faites pour tout le monde mais celle ci est tout public , vous avez de la chance ! avec un total de 460 votes sur hacker atom theme est une app appartenant à la... Télécharger

  • Internet Hacker Text Generator
    • Ajouté le :09/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :18/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Anil Sardiwal
    • Langue :Français

    Hacker Text Generator

    Hacker Text Generator
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Intéressé par hacker text generator ? vous pouvez découvrir ces quelques informations : 24 votes et une note de 4 1 sur 5 ce sont les marques de qualité données à anil sardiwal pour la qualité de son applicationa savoir en dernier lieu : entièrement gratuite l’app hacker text generator trouvera bien sa place sur votre smartphone android [...] cette application est disponible actuellement sur notre site dans sa version 1 , 2 / nous pouvons vous préciser que cette application a été développée spécialement sur la version android 4 | cette appli a été plutôt bien accueillie par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont essayée lui ont octroyé une note plus qu'honorable ; une réussite qui ne va pas s’en arrêter là : seulement 24 utilisateurs ont évalué cette application pour autant elle pourrait en surprendre plus d’unpour installer cette application vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 4 [...] vérifiez si votre appareil est compatible en regardant dans les paramètres de votre mobile , est ce qu’une application peu médiatisée est forcément mauvaise ? la preuve que non avec cette application / malgré son petit nombre de téléchargements elle est capable de satisfaire ses utilisateurs | intéressé par hacker text generator ? vous... Télécharger

  • Internet

    Hacker Text Generator

    Hacker Text Generator
    • Système d'exploitation :
    Hacker Text Generator
    • Ajouté le :09/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :18/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Anil Sardiwal
    • Langue :Français

    Intéressé par hacker text generator ? vous pouvez découvrir ces quelques informations : 24 votes et une note de 4 1 sur 5 ce sont les marques de qualité données à anil sardiwal pour la qualité de son applicationa savoir en dernier lieu : entièrement gratuite l’app hacker text generator trouvera bien sa place sur votre smartphone android [...] cette application est disponible actuellement sur notre site dans sa version 1 , 2 / nous pouvons vous préciser que cette application a été développée spécialement sur la version android 4 | cette appli a été plutôt bien accueillie par les utilisateurs d'android les personnes qui l'ont essayée lui ont octroyé une note plus qu'honorable ; une réussite qui ne va pas s’en arrêter là : seulement 24 utilisateurs ont évalué cette application pour autant elle pourrait en surprendre plus d’unpour installer cette application vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 4 [...] vérifiez si votre appareil est compatible en regardant dans les paramètres de votre mobile , est ce qu’une application peu médiatisée est forcément mauvaise ? la preuve que non avec cette application / malgré son petit nombre de téléchargements elle est capable de satisfaire ses utilisateurs | intéressé par hacker text generator ? vous... Télécharger

  • Bureautique WiFi mot de passe hacker joke
    • Ajouté le :12/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :01/03/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :best world apps
    • Langue :Français

    WiFi mot de passe hacker joke

    WiFi mot de passe hacker joke
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez lancer l'installation de wifi mot de passe hacker joke sur votre appareil androidsi on souhaite installer une app de bonne facture wifi mot de passe hacker joke est peut être adaptée à vos attentes! elle a obtenu la note de 4 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaits [...] enfin cette app est gratuite n’hésitez pas à équiper votre smartphone ou tablette android de wifi mot de passe hacker joke , mais avant de faire cela il serait raisonnable de regarder de plus près les informations suivantes / la dernière mise à jour de cette appli a eu lieu le 12 août 2017 | elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires" ; l’éditeur qui a conçu ce produit est best world apps : cette app n'a pas été mise à jour depuis quelques mois déjàen effet les dernières corrections apportées par l'éditeur remontent au 12 août 2017 [...] avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements son succès est correct , mais ce n’est pas obligatoirement à l’image de l’appli qui bénéficie d’un bon accueil de la part des utilisateurs / n’hésitez pas à installer cette application vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    WiFi mot de passe hacker joke

    WiFi mot de passe hacker joke
    • Système d'exploitation :
    WiFi mot de passe hacker joke
    • Ajouté le :12/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :01/03/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :best world apps
    • Langue :Français

    Si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger vous allez lancer l'installation de wifi mot de passe hacker joke sur votre appareil androidsi on souhaite installer une app de bonne facture wifi mot de passe hacker joke est peut être adaptée à vos attentes! elle a obtenu la note de 4 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaits [...] enfin cette app est gratuite n’hésitez pas à équiper votre smartphone ou tablette android de wifi mot de passe hacker joke , mais avant de faire cela il serait raisonnable de regarder de plus près les informations suivantes / la dernière mise à jour de cette appli a eu lieu le 12 août 2017 | elle a été classée dans la sous catégorie "utilitaires" ; l’éditeur qui a conçu ce produit est best world apps : cette app n'a pas été mise à jour depuis quelques mois déjàen effet les dernières corrections apportées par l'éditeur remontent au 12 août 2017 [...] avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements son succès est correct , mais ce n’est pas obligatoirement à l’image de l’appli qui bénéficie d’un bon accueil de la part des utilisateurs / n’hésitez pas à installer cette application vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de si vous cliquez sur le bouton télécharger ... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Serial Port Tester 7.0
    • Ajouté le :22/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :22/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Virtual serial port SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    Serial Port Tester 7.0

    Serial Port Tester 7.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Serial port tester is a professional software tool that enables you to conduct serial port tests on all of your system's rs232/422/485 com portsall of our system's serial port activity can be monitored and displayed as well as being logged and analyzed [...] you can test multiple com ports at once and use the tool to compare the sessions , debugging rs232 ports as well as all devices using the port can be accomplished with the assistance of serial port monitor / data transmission between any windows application and serial devices can be easily monitored using this tool | serial port monitor can also assist with debugging connection issues between your computer's com port and peripheral devices such as modems mini ats projectors and any other connected devices ; this application also helps resolve connection problems between serial rs232/422/485 data communication control networks and any attached device : in addition to enabling you to test your serial ports any software or hardware device working with that port can also be monitoredcomplete details and parameters from all serial input [...] output control codes ioctls can be intercepted and tracked making it possible to analyze debug and tune your system's serial connections , all com port types including standard onboard ports serial via usb adapters and extension board ports are fully supported by the serial port monitor application / serial port tester is a professional software... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Serial Port Tester 7.0

