files properties chager

HTMLPad 2022

HTMLPad 2022
Js javascript framework support * fonctions de développement web mobile * vérificateur d'orthographe * modèles de code prêts à l'emploi * goto anything * find/replace with regular expressions * find/replace in files * multi item clipboard * code folding * countless goodie features bracket matching line highlighting text indentationhtmlpad est un éditeur html css et javascript intelligent tout en un qui vous aidera à coder plus rapidement et à devenir plus productif [...] htmlpad comprend un studio css complet et de puissantes capacités d'édition javascript vous offrant ainsi le meilleur package du marché actuel , les caractéristiques comprennent : * compatibilité totale avec html5 et css3 * éditeur de texte avancé entièrement personnalisable et familier * thème d'interface clair et foncé * prise en charge de l'unicode utf 8 * coloration syntaxique pour html css javascript vbscript php asp perl xml less sass * prévisualisation multi navigateur intégrée * validation html et css * code intelligence pour html css et javascript * inspecteur de code pour html et css * assistants et aides de code * bibliothèque d'extraits de code * sélecteur de couleurs avancé * gestion de projet * connectivité ftp/sftp/ftps * prise en charge des cadres javascript jquery react vue / doté d'outils et de js javascript framework support * fonctions de...Télécharger
  • Utilitaires Acronis Files Connect
    • Ajouté le :05/12/2019
    • Mis à jour le :01/10/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Acronis, LLC
    • Langue :Multi

    Acronis Files Connect

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Acronis files connect anciennement extremez ip est le seul logiciel qui résout rapidement et facilement les incompatibilités mac vers windowsvous avez des utilisateurs mac au bureau ? parce qu'ils ont des protocoles de communication différents l'intégration de macs dans votre infrastructure informatique windows peut créer des incompatibilités d'applications d'accès aux fichiers et de réseau [...] avec 1 simple installation réseau donnez à vos utilisateurs de mac et d'appareils mobiles le pouvoir de : , acronis files connect anciennement extremez... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Acronis Files Connect

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Acronis Files Connect
    • Ajouté le :05/12/2019
    • Mis à jour le :01/10/2021
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Acronis, LLC
    • Langue :Multi

    Acronis files connect anciennement extremez ip est le seul logiciel qui résout rapidement et facilement les incompatibilités mac vers windowsvous avez des utilisateurs mac au bureau ? parce qu'ils ont des protocoles de communication différents l'intégration de macs dans votre infrastructure informatique windows peut créer des incompatibilités d'applications d'accès aux fichiers et de réseau [...] avec 1 simple installation réseau donnez à vos utilisateurs de mac et d'appareils mobiles le pouvoir de : , acronis files connect anciennement extremez... Télécharger

  • Bureautique All files pdf converter
    • Ajouté le :27/06/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/12/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Innovation TeamApps
    • Langue :Français

    All files pdf converter

    All files pdf converter
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Parmi toutes les applis présentes sur google play nous vous proposons de découvrir all files pdf converteravant d'aller plus loin il faut que vous découvriez ses fonctionnalités : all files pdf converter a été créé par innovation teamapps [...] la sous catégorie "utilitaires" dans laquelle est classée l’appli all files pdf converter est l’une des plus appréciées , 38 votes et une note de 3 6 ce sont les marques de reconnaissance attribuées à innovation teamapps pour la qualité de all files pdf converter / n’hésitez pas également à la faire découvrir à vos proches ! avec si peu de votes 38 on part du principe que all files pdf converter a peu de chances de vous intéresser mais rien ne dit qu’elle n’a pas toutes les fonctionnalités que vous recherchez | pour terminer une ultime information : non payante l’app all files pdf converter se téléchargera parfaitement sur votre smartphone ; même si cela ne permet pas de percevoir la qualité de l'app il est tout même important de noter qu'il n'y a pas de nouvelle version depuis le 27 juin 2017 : ce programme ne propose pas de contenu choquantqu’est ce que cela signifie ? cela veut dire que vous pouvez laisser vos enfants l’utiliser sans problème [...] la version android requise pour installer ce programme est la version 3 , il ne s’agit pas du plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour smartphones ou tablettes et de ce fait il y a de grandes chances que votre appareil parmi toutes les applis présentes sur google... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    All files pdf converter

    All files pdf converter
    • Système d'exploitation :
    All files pdf converter
    • Ajouté le :27/06/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/12/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :Innovation TeamApps
    • Langue :Français

    Parmi toutes les applis présentes sur google play nous vous proposons de découvrir all files pdf converteravant d'aller plus loin il faut que vous découvriez ses fonctionnalités : all files pdf converter a été créé par innovation teamapps [...] la sous catégorie "utilitaires" dans laquelle est classée l’appli all files pdf converter est l’une des plus appréciées , 38 votes et une note de 3 6 ce sont les marques de reconnaissance attribuées à innovation teamapps pour la qualité de all files pdf converter / n’hésitez pas également à la faire découvrir à vos proches ! avec si peu de votes 38 on part du principe que all files pdf converter a peu de chances de vous intéresser mais rien ne dit qu’elle n’a pas toutes les fonctionnalités que vous recherchez | pour terminer une ultime information : non payante l’app all files pdf converter se téléchargera parfaitement sur votre smartphone ; même si cela ne permet pas de percevoir la qualité de l'app il est tout même important de noter qu'il n'y a pas de nouvelle version depuis le 27 juin 2017 : ce programme ne propose pas de contenu choquantqu’est ce que cela signifie ? cela veut dire que vous pouvez laisser vos enfants l’utiliser sans problème [...] la version android requise pour installer ce programme est la version 3 , il ne s’agit pas du plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour smartphones ou tablettes et de ce fait il y a de grandes chances que votre appareil parmi toutes les applis présentes sur google... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs My Files
    • Ajouté le :19/12/2013
    • Mis à jour le :12/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :TheRuralGuys
    • Langue :Français

    My Files

    My Files
    • Système d'exploitation :

