L'application couvre le domaine de la gestion de projet depuis la construction de l'otp la planification et l'ordonnancement du projet jusqu'à la gestion du chemin critique le suivi de l'avancement etcrationalplan single project est un logiciel de gestion de projet conçu comme une alternative abordable à microsoft project [...] l'application couvre le domaine de la gestion... Télécharger
L'application couvre le domaine de la gestion de projet depuis la construction de l'otp la planification et l'ordonnancement du projet jusqu'à la gestion du chemin critique le suivi de l'avancement etcrationalplan single project est un logiciel de gestion de projet conçu comme une alternative abordable à microsoft project [...] l'application couvre le domaine de la gestion... Télécharger
Vous avez vu toutes les applications de la sous catégorie "aventure" ? difficile de vous y retrouver n’est ce pas ? heureusement nous vous présentons dans cette page animal transporter cargo shipvoici une information intéressante qui vous donne une idée de la popularité de ce programme : elle a été installée entre 100000 et 500000 fois [...] ce produit est une proposition de l’éditeur highlogix , pour installer ce programme vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 2 / 3 | vérifiez si votre appareil est compatible en regardant dans les réglages de votre téléphone ; si vous cherchiez une application réputée dans la sous catégorie "aventure" on peut dire que vous êtes bien tombé : cette application devrait sans problème satisfaire vos attentesdommage ! l'app en question n’a pas été améliorée depuis un temps significatif ! vérifiez s’il existe une autre version [...] sur le play store cette app ne propose pas de contenu violent ou susceptible de heurter la sensibilité des enfants , vous pouvez donc la télécharger en toute sécurité / enfin voici la dernière information à connaître : vous pouvez profiter sans réserve de toutes les caractéristiques de animal transporter cargo ship cette appli est disponible gratuitement sur le marketplace de google | vous avez vu toutes les applications de la... Télécharger
Vous avez vu toutes les applications de la sous catégorie "aventure" ? difficile de vous y retrouver n’est ce pas ? heureusement nous vous présentons dans cette page animal transporter cargo shipvoici une information intéressante qui vous donne une idée de la popularité de ce programme : elle a été installée entre 100000 et 500000 fois [...] ce produit est une proposition de l’éditeur highlogix , pour installer ce programme vous avez besoin au minimum de la version d'android 2 / 3 | vérifiez si votre appareil est compatible en regardant dans les réglages de votre téléphone ; si vous cherchiez une application réputée dans la sous catégorie "aventure" on peut dire que vous êtes bien tombé : cette application devrait sans problème satisfaire vos attentesdommage ! l'app en question n’a pas été améliorée depuis un temps significatif ! vérifiez s’il existe une autre version [...] sur le play store cette app ne propose pas de contenu violent ou susceptible de heurter la sensibilité des enfants , vous pouvez donc la télécharger en toute sécurité / enfin voici la dernière information à connaître : vous pouvez profiter sans réserve de toutes les caractéristiques de animal transporter cargo ship cette appli est disponible gratuitement sur le marketplace de google | vous avez vu toutes les applications de la... Télécharger
Vous êtes lassé par les programmes déjà installées sur votre smartphone c'est le bon moment d'essayer de nouvelles appsairport police prisoner transport ship peut vous intéresser [...] n'hésitez pas à consulter les lignes qui suivent pour en apprendre plus sur l'app et ses caractéristiques avant d'arrêter votre choix et de lancer le téléchargement : airport police prisoner transport ship est la création de zaptim games free fun & action & simulation apps , 40 votes et une note de 4 sur 5 ce sont les marques de qualité données à zaptim games free fun & action & simulation apps pour la qualité de son app / si cet élément peut vous aider à faire votre choix sachez que la dernière mise à jour de cette app date du 04 août 2017 | cette app ne fait pas partie au groupe des programmes les plus récents mais avec une mise à jour qui remonte au 04 août 2017 elle reste toujours d'actualité ; ne tergiversez pas plus pour télécharger cette application vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou lors du téléchargement : elle est en effet compatible avec toutes les versions ultérieures à la version 23 [...] nombreuses sont les applis avec une note qui dépasse 2 5 étoiles , cependant celle ci sort du lot en vous proposant des fonctionnalités vraiment intéressantes / cette appli a le mérite de pouvoir être téléchargée par tous les utilisateurs grâce à son contenu accessible à tous | une toute dernière vous êtes lassé par les programmes déjà... Télécharger