    Serial Port Tester 7.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Serial Port Tester 7.0
    • Ajouté le :22/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :22/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Virtual serial port SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    Serial port tester is a professional software tool that enables you to conduct serial port tests on all of your system's rs232/422/485 com portsall of our system's serial port activity can be monitored and displayed as well as being logged and analyzed [...] you can test multiple com ports at once and use the tool to compare the sessions , debugging rs232 ports as well as all devices using the port can be accomplished with the assistance of serial port monitor / data transmission between any windows application and serial devices can be easily monitored using this tool | serial port monitor can also assist with debugging connection issues between your computer's com port and peripheral devices such as modems mini ats projectors and any other connected devices ; this application also helps resolve connection problems between serial rs232/422/485 data communication control networks and any attached device : in addition to enabling you to test your serial ports any software or hardware device working with that port can also be monitoredcomplete details and parameters from all serial input [...] output control codes ioctls can be intercepted and tracked making it possible to analyze debug and tune your system's serial connections , all com port types including standard onboard ports serial via usb adapters and extension board ports are fully supported by the serial port monitor application / serial port tester is a professional software... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Ajouté le :13/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :10/05/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :OPSWAT, Inc.
    • Langue :Anglais

    Metadefender Cloud Client

    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Metadefender cloud client is the most thorough free malware analysis tool availablea lightweight tool it scans endpoints for viruses keyloggers and other malware [...] metadefender cloud client performs a deep endpoint forensic analysis for malware using several unique methods: memory module multi scanning with 40+ anti malware engines local anti malware log file analysis and ip reputation analysis to identify potential threats , look for threats and assess the security state of an endpoint if you think it may be compromised / metadefender cloud client is ideal for quickly scanning endpoints prior to a network web or server login or for regularly scheduled security checks | metadefender cloud client scans endpoints' running processes and loaded libraries ; it can scan the full system or selected files folders and drives : metadefender cloud client also scans virtual machines for malware without having to open or run the virtual machineby connecting to metadefender cloud metadefender cloud client harnesses the power of multiple anti malware engines to ensure endpoint health [...] metadefender cloud client is the most thorough... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Metadefender Cloud Client

    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Ajouté le :13/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :10/05/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :OPSWAT, Inc.
    • Langue :Anglais

    Metadefender cloud client is the most thorough free malware analysis tool availablea lightweight tool it scans endpoints for viruses keyloggers and other malware [...] metadefender cloud client performs a deep endpoint forensic analysis for malware using several unique methods: memory module multi scanning with 40+ anti malware engines local anti malware log file analysis and ip reputation analysis to identify potential threats , look for threats and assess the security state of an endpoint if you think it may be compromised / metadefender cloud client is ideal for quickly scanning endpoints prior to a network web or server login or for regularly scheduled security checks | metadefender cloud client scans endpoints' running processes and loaded libraries ; it can scan the full system or selected files folders and drives : metadefender cloud client also scans virtual machines for malware without having to open or run the virtual machineby connecting to metadefender cloud metadefender cloud client harnesses the power of multiple anti malware engines to ensure endpoint health [...] metadefender cloud client is the most thorough... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion toolthis app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app [...] from there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as well , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :
    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    Pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion toolthis app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app [...] from there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as well , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / pdf converter ultimate is a state of the art... Télécharger

  • Internet FlexiHub for Mac
    • Ajouté le :28/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    FlexiHub for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Flexihub is a versatile software tool to access the contents and functionality of remote usb devices over networkwith flexihub you can access and manage remote devices as if they were connected directly to your machine no matter where they are actually physically located next door or across the globe [...] the app forms a hardware cloud that has all devices connected to network computers via usb ports , the devices are listed along with their types so you can easily figure out what device you need to connect to a scanner a printer a usb dongle a camera etc / flexihub users can also invite others to access and work with their shared devices | you can access a device share on a mac from windows machine and the other way round ; the app is especially helpful in corporate environment where it is often required to share data in a fast efficient and secure way : the safety of your data is guaranteed by secure 256 bit ssl encryption you do not need to worry about your sensitive data being accessed by an unauthorized partyby compressing data flexihub in effect reduces data traffic [...] this powerful application is also very easy to use all you have to do is to download and install flexihub: a server part on a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and a client part on computers that need access to the shared ports , once you share a usb device it becomes accessible to all authorized users in the network / flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions flexihub is a versatile software tool to... Télécharger

  • Internet

    FlexiHub for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    FlexiHub for Mac
    • Ajouté le :28/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/12/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Software
    • Langue :Multi

    Flexihub is a versatile software tool to access the contents and functionality of remote usb devices over networkwith flexihub you can access and manage remote devices as if they were connected directly to your machine no matter where they are actually physically located next door or across the globe [...] the app forms a hardware cloud that has all devices connected to network computers via usb ports , the devices are listed along with their types so you can easily figure out what device you need to connect to a scanner a printer a usb dongle a camera etc / flexihub users can also invite others to access and work with their shared devices | you can access a device share on a mac from windows machine and the other way round ; the app is especially helpful in corporate environment where it is often required to share data in a fast efficient and secure way : the safety of your data is guaranteed by secure 256 bit ssl encryption you do not need to worry about your sensitive data being accessed by an unauthorized partyby compressing data flexihub in effect reduces data traffic [...] this powerful application is also very easy to use all you have to do is to download and install flexihub: a server part on a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and a client part on computers that need access to the shared ports , once you share a usb device it becomes accessible to all authorized users in the network / flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions flexihub is a versatile software tool to... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :09/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Dj mixer professional is the complete audio and video mixing software solution for windowsoffering audio video and karaoke mixing ability [...] this ground breaking software is designed with rock solid 4 deck coupled with a powerful djing tool offering visual effects and creative transitions , dj mixer professional includes a lot of professional features and hardware controller support allowing you to mixing your music and video on the fly / with its cutting edge beat lock engine your audio will always stay on the beat and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other dj | dj mixer pro's innovative feature set reliable mixing platform and easy to use interface will insure that you "rock the house" every night ; perfect automated beat matching seamless live looping vinyl simulation precise bpm counter smart sync between the 4 dj decks sample decks pitch shifting tempo shifting smooth crossfades keylock external effects crossfader curve perceptual automatic gain itunes browser integration plus many more advanced features are all at your finger tips : it is best choice for club djs mobile djs video djs and entertaineralso great for discos night clubs pubs restaurants and even retail stores as an automated music/video system [...] it is used around the world by bedroom djs and professional superstars alike , dj mixer professional is the complete audio... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8