    Vous voulez lancer l'installation de my files sur votre tabletteavec si peu de votes 21 on part du principe que my files a peu de chances de retenir votre attention mais rien ne dit qu’elle n’a pas toutes les fonctions que vous recherchez [...] avant de faire cela il serait bienvenu de lire les informations suivantes , cette app est associée à la sous catégorie "divertissement" / elle a été proposée par theruralguys et sa dernière mise à jour date du 19 décembre 2013 | les utilisateurs lui ont attribué la note de 4 sur 5 ; le play store indique que cette app est tout public : vous pouvez donc l'installer sans problème et même laisser vos enfants l’utiliser sans craindre qu’ils ne tombent sur du contenu violentne tergiversez pas plus pour télécharger cette appli vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou lors du téléchargement [...] elle est en effet compatible avec toutes les versions ultérieures à la version 4 , l’éditeur theruralguys peut être content de son application car elle reçoit la jolie note de 4 sur 5 de la part des personnes l'ayant téléchargée / grâce à ces votes elle se positionne aux côtés des meilleures applications de sa catégorie | pour terminer cette appli est gratuite vous voulez lancer l'installation de my files... Télécharger

  • Maison et Loisirs

    My Files

    My Files
    • Système d'exploitation :
    My Files
    • Ajouté le :19/12/2013
    • Mis à jour le :12/07/2018
    • Type :Google Play
    • Editeur :TheRuralGuys
    • Langue :Français

    Vous voulez lancer l'installation de my files sur votre tabletteavec si peu de votes 21 on part du principe que my files a peu de chances de retenir votre attention mais rien ne dit qu’elle n’a pas toutes les fonctions que vous recherchez [...] avant de faire cela il serait bienvenu de lire les informations suivantes , cette app est associée à la sous catégorie "divertissement" / elle a été proposée par theruralguys et sa dernière mise à jour date du 19 décembre 2013 | les utilisateurs lui ont attribué la note de 4 sur 5 ; le play store indique que cette app est tout public : vous pouvez donc l'installer sans problème et même laisser vos enfants l’utiliser sans craindre qu’ils ne tombent sur du contenu violentne tergiversez pas plus pour télécharger cette appli vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou lors du téléchargement [...] elle est en effet compatible avec toutes les versions ultérieures à la version 4 , l’éditeur theruralguys peut être content de son application car elle reçoit la jolie note de 4 sur 5 de la part des personnes l'ayant téléchargée / grâce à ces votes elle se positionne aux côtés des meilleures applications de sa catégorie | pour terminer cette appli est gratuite vous voulez lancer l'installation de my files... Télécharger

  • Bureautique ONLYOFFICE Documents pour iOS
    • Ajouté le :25/06/2018
    • Mis à jour le :01/03/2024
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :ONLYOFFICE - Ascensio System Sia
    • Langue :Multi

    ONLYOFFICE Documents pour iOS

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Importez les documents depuis les applications telles qu'itunes files etconlyoffice est la suite bureautique gratuite pour les appareils mobiles permettant de remplir les formulaires d’éditer les documents texte feuilles de calcul et présentations et de les gérer localement en mode déconnecté et en ligne [...] onlyoffice documents vous permet de : voir et modifier les documents texte feuilles de calcul et présentations sans installer des logiciels supplémentaires , les fichiers pdf sont disponibles pour la lecture / profiter d’une gamme complète d’outils : mise en forme de la page du paragraphe et du texte tableaux formes automatiques diagrammes etc | gérer vos données dans les feuilles de calcul : travail avec les lignes et les colonnes personnalisation des paramètres de la cellule plus de 450 formules tri et filtrage des données ; insérer et éditer les objets populaires sur vos diapositives : les formes automatiques les diagrammes et les graphiques les textes les images etc : coéditer les documents avec votre équipe en temps réel dans le cloud de onlyofficeremplir des documents avec des champs remplissables [...] imprimer les fichiers via airprint organisez le travail sur les documents à votre convenance : gérez et éditez les documents sur votre appareil en mode importez les documents depuis les applications... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    ONLYOFFICE Documents pour iOS

    • Système d'exploitation :
    ONLYOFFICE Documents pour iOS
    • Ajouté le :25/06/2018
    • Mis à jour le :01/03/2024
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :ONLYOFFICE - Ascensio System Sia
    • Langue :Multi

    Importez les documents depuis les applications telles qu'itunes files etconlyoffice est la suite bureautique gratuite pour les appareils mobiles permettant de remplir les formulaires d’éditer les documents texte feuilles de calcul et présentations et de les gérer localement en mode déconnecté et en ligne [...] onlyoffice documents vous permet de : voir et modifier les documents texte feuilles de calcul et présentations sans installer des logiciels supplémentaires , les fichiers pdf sont disponibles pour la lecture / profiter d’une gamme complète d’outils : mise en forme de la page du paragraphe et du texte tableaux formes automatiques diagrammes etc | gérer vos données dans les feuilles de calcul : travail avec les lignes et les colonnes personnalisation des paramètres de la cellule plus de 450 formules tri et filtrage des données ; insérer et éditer les objets populaires sur vos diapositives : les formes automatiques les diagrammes et les graphiques les textes les images etc : coéditer les documents avec votre équipe en temps réel dans le cloud de onlyofficeremplir des documents avec des champs remplissables [...] imprimer les fichiers via airprint organisez le travail sur les documents à votre convenance : gérez et éditez les documents sur votre appareil en mode importez les documents depuis les applications... Télécharger

  • Multimédia CADopia Professional Edition
    • Ajouté le :22/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/06/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :CADopiaSales
    • Langue :Anglais

    CADopia Professional Edition

    CADopia Professional Edition
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Import/export dwf files for viewing drawings on the internetimport shape files in [...] reference files support , cadopia 17 professional edition is a full featured cad solution / the advanced features in this edition include full acis 3d solid modeling support for autocad 2017 dwg power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools | new features in cadopia 17:power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools ; other major features supported in cadopia 17 professional edition are: comprehensive suite of drafting design and detailing tools : acis solid modelingpdf import & convert to dwg power trimquick modifyribbon interfacedesign resourcesquick groupmultiple layouts [...] raster image insertion and editing , autolisp / fly over snapping | clipping support for references images and viewports ; complex linetype : boundary and associative hatchingdimensioning and annotations [...] attributes text multiline text , truetype fonts / true color support | real time pan and zoom ; print style tables : save and restore drawing environment variablesshp format [...] template files , supports standard cad import/export dwf files for viewing drawings... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    CADopia Professional Edition

    CADopia Professional Edition
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    CADopia Professional Edition
    • Ajouté le :22/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/06/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :CADopiaSales
    • Langue :Anglais

    Import/export dwf files for viewing drawings on the internetimport shape files in [...] reference files support , cadopia 17 professional edition is a full featured cad solution / the advanced features in this edition include full acis 3d solid modeling support for autocad 2017 dwg power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools | new features in cadopia 17:power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools ; other major features supported in cadopia 17 professional edition are: comprehensive suite of drafting design and detailing tools : acis solid modelingpdf import & convert to dwg power trimquick modifyribbon interfacedesign resourcesquick groupmultiple layouts [...] raster image insertion and editing , autolisp / fly over snapping | clipping support for references images and viewports ; complex linetype : boundary and associative hatchingdimensioning and annotations [...] attributes text multiline text , truetype fonts / true color support | real time pan and zoom ; print style tables : save and restore drawing environment variablesshp format [...] template files , supports standard cad import/export dwf files for viewing drawings... Télécharger

  • Bureautique PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Ajouté le :21/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/03/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :7-PDF, Germany - Th. Hodes
    • Langue :Anglais

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Features: premium pdf to word converter support for citrix metaframe and terminal server conversions are running only on your system! no transfer of your pdfs to web/cloud new! converts pdf files directly inside your windows explorer converts pdf documents and tables while retaining layout super fast conversion rate transfers graphics text alignment and paragraph formatting to word supports conversion of headers and footers transfer of pdf tables of contents to word transfer of pdf links identifies and positions lists and list elements automatic syllable division for continuous text conversion of complex tables for further processing in excel while maintaining layoutthis pdf to word converter can be run on current windows systems from windows xp and abovethis first class pdf to word converter for windows lets you convert pdf documents to word openoffice and libreoffice to make re editing the pdf content with these trusted office applications child's play and all this with outstanding accuracy!table contents are also converted with the layout reproduced faithfully together with images and formatting and much more besides [...] imported pdf tables can subsequently also be re edited by copying & pasting from word into excel , operation on terminal and citrix systems is also possible / we will be happy to provide free support during set up via our customer support department | features: premium pdf to word converter ... Télécharger

  • Bureautique

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0

    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF) 3.0.0
    • Ajouté le :21/03/2018
    • Mis à jour le :21/03/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Demo
    • Editeur :7-PDF, Germany - Th. Hodes
    • Langue :Anglais

    Features: premium pdf to word converter support for citrix metaframe and terminal server conversions are running only on your system! no transfer of your pdfs to web/cloud new! converts pdf files directly inside your windows explorer converts pdf documents and tables while retaining layout super fast conversion rate transfers graphics text alignment and paragraph formatting to word supports conversion of headers and footers transfer of pdf tables of contents to word transfer of pdf links identifies and positions lists and list elements automatic syllable division for continuous text conversion of complex tables for further processing in excel while maintaining layoutthis pdf to word converter can be run on current windows systems from windows xp and abovethis first class pdf to word converter for windows lets you convert pdf documents to word openoffice and libreoffice to make re editing the pdf content with these trusted office applications child's play and all this with outstanding accuracy!table contents are also converted with the layout reproduced faithfully together with images and formatting and much more besides [...] imported pdf tables can subsequently also be re edited by copying & pasting from word into excel , operation on terminal and citrix systems is also possible / we will be happy to provide free support during set up via our customer support department | features: premium pdf to word converter ... Télécharger

  • Internet ScanTransfer
    • Ajouté le :12/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :12/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    The program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technologyscantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time [...] in addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out , scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop / the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone | all you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly ; languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabic : there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users the program also allows you to transfer... Télécharger

  • Internet


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :12/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :12/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Multi

    The program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technologyscantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time [...] in addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out , scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop / the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone | all you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly ; languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabic : there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users the program also allows you to transfer... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big filessuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your device : mobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection serviceautomatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses trojans vulnerabilities adware and spyware [...] block and remove malicious virus protect your device in real time , cpu such as residual files cache temp files ... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Super Cleaner

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Super Cleaner
    • Ajouté le :05/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :05/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware,Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Such as residual files cache temp files obsolete apks and other big filessuper cleaner antivirus & boost is a small fast and smart android device cleaner and performance booster featuring junk cleaner memory booster device optimizer app manager [...] with this app you can free up storage boost ram remove or disable unnecessary apps & tools boost games and get your mobile running like new again , super cleaner also includes cpu cooler antivirus and applock features / going lag? lack of space? super cleaner is the best speed booster & junk cleaner you need! android 4 | 1+ super cleaner speed booster & junk cleaner features:auto start manager keep your phone running smooth & fastforbid unnecessary or unwanted apps from auto starting boost up your phone and keep it running smooth root needed junk cleaner small yet powerful cleaner master space saverfree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files ; storage cleaner deeply clean your mobileclean up the useless photos music documents and unnecessary apps to free up space and speed up your device : mobile security & antivirus guard your mobile from virus attackantivirus is powered by hi security which will secure your mobile safety with the best antivirus protection serviceautomatically scan the system and apps to keep your phone safe from viruses trojans vulnerabilities adware and spyware [...] block and remove malicious virus protect your device in real time , cpu such as residual files cache temp files ... Télécharger

  • Multimédia reaConverter Estándar
    • Ajouté le :03/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :reasoft
    • Langue :Multi

    ReaConverter Estándar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    The function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlyreaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operation [...] the batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats , in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported / supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more | in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more ; if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution : the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operationsbeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can the function is called watched folders and is... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    ReaConverter Estándar

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    reaConverter Estándar
    • Ajouté le :03/01/2018
    • Mis à jour le :03/01/2018
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :reasoft
    • Langue :Multi

    The function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlyreaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operation [...] the batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats , in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported / supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more | in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more ; if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution : the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operationsbeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can the function is called watched folders and is... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Yazsoft Software
    • Ajouté le :09/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :09/10/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :yazsoft
    • Langue :Multi

    Yazsoft Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    With android file transfer mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid file transfer mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3 [...] x 8 , x / android file transfer mac is offered in two editions free and expert | with android file transfer mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac ; no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android file transfer mac : while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync optionsandroid file transfer mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android file transfer mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android file transfer mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android file transfer mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : with android file transfer mac expert edition... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Yazsoft Software

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Yazsoft Software
    • Ajouté le :09/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :09/10/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :yazsoft
    • Langue :Multi

    With android file transfer mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid file transfer mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3 [...] x 8 , x / android file transfer mac is offered in two editions free and expert | with android file transfer mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac ; no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android file transfer mac : while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync optionsandroid file transfer mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android file transfer mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android file transfer mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android file transfer mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : with android file transfer mac expert edition... Télécharger

  • Multimédia FLAC To MP3 Mac
    • Ajouté le :04/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :04/08/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Anglais