    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    DJ Mixer Pro for Windows v3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :09/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    Dj mixer professional is the complete audio and video mixing software solution for windowsoffering audio video and karaoke mixing ability [...] this ground breaking software is designed with rock solid 4 deck coupled with a powerful djing tool offering visual effects and creative transitions , dj mixer professional includes a lot of professional features and hardware controller support allowing you to mixing your music and video on the fly / with its cutting edge beat lock engine your audio will always stay on the beat and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other dj | dj mixer pro's innovative feature set reliable mixing platform and easy to use interface will insure that you "rock the house" every night ; perfect automated beat matching seamless live looping vinyl simulation precise bpm counter smart sync between the 4 dj decks sample decks pitch shifting tempo shifting smooth crossfades keylock external effects crossfader curve perceptual automatic gain itunes browser integration plus many more advanced features are all at your finger tips : it is best choice for club djs mobile djs video djs and entertaineralso great for discos night clubs pubs restaurants and even retail stores as an automated music/video system [...] it is used around the world by bedroom djs and professional superstars alike , dj mixer professional is the complete audio... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Process Hacker
    • Ajouté le :29/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :01/02/2016
    • Type :Logiciel
    • Editeur :Wj32
    • Langue :Anglais

    Process Hacker

    Process Hacker
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Process hacker est un outil open source qui affiche la liste des processus en cours sur le système et la mémoire utiliséele programme inclut un outil capable d'arrêter un processus et un outil de recherche dans la mémoire avec le support des expressions régulières regex [...] il peut montrer les services les processus et les sous processus les modules les identificateurs persistants handles et les régions de la mémoire , process hacker est un outil open source qui... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Process Hacker

    Process Hacker
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Process Hacker
    • Ajouté le :29/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :01/02/2016
    • Type :Logiciel
    • Editeur :Wj32
    • Langue :Anglais

    Process hacker est un outil open source qui affiche la liste des processus en cours sur le système et la mémoire utiliséele programme inclut un outil capable d'arrêter un processus et un outil de recherche dans la mémoire avec le support des expressions régulières regex [...] il peut montrer les services les processus et les sous processus les modules les identificateurs persistants handles et les régions de la mémoire , process hacker est un outil open source qui... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    The more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to bootso if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol [...] sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows , by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer / you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations | it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor ; with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startup : when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows the more applications are set to automatically... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    SterJo Startup Patrol

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Startup Patrol
    • Ajouté le :20/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/09/2021
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Multi

    The more applications are set to automatically launch at startup the longer it will take your pc to bootso if you want to edit delete or manage the items in your windows startup you need a simple tool called sterjo startup patrol [...] sterjo startup patrol is a free startup application editor which you can use to edit list of programs that are starting with windows , by managing those programs you can significantly reduce the windows startup time and also speed up computer / you can also add new items which can come in handy in many situations | it is a very useful and easy to use free startup program editor ; with only a few clicks you can significantly improve the overall performance of your windows startup : when you first start the sterjo startup patrol you will be asked to allow disable or delete certain programs that are starting with windows which aren't standard servicesyou can also add remove etc with a simple mouse click [...] some of the key features of the sterjo startup patrol free program are: ? option to disable enable or even delete an item that is starting with windows ? ability to create new items that will start with windows ? option to view and modify item properties or execute the selected item instantly the system requirements for running sterjo startup patrol are quite low: 512 mb of ram memory 3 mb of hard drive space and windows operating system , it also works on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of windows xp windows vista windows the more applications are set to automatically... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Ever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for yousterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords [...] just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds , when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being used / the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc | and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network ; these are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective software : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi ever happened to you that you forgot the wifi... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    SterJo Wireless Passwords

    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    SterJo Wireless Passwords
    • Ajouté le :30/11/2015
    • Mis à jour le :20/02/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :SterJo Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Ever happened to you that you forgot the wifi password on your pc that you recently changed into a complex combination of letters numbers and symbols just to be more safe regarding your wifi security? this is where sterjo wireless passwords solves this issue for yousterjo wireless passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords [...] just by running this software on your system you can easily check wi fi names passwords type authentication and more within seconds , when launched the application instantly scans and displays the information regarding all wireless internet networks that you have ever connected to and the one that?s currently being used / the user friendly interface shows info including ssid service set identifier password authentication type wpapsk wpa2psk open etc | and encryption method aes tkip wep for each network ; these are the great features of this tool: ? it is simple secure and effective software : ? it is a user friendly application which is easy to understand? you can recover your lost passwords of any number of wireless connections [...] ? save as text file option is provided on main screen , ? you can also copy selected wireless network password of your choice / ? displays ssid name password type authentication and encryption of network connections | all in all sterjo wireless passwords is a nifty little tool that does a great job at recovering wi fi ever happened to you that you forgot the wifi... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires ChrisPC Win Experience Index
    • Ajouté le :08/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/08/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Chris P.C. srl
    • Langue :Multi

    ChrisPC Win Experience Index

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Chrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 81 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests [...] you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index , chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release / you want to have the latest windows version 8 | 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 ; totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 8 : 1chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 [...] , brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 / rate your computer on windows 8 | 1 with 1 click ; fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 : see your computer ratings for cpu memory storage disk graphics gaming [...] re run assessments with a single click on windows vista windows 7 windows 8 and windows 8 , / chrispc win experience index is the free tool... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    ChrisPC Win Experience Index

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    ChrisPC Win Experience Index
    • Ajouté le :08/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :02/08/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Chris P.C. srl
    • Langue :Multi

    Chrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 81 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests [...] you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index , chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release / you want to have the latest windows version 8 | 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 ; totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 8 : 1chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 [...] , brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 / rate your computer on windows 8 | 1 with 1 click ; fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 : see your computer ratings for cpu memory storage disk graphics gaming [...] re run assessments with a single click on windows vista windows 7 windows 8 and windows 8 , / chrispc win experience index is the free tool... Télécharger

  • Multimédia MagicScore Guitar
    • Ajouté le :03/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Maestro Music Software
    • Langue :Multi

    MagicScore Guitar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Compose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream aboutwhether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software [...] used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable , a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements / magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositions | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the compose transcribe and edit music the way you... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    MagicScore Guitar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    MagicScore Guitar
    • Ajouté le :03/12/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Maestro Music Software
    • Langue :Multi

    Compose transcribe and edit music the way you want it! magicscore guitar offers everything a guitar player could ever dream aboutwhether you play teach or learn how to play guitar magicscore guitar will deliver the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software [...] used by musicians all over the world magicscore guitar allows you to quickly and easily lay out the scores write down notes and tabs and produce high quality sheet music that's easily playable and printable , a range of user friendly features make this guitar tab software the fastest way to sync tabs and scores and create arrangements / magicscore guitar is a perfect companion for continuous learning allowing you to improve your performance when it comes to memorizing and mastering new compositions | it's great as a learning tool and perfect for teaching as you can use its many features to learn guitar playing ; bring your work before the masses by using built in sharing features to publish music on social networks blogs and web sites : magicscore guitar includes a piano roll editor tempo editor velocity editor midi events editor and the possibility to embed audio track functionsthe tool also supports guitar frames [...] you can print out your entire tablatures or just a certain part of them , you can produce playable audio by exporting the scores as high quality mp3 wav kar or midi files / you can easily import data from gp4 files and edit the imported music using the compose transcribe and edit music the way you... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Adware Removal Tool
    • Ajouté le :14/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Tech Support All
    • Langue :Anglais

    Adware Removal Tool

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Cette application portable va scanner et réparer votre ordinateur si des menaces sont détectéeselle va procéder en quelques instants à la suppression des logiciels publicitaires et des barres d'outils indésirables qui s'incrustent dans vos navigateurs web [...] le programme relativement simple d'utilisation s'attardera également dans le registre de votre ordinateur pour supprimer les dernières traces des clés de logiciels indésirables , adware removal tool by tsa est gratuit / notez que le logiciel s'attaquera spécifiquement aux adware présents dans les navigateurs web chrome firefox et internet explorer | ; cette application portable va scanner et... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Adware Removal Tool

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Adware Removal Tool
    • Ajouté le :14/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Tech Support All
    • Langue :Anglais

    Cette application portable va scanner et réparer votre ordinateur si des menaces sont détectéeselle va procéder en quelques instants à la suppression des logiciels publicitaires et des barres d'outils indésirables qui s'incrustent dans vos navigateurs web [...] le programme relativement simple d'utilisation s'attardera également dans le registre de votre ordinateur pour supprimer les dernières traces des clés de logiciels indésirables , adware removal tool by tsa est gratuit / notez que le logiciel s'attaquera spécifiquement aux adware présents dans les navigateurs web chrome firefox et internet explorer | ; cette application portable va scanner et... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Magic Word Recovery
    • Ajouté le :15/12/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :East Imperial Soft
    • Langue :Multi

    Magic Word Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Magic Word Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Magic Word Recovery
    • Ajouté le :15/12/2014
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :East Imperial Soft
    • Langue :Multi

    Magic word recovery recovers a variety of document formats produced by microsoft word and openoffice as well as rtf files from healthy damaged and formatted storage mediathe tool shares its engine with magic partition recovery our flagship data recovery suite [...] this allows surefooted recovery from deleted partitions formatted volumes inaccessible hard drives and unreadable memory cards , magic word recovery offers quick and comprehensive recovery modes allowing to choose between blazing fast and super comprehensive processes / in quick recovery mode magic word recovery will scan the file system fat or ntfs looking for records belonging to recently deleted documents | in this mode the recovery only takes seconds ; formatted corrupted and repartitioned hard drives are treated with comprehensive analysis mode : in this mode magic word recovery employs the company's proprietary content aware searchthis algorithm reads the entire disk surface in order to identify documents based on their characteristic signatures [...] content aware analysis may take more than an hour if you have a terabyte hard drive but it works great even if no file system is left on the disk , this in particular allows recovering documents from corrupted memory cards and usb drives / magic word recovery comes with a guarantee | if you see a document in the list of recoverable files we guarantee it's 100% recoverable and working ; magic word recovery makes a final integrity check just before magic word recovery recovers a variety of... Télécharger

  • Internet TextPipe Lite
    • Ajouté le :20/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :DataMystic
    • Langue :Multi

    TextPipe Lite

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger

  • Internet

    TextPipe Lite

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    TextPipe Lite
    • Ajouté le :20/01/2016
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :DataMystic
    • Langue :Multi

    Textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for updating textit handles an unlimited number of files and folders and is unique in handling files of unlimited size [...] it performs one or more changes at the same time and can search for multi line text and special characters , search for 'fuzzy' text patterns using popular perl style regular expressions and friendly easypatterns with predefined patterns for [whitespace] [date] [time] [ipaddress] [emailaddress] and more / textpipe is unique in that you can restrict replacements to line ranges column ranges and also to html elements such as within the alt tag of an image or within the content attribute of the meta keywords tag or just within the title tag | the possibilities are endless and restrictions can be nested ; you have to see these to understand just how powerful they are! textpipe can also convert files between unix mac and pc/windows end of line formats remove blanks from the start or end of each line remove blank lines remove html tags add line numbers file headers and footers and text to the start or end of each line and more : textpipe can be automated from the command line and via com scripting from other programming languagesa standard and pro version are also available [...] more than 200 example filter files are included along with a comprehensive online manual , winner of sia "best application" award / "i use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks | i used to textpipe is the ultimate webmaster tool for... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Online T­-Shirt Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Online T­-Shirt Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Craftshirt online t shirt design software is the top notch for starting your own online printing businesscombined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt online t shirt designer offers unique functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide array of product clip arts and design galleries / t shirt design tool adjusts the editing area to highlight the product part available for customization | user of craftshirt online t shirt designer can enjoy wide array of products cliparts designs ; company provides possibility to work with text customization : use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classyonline t shirt designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them [...] craftshirt online t shirt design software is... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Online T­-Shirt Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    Online T­-Shirt Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Craftshirt online t shirt design software is the top notch for starting your own online printing businesscombined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt online t shirt designer offers unique functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide array of product clip arts and design galleries / t shirt design tool adjusts the editing area to highlight the product part available for customization | user of craftshirt online t shirt designer can enjoy wide array of products cliparts designs ; company provides possibility to work with text customization : use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classyonline t shirt designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them [...] craftshirt online t shirt design software is... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Sign and Label Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Sign and Label Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Craftshirt provides high tech sign & label design software which was made to deliver the best solutions to your printing businessprovided with prestashop e commerce engine which offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt sign & label designer offers unique functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide array of product clip arts and design galleries to offer multiple customization options / sign & label design tool provides scalable editing area for highlighting the product part available for customization | user of craftshirt sign & label designer can add his own text graphics designs or choose from rich variety of the cliparts ; use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classy : sign & label designer brings you ability to create your own outstanding designcompany is very flexible in solving problems of our clients and cost effective [...] craftshirt provides comprehensive consulting support and management services and creates great relations with customers , craftshirt provides high tech sign & label... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Sign and Label Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    Sign and Label Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Craftshirt provides high tech sign & label design software which was made to deliver the best solutions to your printing businessprovided with prestashop e commerce engine which offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt sign & label designer offers unique functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide array of product clip arts and design galleries to offer multiple customization options / sign & label design tool provides scalable editing area for highlighting the product part available for customization | user of craftshirt sign & label designer can add his own text graphics designs or choose from rich variety of the cliparts ; use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classy : sign & label designer brings you ability to create your own outstanding designcompany is very flexible in solving problems of our clients and cost effective [...] craftshirt provides comprehensive consulting support and management services and creates great relations with customers , craftshirt provides high tech sign & label... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Online Phone Case Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Online Phone Case Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Craftshirt online phone case designer is the top quality for starting your own online printing businesscombined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt phone case designer offers exclusive functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide range of products clip arts designs and offers different customization tools / for every product our phone case design tool provides scalable editing area | from personalized mobile cases skins to covers our designer software is all about giving our customers unlimited options to create unique and stylish personalized designs ; craftshirt phone case design script gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them : add your own texts graphics designs or choose from rich variety of our clipartscraftshirt doesn't just deliver innovative phone case design script but also creates great relations with customers [...] craftshirt online phone case designer is the... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Online Phone Case Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    Online Phone Case Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Craftshirt online phone case designer is the top quality for starting your own online printing businesscombined with the powerful prestashop e commerce engine it offers high quality experience for both customers and shop owners [...] craftshirt phone case designer offers exclusive functionality for store owner , it allows to upload a wide range of products clip arts designs and offers different customization tools / for every product our phone case design tool provides scalable editing area | from personalized mobile cases skins to covers our designer software is all about giving our customers unlimited options to create unique and stylish personalized designs ; craftshirt phone case design script gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want them : add your own texts graphics designs or choose from rich variety of our clipartscraftshirt doesn't just deliver innovative phone case design script but also creates great relations with customers [...] craftshirt online phone case designer is the... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Online Gift Card Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Online Gift Card Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Gift card design tool is a service provided by craftshirt company which offers number of quality rich featurescraftshirt includes installation of designer on your own hosting integrated into prestashop e commerce platform [...] craftshirt online gift card designer offers unique functionality for store owner , company assures customers with the rich variety of clip arts included into standard set up and possibility to create their own / for instance gift card design tool can adjust the editing area | user of craftshirt online gift card designer can enjoy wide range of products cliparts designs graphics texts colors ; use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classy : online gift card designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want themfor the qualitative final outcome of our custom gift card design script company assures the clients to fulfill their specific needs precisely [...] craftshirt delivers innovative gift card design software and creates great relations with customers , gift card design tool is a service provided by... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Online Gift Card Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    Online Gift Card Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Gift card design tool is a service provided by craftshirt company which offers number of quality rich featurescraftshirt includes installation of designer on your own hosting integrated into prestashop e commerce platform [...] craftshirt online gift card designer offers unique functionality for store owner , company assures customers with the rich variety of clip arts included into standard set up and possibility to create their own / for instance gift card design tool can adjust the editing area | user of craftshirt online gift card designer can enjoy wide range of products cliparts designs graphics texts colors ; use different fonts curves outlines colors to make your product look classy : online gift card designer gives you the power to make customized articles exactly the way you want themfor the qualitative final outcome of our custom gift card design script company assures the clients to fulfill their specific needs precisely [...] craftshirt delivers innovative gift card design software and creates great relations with customers , gift card design tool is a service provided by... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Online Apparel Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Online Apparel Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux

    Online apparel designer by craftshirt gives you the power to bring customized articles up to your requirementscraftshirt online apparel designer provides great opportunities for store owner [...] it allows to upload creative clip arts and designs for various kinds of apparel items jackets caps pants anoraks and etc , / the tool provides the possibility to rescale the editing area in order to highlight the exact area available for customization | users of craftshirt online apparel designer can enjoy a wide array of products cliparts designs graphics colors uploaded to boost their creativity ; in addition to that craftshirt apparel design script provides advanced text customization tools : any user can change text fonts apply outlines curves and other elements for text personalizationat craftshirt we strive to fulfill all creative ideas of our customers [...] craftshirt doesn't just deliver high quality online design scripts but strive to build long term successful business relationships with our customers , online apparel designer by craftshirt gives... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Online Apparel Designer Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Linux
    Online Apparel Designer Software
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Craftshirt
    • Langue :Multi