    FLAC To MP3 Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    The app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversionthe user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once [...] convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc , convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at once / flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats | besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats ; features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately : 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wmaaudio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc [...] , the app also transfers the metadata and tags... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    FLAC To MP3 Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    FLAC To MP3 Mac
    • Ajouté le :04/08/2017
    • Mis à jour le :04/08/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Langue :Anglais

    The app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversionthe user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once [...] convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc , convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at once / flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats | besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats ; features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately : 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wmaaudio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc [...] , the app also transfers the metadata and tags... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires Active@ UNDELETE 24
    • Ajouté le :30/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/03/2024
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Active@ Data Recovery Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Active@ UNDELETE 24

    Active@ UNDELETE 24
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    With many years of experience however and a great deal of improvements active@ undelete provides one of the best solutions for those who need to undelete files and not have to worry so much about not being successful in doing sothe professional edition makes it possible to recover files from unbootable computers and the enterprise edition adds complete support for raid setups as well [...] losing important data due to accidentally deleting it or formatting a disk can leave you in a very bothersome situation , fortunately however the latest version of active@ undelete is here to help giving you the best chances to undelete files / there is a great deal of data recovery software out there and they all offer varying levels of success | the latest version provides a completely overhauled data recovery engine and a vastly improved user interface ; the wizard driven interface is particularly user friendly making it perfectly suitable for absolute beginners as well as professionals : there are three editions available including the standard professional and enterprise with many years of experience however and a... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    Active@ UNDELETE 24

    Active@ UNDELETE 24
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Active@ UNDELETE 24
    • Ajouté le :30/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :13/03/2024
    • Type :Demo
    • Editeur :Active@ Data Recovery Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    With many years of experience however and a great deal of improvements active@ undelete provides one of the best solutions for those who need to undelete files and not have to worry so much about not being successful in doing sothe professional edition makes it possible to recover files from unbootable computers and the enterprise edition adds complete support for raid setups as well [...] losing important data due to accidentally deleting it or formatting a disk can leave you in a very bothersome situation , fortunately however the latest version of active@ undelete is here to help giving you the best chances to undelete files / there is a great deal of data recovery software out there and they all offer varying levels of success | the latest version provides a completely overhauled data recovery engine and a vastly improved user interface ; the wizard driven interface is particularly user friendly making it perfectly suitable for absolute beginners as well as professionals : there are three editions available including the standard professional and enterprise with many years of experience however and a... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Hi Security
    • Ajouté le :26/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Hi Security

    • Système d'exploitation :

    Junk clean phone memory releases intelligently analysis and remove junk files to free up more space and improve the performance of your device such as residual files cache temp filesa world class free antivirus and mobile security solution for android phones [...] the best antivirus protection no , 1 antivirus engine inside hi security is powered by mcafee the best antivirus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware adware or trojans / we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the best antivirus protection service globally | applock privacy protectionwith hi security you can add an extra password protection to sensitive apps such as facebook message whatsapp tinder snapchat gallery and video ; this password is different from your phones unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone : protecting your privacy with pin pattern or fingerprintclean junk to create a faster lighter and smoother user experience [...] now you can take more pictures and install apps , wifi security wi fi examination wi fi optimisation and wifi boosterhi security protects your online security to avoid insecure public wifi or phishing hotspot by detecting dns hijacking arp spoofing and ssl hijacking / boost wifi and enhance wifi signal strength for faster internet speed | intelligently manage your wifi ; no more wifi safety concerns : junk clean phone memory releases intelligently... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Hi Security

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Hi Security
    • Ajouté le :26/05/2017
    • Mis à jour le :17/01/2018
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :JediSun
    • Langue :Anglais

    Junk clean phone memory releases intelligently analysis and remove junk files to free up more space and improve the performance of your device such as residual files cache temp filesa world class free antivirus and mobile security solution for android phones [...] the best antivirus protection no , 1 antivirus engine inside hi security is powered by mcafee the best antivirus engine in the world protecting your phone from any of extortion virus malware adware or trojans / we have official partnership with mcafee that is a part of intel security so hi security is able to offer the best antivirus protection service globally | applock privacy protectionwith hi security you can add an extra password protection to sensitive apps such as facebook message whatsapp tinder snapchat gallery and video ; this password is different from your phones unlock password therefore you can safely lend out your phone : protecting your privacy with pin pattern or fingerprintclean junk to create a faster lighter and smoother user experience [...] now you can take more pictures and install apps , wifi security wi fi examination wi fi optimisation and wifi boosterhi security protects your online security to avoid insecure public wifi or phishing hotspot by detecting dns hijacking arp spoofing and ssl hijacking / boost wifi and enhance wifi signal strength for faster internet speed | intelligently manage your wifi ; no more wifi safety concerns : junk clean phone memory releases intelligently... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires PDF to Word 4.1 2017
    • Ajouté le :20/04/2017
    • Mis à jour le :20/04/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Anglais

    PDF to Word 4.1 2017

    • Système d'exploitation :

    • you can convert gmail attachments and files from dropbox box google drive and onedrive directly from our appeasy to use app and powerful converting engines [...] here are some of its main features:• no limits on file size or number of converted files , • excellent pdf to word conversion quality / • scanned and complex pdfs can be converted as well | • industry leading ocr technology ; • layout formatting tables images and text look exactly like the original : reuse and edit your pdf documentsfast application and cutting edge converting technology allow you to turn your pdf texts forms and tables into editable word documents [...] find your pdf document and open it in pdf to word , conversion is performed on our powerful servers and once the conversion is done the file is being downloaded to your device and deleted form our servers / because the conversion is not being performed on your device the app will not burden your device’s resources or drain its battery | • you can convert gmail attachments and files... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    PDF to Word 4.1 2017

    • Système d'exploitation :
    PDF to Word 4.1 2017
    • Ajouté le :20/04/2017
    • Mis à jour le :20/04/2017
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Anglais

    • you can convert gmail attachments and files from dropbox box google drive and onedrive directly from our appeasy to use app and powerful converting engines [...] here are some of its main features:• no limits on file size or number of converted files , • excellent pdf to word conversion quality / • scanned and complex pdfs can be converted as well | • industry leading ocr technology ; • layout formatting tables images and text look exactly like the original : reuse and edit your pdf documentsfast application and cutting edge converting technology allow you to turn your pdf texts forms and tables into editable word documents [...] find your pdf document and open it in pdf to word , conversion is performed on our powerful servers and once the conversion is done the file is being downloaded to your device and deleted form our servers / because the conversion is not being performed on your device the app will not burden your device’s resources or drain its battery | • you can convert gmail attachments and files... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Ajouté le :13/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :10/05/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :OPSWAT, Inc.
    • Langue :Anglais