    Online apparel designer by craftshirt gives you the power to bring customized articles up to your requirementscraftshirt online apparel designer provides great opportunities for store owner [...] it allows to upload creative clip arts and designs for various kinds of apparel items jackets caps pants anoraks and etc , / the tool provides the possibility to rescale the editing area in order to highlight the exact area available for customization | users of craftshirt online apparel designer can enjoy a wide array of products cliparts designs graphics colors uploaded to boost their creativity ; in addition to that craftshirt apparel design script provides advanced text customization tools : any user can change text fonts apply outlines curves and other elements for text personalizationat craftshirt we strive to fulfill all creative ideas of our customers [...] craftshirt doesn't just deliver high quality online design scripts but strive to build long term successful business relationships with our customers , online apparel designer by craftshirt gives... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires System Mechanic Trial 23
    • Ajouté le :21/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2023
    • Type :Freeware,Demo
    • Editeur :iolo technologies, LLC
    • Langue :Anglais

    System Mechanic Trial 23

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    System mechanic free keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance featuresusing 7 safe and effective tools its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability [...] consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and running like new , system mechanic free delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes / startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start | supercharges boot times and frees up resources for improved overall performance ; memory mechanic: reclaims system ram orphaned by memory leaks and sloppy programs for improved system responsiveness : optimizes and defragments memory for snappier programs downloads and gaming experiencepc cleanup: performs a system wide scan for junk and obsolete files left over from messy apps and unexpected restarts [...] safely cleans out hazardous system clogging clutter that accumulates over time through everyday use , system mechanic free keeps your pc running at... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    System Mechanic Trial 23

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    System Mechanic Trial 23
    • Ajouté le :21/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :10/03/2023
    • Type :Freeware,Demo
    • Editeur :iolo technologies, LLC
    • Langue :Anglais

    System mechanic free keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance featuresusing 7 safe and effective tools its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability [...] consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and running like new , system mechanic free delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes / startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start | supercharges boot times and frees up resources for improved overall performance ; memory mechanic: reclaims system ram orphaned by memory leaks and sloppy programs for improved system responsiveness : optimizes and defragments memory for snappier programs downloads and gaming experiencepc cleanup: performs a system wide scan for junk and obsolete files left over from messy apps and unexpected restarts [...] safely cleans out hazardous system clogging clutter that accumulates over time through everyday use , system mechanic free keeps your pc running at... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Photo Background Remover
    • Ajouté le :24/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :SoftOrbits
    • Langue :Multi

    Photo Background Remover

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Photo background remover helps to clear digital shots from unwanted backgroundthis feature is highly popular among amateur photographers who need to extract a specific object from a shot to put it into some composition [...] also background removal is often used in online graphic content , thanks to batch image files processing photo background remover can significantly speed up process of clearing backgrounds / there are two methods of detecting the background areas for removal | the first one is manual selection with the aim of two markers: a green marker defines the area that should be left untouched and a red marker is used to define the background area that will be removed ; the area where green and red marker selections overlay each other will not be erased : these selection tools have adjustable radius that help to act maximally preciselymoreover there is also a deselection tool that is used for correcting wrong selections [...] using deselect tool a user removes both green and red selections , after applying background removal you will get an image with 100% transparent background by default / automatic background removal doesn't require any manual adjustments the program will clear an image by itself | a user only needs to activate the process by pressing a "start" button ; photo background remover is a batch file processor : this means that you can edit as many photos as you need in one cyclea user can replace the original background by: a transparent photo background remover helps to clear... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Photo Background Remover

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Photo Background Remover
    • Ajouté le :24/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :SoftOrbits
    • Langue :Multi

    Photo background remover helps to clear digital shots from unwanted backgroundthis feature is highly popular among amateur photographers who need to extract a specific object from a shot to put it into some composition [...] also background removal is often used in online graphic content , thanks to batch image files processing photo background remover can significantly speed up process of clearing backgrounds / there are two methods of detecting the background areas for removal | the first one is manual selection with the aim of two markers: a green marker defines the area that should be left untouched and a red marker is used to define the background area that will be removed ; the area where green and red marker selections overlay each other will not be erased : these selection tools have adjustable radius that help to act maximally preciselymoreover there is also a deselection tool that is used for correcting wrong selections [...] using deselect tool a user removes both green and red selections , after applying background removal you will get an image with 100% transparent background by default / automatic background removal doesn't require any manual adjustments the program will clear an image by itself | a user only needs to activate the process by pressing a "start" button ; photo background remover is a batch file processor : this means that you can edit as many photos as you need in one cyclea user can replace the original background by: a transparent photo background remover helps to clear... Télécharger

  • Programmation Resource Hacker
    • Ajouté le :17/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Angus Johnson
    • Langue :Anglais

    Resource Hacker

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Ressources hacker est un utilitaire gratuit pour visualiser modifier renommer ajouter supprimer et extraire des ressources dans les exécutables windows 32 bits et les fichiers de ressourcesres [...] il intègre un compilateur et un décompilateur interne de scripts de ressources , affichage des ressources de type curseur icône bitmap gif avi jpg wav et midi / les menus dialogues messagetables stringtables accelerators formes delphi et versioninfo peuvent être considérés comme des ressources de scripts décompilés | les menus et les dialogues peuvent aussi être considérés comme des ressources quand ils apparaissent dans une application en cours ; ressources hacker est un utilitaire gratuit... Télécharger

  • Programmation

    Resource Hacker

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Resource Hacker
    • Ajouté le :17/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Angus Johnson
    • Langue :Anglais

    Ressources hacker est un utilitaire gratuit pour visualiser modifier renommer ajouter supprimer et extraire des ressources dans les exécutables windows 32 bits et les fichiers de ressourcesres [...] il intègre un compilateur et un décompilateur interne de scripts de ressources , affichage des ressources de type curseur icône bitmap gif avi jpg wav et midi / les menus dialogues messagetables stringtables accelerators formes delphi et versioninfo peuvent être considérés comme des ressources de scripts décompilés | les menus et les dialogues peuvent aussi être considérés comme des ressources quand ils apparaissent dans une application en cours ; ressources hacker est un utilitaire gratuit... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée PcAudit
    • Ajouté le :14/10/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Internet Security Alliance
    • Langue :Anglais


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Il simule une attaque réseau par un hacker afin de déterminer si votre ordinateur est sensible ou non à ce type de menacepcaudit est un programme d'évaluation de sécurité gratuit [...] il teste notamment l'efficacité de votre firewall , il simule une attaque réseau par un hacker... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :14/10/2006
    • Mis à jour le :28/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Internet Security Alliance
    • Langue :Anglais

    Il simule une attaque réseau par un hacker afin de déterminer si votre ordinateur est sensible ou non à ce type de menacepcaudit est un programme d'évaluation de sécurité gratuit [...] il teste notamment l'efficacité de votre firewall , il simule une attaque réseau par un hacker... Télécharger

  • Réseau & Administration TSplus Advanced Security 6.5
    • Ajouté le :06/03/2023
    • Mis à jour le :18/12/2023
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Stephane Braga
    • Langue :Anglais

    TSplus Advanced Security 6.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Tsplus advanced security est le logiciel de cybersécurité indispensable pour détecter les attaques sur les connexions à distance protéger les serveurs et améliorer la sécurité de votre réseaules cybercriminels savent que vous utilisez le protocole remote desktop pour travailler à distance [...] et vous devez connaître les vulnérabilités de votre réseau pour réduire les risques , l'approche tsplus combine des technologies de cybersécurité intelligentes et l'expertise de spécialistes de la sécurité des bureaux à distance afin de fournir une protection avancée contre les menaces pour vos serveurs et vos travailleurs à distance / tsplus advanced security ultimate protection sera votre bouclier secret contre le nombre croissant de cybercriminels qui tentent de profiter des travailleurs à domicile | antivirus complet et facile à utiliser il est extrêmement efficace dès le départ ; il assurera une protection robuste de vos serveurs rds et de vos données sensibles en luttant contre les pirates et les personnes malveillantes grâce à sept puissantes fonctions de sécurité : interdisez aux employés de se connecter la nuit grâce au contrôle d'accès basé sur le temps : avec la restriction des heures de travail vous pouvez tsplus advanced security est le logiciel de... Télécharger

  • Réseau & Administration

    TSplus Advanced Security 6.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    TSplus Advanced Security 6.5
    • Ajouté le :06/03/2023
    • Mis à jour le :18/12/2023
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Stephane Braga
    • Langue :Anglais

    Tsplus advanced security est le logiciel de cybersécurité indispensable pour détecter les attaques sur les connexions à distance protéger les serveurs et améliorer la sécurité de votre réseaules cybercriminels savent que vous utilisez le protocole remote desktop pour travailler à distance [...] et vous devez connaître les vulnérabilités de votre réseau pour réduire les risques , l'approche tsplus combine des technologies de cybersécurité intelligentes et l'expertise de spécialistes de la sécurité des bureaux à distance afin de fournir une protection avancée contre les menaces pour vos serveurs et vos travailleurs à distance / tsplus advanced security ultimate protection sera votre bouclier secret contre le nombre croissant de cybercriminels qui tentent de profiter des travailleurs à domicile | antivirus complet et facile à utiliser il est extrêmement efficace dès le départ ; il assurera une protection robuste de vos serveurs rds et de vos données sensibles en luttant contre les pirates et les personnes malveillantes grâce à sept puissantes fonctions de sécurité : interdisez aux employés de se connecter la nuit grâce au contrôle d'accès basé sur le temps : avec la restriction des heures de travail vous pouvez tsplus advanced security est le logiciel de... Télécharger

  • Jeux Tsumego Pro
    • Ajouté le :27/09/2022
    • Mis à jour le :27/09/2024
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :LR Studios
    • Langue :Français

    Tsumego Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Progressez au jeu de go baduk weiqi avec cette grande collection de problèmes de tsumego !chaque problème contient toutes les bonnes réponses ainsi qu'un grand nombre de mauvaises variations pour vous aider à savoir pourquoi vous vous êtes trompéfonctionnalités : 6 problèmes quotidiens à résoudre de 3 difficultés différentes un mode défi : la difficulté des problèmes évolue en fonction de votre niveau un mode simple : tentez de résoudre tous les problèmes de chaque pack de nombreux paramètres et un design clair l'appli répond automatiquement à vos coups choisissez votre couleur blanc noir aléatoire affichez la solution ou juste un indice un thème "livre" noir et blanc [...] progressez au jeu de go baduk weiqi avec... Télécharger

  • Jeux

    Tsumego Pro

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Tsumego Pro
    • Ajouté le :27/09/2022
    • Mis à jour le :27/09/2024
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :LR Studios
    • Langue :Français

    Progressez au jeu de go baduk weiqi avec cette grande collection de problèmes de tsumego !chaque problème contient toutes les bonnes réponses ainsi qu'un grand nombre de mauvaises variations pour vous aider à savoir pourquoi vous vous êtes trompéfonctionnalités : 6 problèmes quotidiens à résoudre de 3 difficultés différentes un mode défi : la difficulté des problèmes évolue en fonction de votre niveau un mode simple : tentez de résoudre tous les problèmes de chaque pack de nombreux paramètres et un design clair l'appli répond automatiquement à vos coups choisissez votre couleur blanc noir aléatoire affichez la solution ou juste un indice un thème "livre" noir et blanc [...] progressez au jeu de go baduk weiqi avec... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires StarzSoft Data Recovery
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2022
    • Mis à jour le :01/09/2022
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Starzsoft. All rights reserved.
    • Langue :Français