    Metadefender Cloud Client

    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    It can scan the full system or selected files folders and drivesmetadefender cloud client is the most thorough free malware analysis tool available [...] a lightweight tool it scans endpoints for viruses keyloggers and other malware , metadefender cloud client performs a deep endpoint forensic analysis for malware using several unique methods: memory module multi scanning with 40+ anti malware engines local anti malware log file analysis and ip reputation analysis to identify potential threats / look for threats and assess the security state of an endpoint if you think it may be compromised | metadefender cloud client is ideal for quickly scanning endpoints prior to a network web or server login or for regularly scheduled security checks ; metadefender cloud client scans endpoints' running processes and loaded libraries : metadefender cloud client also scans virtual machines for malware without having to open or run the virtual machineby connecting to metadefender cloud metadefender cloud client harnesses the power of multiple anti malware engines to ensure endpoint health [...] it can scan the full system or selected files... Télécharger

  • Sécurité & Vie privée

    Metadefender Cloud Client

    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    Metadefender Cloud Client
    • Ajouté le :13/03/2017
    • Mis à jour le :10/05/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :OPSWAT, Inc.
    • Langue :Anglais

    It can scan the full system or selected files folders and drivesmetadefender cloud client is the most thorough free malware analysis tool available [...] a lightweight tool it scans endpoints for viruses keyloggers and other malware , metadefender cloud client performs a deep endpoint forensic analysis for malware using several unique methods: memory module multi scanning with 40+ anti malware engines local anti malware log file analysis and ip reputation analysis to identify potential threats / look for threats and assess the security state of an endpoint if you think it may be compromised | metadefender cloud client is ideal for quickly scanning endpoints prior to a network web or server login or for regularly scheduled security checks ; metadefender cloud client scans endpoints' running processes and loaded libraries : metadefender cloud client also scans virtual machines for malware without having to open or run the virtual machineby connecting to metadefender cloud metadefender cloud client harnesses the power of multiple anti malware engines to ensure endpoint health [...] it can scan the full system or selected files... Télécharger

  • Multimédia MP4 Converter v2.02
    • Ajouté le :28/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :28/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :mp4converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    MP4 Converter v2.02

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    And convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod touch samsung smart tv android tablets amazon kindle smartphones portable media players etcmp4 converter key features: convert avi to mp4 video format; convert mpeg to mp4 video format; convert wmv to mp4 video format; convert asf asx to mp4 video format; convert quick time to mp4 video format; easy to use and user friendly interface; convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format directly; mp4 converter supports video formats: * [...] mp4 converter for windows is aa easy to use video to mp4 converter very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 without any quality loss , mp4 converter is a video to device converter support convert popular video formats: * / avi * | wmv * ; asf * : asx *mpg * [...] m1v * , m2v * / m2p * | vob etc ; to mp4 video format : [...] , and convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    MP4 Converter v2.02

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    MP4 Converter v2.02
    • Ajouté le :28/02/2017
    • Mis à jour le :28/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :mp4converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    And convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod touch samsung smart tv android tablets amazon kindle smartphones portable media players etcmp4 converter key features: convert avi to mp4 video format; convert mpeg to mp4 video format; convert wmv to mp4 video format; convert asf asx to mp4 video format; convert quick time to mp4 video format; easy to use and user friendly interface; convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format directly; mp4 converter supports video formats: * [...] mp4 converter for windows is aa easy to use video to mp4 converter very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 without any quality loss , mp4 converter is a video to device converter support convert popular video formats: * / avi * | wmv * ; asf * : asx *mpg * [...] m1v * , m2v * / m2p * | vob etc ; to mp4 video format : [...] , and convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :

    From there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as wellpdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion tool [...] this app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / from there you can convert files from gmail ... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs

    • Système d'exploitation :
    PDF Converter Ultimate by Cometdocs
    • Ajouté le :16/12/2016
    • Mis à jour le :16/12/2016
    • Type :Logiciel Libre
    • Editeur :Sandra
    • Langue :Multi

    From there you can convert files from gmail dropbox google drive box and onedrive as wellpdf converter ultimate is a state of the art mobile app conversion tool [...] this app will help you connect your cloud services by allowing you access from dans le app , every conversion is near instant as it is done on the cometdocs servers / using this app will make converting and editing pdfs easy as pie | from pdf you can convert to 6 different formats including word excel powerpoint text autocad and jpg ; conversions are done online so you shoulds have your wifi connection or data package turned on at all times : once the file is converted it will be deleted from the server in the next 24 hoursthis is done for safety both user and to avoid crowding the servers as well [...] once the file is converted you will have both the pdf file and your newly made , feel free to try out this app and let us know what you think! it is available on both ios and android so head out to your neares appstore or google playstore and voice your thoughts! / from there you can convert files from gmail ... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DJ Mixer Express for Mac
    • Ajouté le :14/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :14/11/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :macdjmixer
    • Langue :Anglais

    DJ Mixer Express for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music and video with program's simple interface in just minutesdj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj software with dual player decks automatic mixing automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfading seamless looping automatic bpm detection automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation apply multiple effects support mix your music and videos from itunes [...] with dj mixer express anyone can mix their music karaoke and videos with program's simple interface , dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mixing software that mix not only audio tracks but also video or karaoke songs / the application features include dual player decks visualize waveforms automatic audio/video mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control and one click beat matching seamless beat aware loop and cue points crossfading smart sync automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation keylock fx effects support mix your music video and karaoke and from itunes | support record your mixes for burn them to cds ; dj mixer express for mac is used to play live in clubs and big stadiums at weddings private parties or just at home : with dj mixer express mix & perform your... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DJ Mixer Express for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    DJ Mixer Express for Mac
    • Ajouté le :14/11/2016
    • Mis à jour le :14/11/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :macdjmixer
    • Langue :Anglais