    StarzSoft Data Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Starzsoft est la meilleure solution pour vous aiderrécupération de partitions perdues récupérez les données de votre partition lorsque vous ne pouvez pas y accéder en raison d'une partition formatée d'une partition supprimée par erreur ou d'une repartition etc [...] récupération en cas de crash de l'ordinateur vous pouvez rencontrer la mort bleue de l'écran l'écran noir ou d'autres problèmes informatiques , ne vous inquiétez pas / starzsoft data recovery fonctionne très bien dans ce scénario | combien de types de fichiers prenons nous en charge photo jpg/jpeg tiff/tif png bmp gif psd webp crw rgb cr2 nef orf sr2 mrw dcr wmf raw swf svg raf dng erf ico dsc etc ; vidéo avi mov mp4 m4v 3gp 3g2 wmv mkv asf flv fla amv f4v swf mpg rm/rmvb mpeg ts vob mts dv etc : audio aif/aiff m4a mp3 wav wma ape mid/midi realaudio vqf flv mkv mpg m4v rm/rmvb ogg aac wmv ape etcarchive zip 7z bz2 gz rar tar sit iso war img taz etc [...] document txt doc/docx xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb ppt/pptx pdf cwk html/htm indd eps xml plist rtf pub csv etc , autres plus comme exe aspx cgi elm igy iqy jsp ldb mht mhtml php sitx etc / la récupération des données à partir du système en panne sera plus facile que jamais | récupération de disque starzsoft est la meilleure solution pour vous... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    StarzSoft Data Recovery

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    StarzSoft Data Recovery
    • Ajouté le :01/09/2022
    • Mis à jour le :01/09/2022
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Starzsoft. All rights reserved.
    • Langue :Français

    Starzsoft est la meilleure solution pour vous aiderrécupération de partitions perdues récupérez les données de votre partition lorsque vous ne pouvez pas y accéder en raison d'une partition formatée d'une partition supprimée par erreur ou d'une repartition etc [...] récupération en cas de crash de l'ordinateur vous pouvez rencontrer la mort bleue de l'écran l'écran noir ou d'autres problèmes informatiques , ne vous inquiétez pas / starzsoft data recovery fonctionne très bien dans ce scénario | combien de types de fichiers prenons nous en charge photo jpg/jpeg tiff/tif png bmp gif psd webp crw rgb cr2 nef orf sr2 mrw dcr wmf raw swf svg raf dng erf ico dsc etc ; vidéo avi mov mp4 m4v 3gp 3g2 wmv mkv asf flv fla amv f4v swf mpg rm/rmvb mpeg ts vob mts dv etc : audio aif/aiff m4a mp3 wav wma ape mid/midi realaudio vqf flv mkv mpg m4v rm/rmvb ogg aac wmv ape etcarchive zip 7z bz2 gz rar tar sit iso war img taz etc [...] document txt doc/docx xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb ppt/pptx pdf cwk html/htm indd eps xml plist rtf pub csv etc , autres plus comme exe aspx cgi elm igy iqy jsp ldb mht mhtml php sitx etc / la récupération des données à partir du système en panne sera plus facile que jamais | récupération de disque starzsoft est la meilleure solution pour vous... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires BulkPrinter 1.0
    • Ajouté le :22/07/2022
    • Mis à jour le :22/07/2022
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi

    BulkPrinter 1.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Comme vous le savez l'imprimante imprime des documents et des photos page par page et la vitesse d'impression n'est pas assez rapide surtout lorsque vous avez un grand nombre de fichiers à imprimervous devez sélectionner ou ouvrir des fichiers dans différents formats par différents programmes puis les imprimer [...] cela vous fait perdre beaucoup de temps , bulkprinter est un logiciel gratuit pour windows qui permet aux utilisateurs d'imprimer en masse plusieurs documents dans différents formats tels que pdf word doc/docx excel xlsx/xls/csv powerpoint ppt/pptx jpg png gif tiff et plus encore / en ajoutant les fichiers que vous voulez imprimer et en cliquant sur le bouton start now le programme enverra chaque fichier à l'imprimante un par un automatiquement jusqu'à ce que tous les fichiers soient imprimés | vous pouvez donc vous éloigner de votre ordinateur et laisser bulkprinter terminer le travail ; vous pouvez également définir l'orientation de l'impression la plage de pages le format du papier et d'autres options avant de lancer l'impression : bulkprinter propose également une option de mode compatible appelée "impression par programme par défaut"si vous voulez imprimer les fichiers par le programme qui les ouvre par défaut au lieu du programme d'impression de bulkprinter vous pouvez cocher cette option et lancer l'impression [...] langues prises en comme vous le savez l'imprimante imprime des... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    BulkPrinter 1.0

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    BulkPrinter 1.0
    • Ajouté le :22/07/2022
    • Mis à jour le :22/07/2022
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi

    Comme vous le savez l'imprimante imprime des documents et des photos page par page et la vitesse d'impression n'est pas assez rapide surtout lorsque vous avez un grand nombre de fichiers à imprimervous devez sélectionner ou ouvrir des fichiers dans différents formats par différents programmes puis les imprimer [...] cela vous fait perdre beaucoup de temps , bulkprinter est un logiciel gratuit pour windows qui permet aux utilisateurs d'imprimer en masse plusieurs documents dans différents formats tels que pdf word doc/docx excel xlsx/xls/csv powerpoint ppt/pptx jpg png gif tiff et plus encore / en ajoutant les fichiers que vous voulez imprimer et en cliquant sur le bouton start now le programme enverra chaque fichier à l'imprimante un par un automatiquement jusqu'à ce que tous les fichiers soient imprimés | vous pouvez donc vous éloigner de votre ordinateur et laisser bulkprinter terminer le travail ; vous pouvez également définir l'orientation de l'impression la plage de pages le format du papier et d'autres options avant de lancer l'impression : bulkprinter propose également une option de mode compatible appelée "impression par programme par défaut"si vous voulez imprimer les fichiers par le programme qui les ouvre par défaut au lieu du programme d'impression de bulkprinter vous pouvez cocher cette option et lancer l'impression [...] langues prises en comme vous le savez l'imprimante imprime des... Télécharger