    With dj mixer express mix & perform your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music and video with program's simple interface in just minutesdj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj software with dual player decks automatic mixing automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfading seamless looping automatic bpm detection automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation apply multiple effects support mix your music and videos from itunes [...] with dj mixer express anyone can mix their music karaoke and videos with program's simple interface , dj mixer express for mac is an easy to use dj mixing software that mix not only audio tracks but also video or karaoke songs / the application features include dual player decks visualize waveforms automatic audio/video mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo control and one click beat matching seamless beat aware loop and cue points crossfading smart sync automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation keylock fx effects support mix your music video and karaoke and from itunes | support record your mixes for burn them to cds ; dj mixer express for mac is used to play live in clubs and big stadiums at weddings private parties or just at home : with dj mixer express mix & perform your... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires CF Card Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2016
    • Mis à jour le :17/10/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :m4p-converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    CF Card Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Cf card recovery is easy to use recovery software to recovers photos pictures video other files from cf card used in digital camera! mac cf card recovery professional is a super recovery tool for recovering lost data from sd card and other memory cardit can restore delete photos missing pictures formatted data and deleted files easily and securely [...] restore deleted lost formatted or corrupted photos pictures video and other files from various memory cards e , have talked so much about this recovery tool then how to recover your deleted files from sd card and other memory card? the following steps is the guide to recover photos videos on card cf / with its assistant there is no need to worry about the deleted photos pictures videos and important files | no matter how much you know about computer you would feel satisfied when using this shareware ; in addition it can support nearly all the mac card types and famous digital camera brands in the market : gcompact flash sd card sdhc sim card memory sticks xd card and usb flash drive [...] compatible with pc and mac systems , cf card recovery has helped so many owners get their missing or corrupted files / step 1 first download and install cf card recovery on your computer | step 2 then connect your camera or card reader to your computer ; step 3 double click the cf card photos videos recovery and open it : step 4 connect the device and select the destination folderstep 5 scan and select the cf card recovery is easy to use recovery... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    CF Card Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    CF Card Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :17/10/2016
    • Mis à jour le :17/10/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :m4p-converter
    • Langue :Anglais

    Cf card recovery is easy to use recovery software to recovers photos pictures video other files from cf card used in digital camera! mac cf card recovery professional is a super recovery tool for recovering lost data from sd card and other memory cardit can restore delete photos missing pictures formatted data and deleted files easily and securely [...] restore deleted lost formatted or corrupted photos pictures video and other files from various memory cards e , have talked so much about this recovery tool then how to recover your deleted files from sd card and other memory card? the following steps is the guide to recover photos videos on card cf / with its assistant there is no need to worry about the deleted photos pictures videos and important files | no matter how much you know about computer you would feel satisfied when using this shareware ; in addition it can support nearly all the mac card types and famous digital camera brands in the market : gcompact flash sd card sdhc sim card memory sticks xd card and usb flash drive [...] compatible with pc and mac systems , cf card recovery has helped so many owners get their missing or corrupted files / step 1 first download and install cf card recovery on your computer | step 2 then connect your camera or card reader to your computer ; step 3 double click the cf card photos videos recovery and open it : step 4 connect the device and select the destination folderstep 5 scan and select the cf card recovery is easy to use recovery... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :29/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :29/09/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :321soft
    • Langue :Anglais

    321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    321soft usb flash drive recovery for mac provides the safe way to recover photo video and other files from usb drive memory card or other type of storage mediait can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable storage [...] if your files were lost unintentionally deleted formatted or corrupted by viruses , also you can create image of the attached storage media so that you can restore your precious photos and other files if the device gets damaged/inaccessible / 321soft usb flash recovery for mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifically developed for usb drive and memory card | 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks ; the simple and intuitive software features a wizard driven interface allowing even the most novice users easily to recover deleted and lost photos : moreover usb flash recovery for mac supports recovery of high end raw photos and hd video that are generated by professional cameras like canon nikon fuji panasonic sony olympus pentax etcthe trial version of 321soft usb flash recovery for mac allows you to scan and preview all recoverable photos before purchase [...] and all data recovery operations are secure as the software does not write recovered data onto the drive it is scanning , it fully compatible with mac os x 10 / 6 or higher 321soft usb flash drive recovery for mac... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac
    • Ajouté le :29/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :29/09/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :321soft
    • Langue :Anglais

    321soft usb flash drive recovery for mac provides the safe way to recover photo video and other files from usb drive memory card or other type of storage mediait can recover photos video documents and other files from usb drive flash memory card memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones and virtually any type of data storage device that work as a removable storage [...] if your files were lost unintentionally deleted formatted or corrupted by viruses , also you can create image of the attached storage media so that you can restore your precious photos and other files if the device gets damaged/inaccessible / 321soft usb flash recovery for mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifically developed for usb drive and memory card | 321soft usb flash recovery can help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks ; the simple and intuitive software features a wizard driven interface allowing even the most novice users easily to recover deleted and lost photos : moreover usb flash recovery for mac supports recovery of high end raw photos and hd video that are generated by professional cameras like canon nikon fuji panasonic sony olympus pentax etcthe trial version of 321soft usb flash recovery for mac allows you to scan and preview all recoverable photos before purchase [...] and all data recovery operations are secure as the software does not write recovered data onto the drive it is scanning , it fully compatible with mac os x 10 / 6 or higher 321soft usb flash drive recovery for mac... Télécharger

  • Multimédia DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :24/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    Whether you're mixing audio music video or even karaoke files dj mixer 3 pro gives you full control over your media allowing you to release your creativity to make every mix differentsdj mixer professional for mac is the leading edge and versatile dj/vj software that allowing you to create complex music and video mixes on the fly [...] this version featuring four dj decks with professional grade mixer and playlists , this software has been developed mainly for professionals to use and experiment advanced dj techniques / dj mixer pro includes all the professional features a real dj needs | such as one click beat matching video mixing automatic tempo and beat detection real time sampler seamless and beat loop functionality vst effects vinyl simulation time stretching karaoke cdg+mp3 and/or zip support up to date midi and hid controllers support midi learn seamless itunes integration and much more ; best of all dj mixer professional has an intuitive user interface closely resembling a real world mixing board that makes it easy to set and save multiple loops and cue points in a track : fully compatible with mac os x 1012 macos sierra [...] whether you're mixing audio music video or... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8

    • Système d'exploitation :
    DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
    • Ajouté le :21/09/2016
    • Mis à jour le :24/02/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :djmixersoft
    • Langue :Anglais

    Whether you're mixing audio music video or even karaoke files dj mixer 3 pro gives you full control over your media allowing you to release your creativity to make every mix differentsdj mixer professional for mac is the leading edge and versatile dj/vj software that allowing you to create complex music and video mixes on the fly [...] this version featuring four dj decks with professional grade mixer and playlists , this software has been developed mainly for professionals to use and experiment advanced dj techniques / dj mixer pro includes all the professional features a real dj needs | such as one click beat matching video mixing automatic tempo and beat detection real time sampler seamless and beat loop functionality vst effects vinyl simulation time stretching karaoke cdg+mp3 and/or zip support up to date midi and hid controllers support midi learn seamless itunes integration and much more ; best of all dj mixer professional has an intuitive user interface closely resembling a real world mixing board that makes it easy to set and save multiple loops and cue points in a track : fully compatible with mac os x 1012 macos sierra [...] whether you're mixing audio music video or... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires MacX MediaTrans 3.5
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :07/04/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Jessie
    • Langue :Multi

    MacX MediaTrans 3.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    With cutting edge tech this iphone manager is able to transfer data at a speed of 20 megabits per second so even 100 4k photos can be transferred in 8 seconds! working as itunes alternative macx mediatrans is the fastest data transfer to backup your iphone ipad files free up more storage space before updating to new ios or change to a new iphonemacx mediatrans is the best solution to transfer & backup data between iphone ipad ipod and mac [...] it not only manages and organizes the file on your device like video music photo movie tv show but also supports backing up pdf app dmg to iphone by using it as usb drive , this mac file manager also empowers you to create/delete/edit playlists and to manage music tracks albums & genres in batch like a breeze / in addition this iphone transfer can auto rotate sideways videos and convert avi wmv mkv etc | to mp4 to fit iphone ipad with high quality preserved ; on top of this macx mediatrans has no : 1 fast speedno more erasing original data complicated operation awkward one way sync process or strict format limitation [...] with cutting edge tech this iphone manager is... Télécharger

  • Utilitaires

    MacX MediaTrans 3.5

    • Système d'exploitation :
    MacX MediaTrans 3.5
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :07/04/2017
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :Jessie
    • Langue :Multi

    With cutting edge tech this iphone manager is able to transfer data at a speed of 20 megabits per second so even 100 4k photos can be transferred in 8 seconds! working as itunes alternative macx mediatrans is the fastest data transfer to backup your iphone ipad files free up more storage space before updating to new ios or change to a new iphonemacx mediatrans is the best solution to transfer & backup data between iphone ipad ipod and mac [...] it not only manages and organizes the file on your device like video music photo movie tv show but also supports backing up pdf app dmg to iphone by using it as usb drive , this mac file manager also empowers you to create/delete/edit playlists and to manage music tracks albums & genres in batch like a breeze / in addition this iphone transfer can auto rotate sideways videos and convert avi wmv mkv etc | to mp4 to fit iphone ipad with high quality preserved ; on top of this macx mediatrans has no : 1 fast speedno more erasing original data complicated operation awkward one way sync process or strict format limitation [...] with cutting edge tech this iphone manager is... Télécharger

  • Multimédia MP3 Normalizer
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :03/08/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :mp3-soft
    • Langue :Anglais

    MP3 Normalizer

    MP3 Normalizer
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volumemp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches [...] with this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume , or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection | mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume ; and it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once : with mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keepor normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds [...] , tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level / mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    MP3 Normalizer

    MP3 Normalizer
    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    MP3 Normalizer
    • Ajouté le :03/08/2016
    • Mis à jour le :03/08/2016
    • Type :Shareware
    • Editeur :mp3-soft
    • Langue :Anglais

    Mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of normalizing your audio mp3 or wave files with the same volumemp3 normalizer can normalize both mp3 and wav files in batches [...] with this advanced mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume , or you can normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds / mp3 normalizer is ideal if you want to have an optimal level of volume in all the mp3 files from your music collection | mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed for the purpose of improving the quality of mp3 and wav files by normalizing your mp3 or wave files with the same volume ; and it supports batch normalizing that is you can add as many mp3 and wav files as you like into the list then click the "normalize" button to start normalizing at once : with mp3 volume normalizer you can normalize all your mp3 files to the same volume for keepor normalize all your mp3 and wav files to the same volume for burning cds [...] , tired of constantly adjusting your audio's volume? mp3 normalizer ensures that all your music play at the same volume level / mp3 normalizer is a piece of software designed... Télécharger

  • Multimédia TIFF Archive
    • Ajouté le :18/05/2016
    • Mis à jour le :18/05/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :NeilPitman
    • Langue :Anglais

    TIFF Archive

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Tiff archive is a tool that can convert large volumes of tiff image files to pdf/a 1b compliant filespdf/a 1b is a file format based on pdf which provides a mechanism for representing electronic documents in a manner that preserves their visual appearance over time independent of the tools and systems used for creating storing or rendering the files [...] see iso 19005 1 for more information , the product may be used as command line tool for manual use or inclusion in scripts / see the reference guide for further tiff archive is a tool that can convert large... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    TIFF Archive

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    TIFF Archive
    • Ajouté le :18/05/2016
    • Mis à jour le :18/05/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :NeilPitman
    • Langue :Anglais

    Tiff archive is a tool that can convert large volumes of tiff image files to pdf/a 1b compliant filespdf/a 1b is a file format based on pdf which provides a mechanism for representing electronic documents in a manner that preserves their visual appearance over time independent of the tools and systems used for creating storing or rendering the files [...] see iso 19005 1 for more information , the product may be used as command line tool for manual use or inclusion in scripts / see the reference guide for further tiff archive is a tool that can convert large... Télécharger

  • Programmation Android Sync Mac
    • Ajouté le :23/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :23/10/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Mac Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    Android Sync Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    With android sync mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid sync mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3 [...] x 6 , x / android sync mac is offered in two editions free and expert | with android sync mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac ; no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android sync mac : while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync optionsandroid sync mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android sync mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android sync mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android sync mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : with android sync mac expert edition you can... Télécharger

  • Programmation

    Android Sync Mac

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Android Sync Mac
    • Ajouté le :23/10/2017
    • Mis à jour le :23/10/2017
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima Mac Software
    • Langue :Anglais

    With android sync mac expert edition you can sync music playlists images videos folders with files bookmarks between your android device and macandroid sync mac is a powerful sync tool that allows syncing data on mac with any android devices you own phones or tablets running android os 3 [...] x 6 , x / android sync mac is offered in two editions free and expert | with android sync mac free edition you can sync contacts and calendars between android and mac ; no need to create events or contacts twice in android device and on mac just sync them with android sync mac : while free edition covers basics expert edition provides you with wider range of sync optionsandroid sync mac expert edition allows managing android sms on mac: reading sending creating new messages or replying to received ones exporting messages removing chats and search through messages [...] moreover android sync mac allows mounting android devices as mac disks and browsing their content internal and external in finder , android sync mac is compatible with mac os x 10 / 8 | 5 and later ; besides mentioned above android devices android sync mac allows syncing data on mac with ios devices online storages google dropbox icloud windows services outlook office 365 home and business accounts any mounted devices and mtp devices : with android sync mac expert edition you can... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise PDF2CSV
    • Ajouté le :14/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    New application quickly and accurately converts the data in pdf files to csv excel formatcsv files are opened by any spreadsheet software not just excel [...] pdf2csv may also saves excel files classic xls or new xlsx formats , save hours of time with pdf2csv converts pdf to csv excel / tired of reentering all those figures from bank and credit card pdf statements? do it instantly with pdf2csv | the "csv mint" option is also available to import your transactions with categories into quicken for mac 2015 ; download pdf2csv now! conversion support is available before and after the purchase : new application quickly and accurately... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :14/09/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi

    New application quickly and accurately converts the data in pdf files to csv excel formatcsv files are opened by any spreadsheet software not just excel [...] pdf2csv may also saves excel files classic xls or new xlsx formats , save hours of time with pdf2csv converts pdf to csv excel / tired of reentering all those figures from bank and credit card pdf statements? do it instantly with pdf2csv | the "csv mint" option is also available to import your transactions with categories into quicken for mac 2015 ; download pdf2csv now! conversion support is available before and after the purchase : new application quickly and accurately... Télécharger

  • Multimédia Elmedia Player
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :19/09/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima mac SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    Elmedia Player

    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Macintosh

    95 it offers: downloading videos from the internet including videos broadcast over rtmp and videos embedded via html5; downloading youtube videos in various formats and resolutions; extracting audio files from youtube videos in mp3 and other formats; downloading youtube playlists; making screenshots of your favorite moments; adjusting audio in various ways; choosing output devices for video and audio; saving projector exe files as swf airplay supportelmedia is a free media player for mac that supports various video and audio formats including flv swf mp4 avi mov mp4 dat mp3 etc [...] the app features built in web browser that allows you to watch online videos directly from the app while open url lets you to do it without noisy ads , there is plenty elmedia offers to enhance your viewing experience: 10 band equalizer to shape your audio tone video tuner to make your videos better video aspect ratio change to fit image into screen optimize your video viewing by adjusting playback speed a b loop to repeat a video segment playback on screen display for actions such as pausing playback flipping rotating images / add hardware accelerated decoding to the list ・it can significantly unload the processor helps avoiding video slowdown helps with sound to video sync etc | elmedia can play video in full screen mode or pin player window on top of other running apps so you do not miss a moment of a movie ; the player has its own volume control enables you to edit 95 it offers: downloading videos from the... Télécharger

  • Multimédia

    Elmedia Player

    • Système d'exploitation :
    Elmedia Player
    • Ajouté le :02/06/2015
    • Mis à jour le :19/09/2016
    • Type :Freeware
    • Editeur :Eltima mac SOFTWARE
    • Langue :Multi

    95 it offers: downloading videos from the internet including videos broadcast over rtmp and videos embedded via html5; downloading youtube videos in various formats and resolutions; extracting audio files from youtube videos in mp3 and other formats; downloading youtube playlists; making screenshots of your favorite moments; adjusting audio in various ways; choosing output devices for video and audio; saving projector exe files as swf airplay supportelmedia is a free media player for mac that supports various video and audio formats including flv swf mp4 avi mov mp4 dat mp3 etc [...] the app features built in web browser that allows you to watch online videos directly from the app while open url lets you to do it without noisy ads , there is plenty elmedia offers to enhance your viewing experience: 10 band equalizer to shape your audio tone video tuner to make your videos better video aspect ratio change to fit image into screen optimize your video viewing by adjusting playback speed a b loop to repeat a video segment playback on screen display for actions such as pausing playback flipping rotating images / add hardware accelerated decoding to the list ・it can significantly unload the processor helps avoiding video slowdown helps with sound to video sync etc | elmedia can play video in full screen mode or pin player window on top of other running apps so you do not miss a moment of a movie ; the player has its own volume control enables you to edit 95 it offers: downloading videos from the... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise QIF2PDF
    • Ajouté le :10/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Save qif files as pdf files ready for archive and easy review! finally the solution to save qif files as pdfnew qif2pdf is the revolutionary software that converts qif files to the pdf files ready for archive and easy review [...] this can be a lifesaver if you need to open your transaction files on different devices including mobile , why didn't anyone think of this before? qif2pdf is an useful utility to convert your qif files to pdf format / quickly import all your bank and credit card files | simply browse for your file review transactions select all or less and save it ; save qif files as pdf files ready for archive... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :10/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi

    Save qif files as pdf files ready for archive and easy review! finally the solution to save qif files as pdfnew qif2pdf is the revolutionary software that converts qif files to the pdf files ready for archive and easy review [...] this can be a lifesaver if you need to open your transaction files on different devices including mobile , why didn't anyone think of this before? qif2pdf is an useful utility to convert your qif files to pdf format / quickly import all your bank and credit card files | simply browse for your file review transactions select all or less and save it ; save qif files as pdf files ready for archive... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise QFX2PDF
    • Ajouté le :10/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows

    Save qfx files as pdf files ready for archive and easy review! finally the solution to save qfx files as pdfnew qfx2pdf is the revolutionary software that converts qfx files to the pdf files ready for archive and easy review [...] this can be a lifesaver if you need to open your transaction files on different devices including mobile , why didn't anyone think of this before? qfx2pdf is an useful utility to convert your qfx files to pdf format / quickly import all your bank and credit card files | simply browse for your file review transactions select all or less and save it ; save qfx files as pdf files ready for archive... Télécharger

  • Finances & Entreprise


    • Système d'exploitation :
    • Windows
    • Ajouté le :10/08/2015
    • Mis à jour le :29/01/2016
    • Type :Freeware,Shareware
    • Editeur :Propersoft
    • Langue :Multi

    Save qfx files as pdf files ready for archive and easy review! finally the solution to save qfx files as pdfnew qfx2pdf is the revolutionary software that converts qfx files to the pdf files ready for archive and easy review [...] this can be a lifesaver if you need to open your transaction files on different devices including mobile , why didn't anyone think of this before? qfx2pdf is an useful utility to convert your qfx files to pdf format / quickly import all your bank and credit card files | simply browse for your file review transactions select all or less and save it ; save qfx files as pdf files ready for archive... Télécharger