Vous êtes lassé par les programmes déjà installées sur votre smartphone c'est le bon moment d'essayer de nouvelles appsairport police prisoner transport ship peut vous intéresser [...] n'hésitez pas à consulter les lignes qui suivent pour en apprendre plus sur l'app et ses caractéristiques avant d'arrêter votre choix et de lancer le téléchargement : airport police prisoner transport ship est la création de zaptim games free fun & action & simulation apps , 40 votes et une note de 4 sur 5 ce sont les marques de qualité données à zaptim games free fun & action & simulation apps pour la qualité de son app / si cet élément peut vous aider à faire votre choix sachez que la dernière mise à jour de cette app date du 04 août 2017 | cette app ne fait pas partie au groupe des programmes les plus récents mais avec une mise à jour qui remonte au 04 août 2017 elle reste toujours d'actualité ; ne tergiversez pas plus pour télécharger cette application vous ne devriez pas rencontrer de problèmes au moment de l’installation ou lors du téléchargement : elle est en effet compatible avec toutes les versions ultérieures à la version 23 [...] nombreuses sont les applis avec une note qui dépasse 2 5 étoiles , cependant celle ci sort du lot en vous proposant des fonctionnalités vraiment intéressantes / cette appli a le mérite de pouvoir être téléchargée par tous les utilisateurs grâce à son contenu accessible à tous | une toute dernière vous êtes lassé par les programmes déjà... Télécharger
Vous voulez télécharger ship wallpapers sur votre téléphone android ? pas si vite ! vous avez besoin de connaître quelques informations avant de vous lancercette appli est rattachée à la catégorie "internet" [...] elle a été développée par infinity et sa dernière mise à jour date du 11 novembre 2016 , les utilisateurs lui ont attribué la note de 4 6 sur 5 / cette app présente dans la catégorie "internet" est tout public c'est à dire qu'elle peut être utilisée par tout le monde sans exception | n’hésitez pas à la proposer à votre enfant qui passera certainement un bon moment en sa compagnie ; l'app ne demande qu'une version d'android assez ancienne vous n'aurez donc pas de soucis d'installation avec des smartphones récents : avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements on remarque que cette appli a séduit déjà bon nombre de possesseurs d'appareils androidpar conséquent même si elle ne fait pas partie des plus téléchargées de google play il s'agit sans nul doute d'un produit qui vaut le détour [...] laissez vous tenter et vous constaterez que vous pouvez faire confiance à l’éditeur , cela fait belle lurette que cette appli n'a pas été mise à jour il est possible que sa version actuelle ne vous voulez télécharger ship wallpapers sur... Télécharger
Vous voulez télécharger ship wallpapers sur votre téléphone android ? pas si vite ! vous avez besoin de connaître quelques informations avant de vous lancercette appli est rattachée à la catégorie "internet" [...] elle a été développée par infinity et sa dernière mise à jour date du 11 novembre 2016 , les utilisateurs lui ont attribué la note de 4 6 sur 5 / cette app présente dans la catégorie "internet" est tout public c'est à dire qu'elle peut être utilisée par tout le monde sans exception | n’hésitez pas à la proposer à votre enfant qui passera certainement un bon moment en sa compagnie ; l'app ne demande qu'une version d'android assez ancienne vous n'aurez donc pas de soucis d'installation avec des smartphones récents : avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements on remarque que cette appli a séduit déjà bon nombre de possesseurs d'appareils androidpar conséquent même si elle ne fait pas partie des plus téléchargées de google play il s'agit sans nul doute d'un produit qui vaut le détour [...] laissez vous tenter et vous constaterez que vous pouvez faire confiance à l’éditeur , cela fait belle lurette que cette appli n'a pas été mise à jour il est possible que sa version actuelle ne vous voulez télécharger ship wallpapers sur... Télécharger
Avant d’installer caustic 3 il paraît important de s'assurer que l'appli est raccord avec ce que l'on recherchec’est à single cell software que l’on doit la mise en ligne de cette appli [...] disponible en téléchargement sur google play elle peut s’installer très facilement en suivant les instructions , elle est classée dans la sous catégorie "musique" et a besoin de la version d'android 2 / 2 pour pouvoir fonctionner | toutes les apps du marketplace de google ne sont pas faites pour tout le monde mais celle ci est tout public ; vous êtes un veinard !la dernière version de ce produit est en ligne depuis le 31 janvier 2017 : depuis cette date l'éditeur aurait pu proposé des corrections et de nouvelles fonctionnalités mais n'ayez pas peur vous pouvez encore la télécharger et l'utiliserle programme ne requiert qu'une version d'android relativement ancienne vous n'aurez ainsi pas de soucis d'installation avec des smartphones récents [...] avec un tel nombre de votes sur la boutique d’apps de google 33 357 on peut d’ores et déjà dire que caustic 3 est l’une des meilleures de cette catégorie , enfin entièrement gratuite l’appli caustic 3 trouvera facilement sa place sur votre terminal android / avant d’installer caustic 3 il paraît... Télécharger
Avant d’installer caustic 3 il paraît important de s'assurer que l'appli est raccord avec ce que l'on recherchec’est à single cell software que l’on doit la mise en ligne de cette appli [...] disponible en téléchargement sur google play elle peut s’installer très facilement en suivant les instructions , elle est classée dans la sous catégorie "musique" et a besoin de la version d'android 2 / 2 pour pouvoir fonctionner | toutes les apps du marketplace de google ne sont pas faites pour tout le monde mais celle ci est tout public ; vous êtes un veinard !la dernière version de ce produit est en ligne depuis le 31 janvier 2017 : depuis cette date l'éditeur aurait pu proposé des corrections et de nouvelles fonctionnalités mais n'ayez pas peur vous pouvez encore la télécharger et l'utiliserle programme ne requiert qu'une version d'android relativement ancienne vous n'aurez ainsi pas de soucis d'installation avec des smartphones récents [...] avec un tel nombre de votes sur la boutique d’apps de google 33 357 on peut d’ores et déjà dire que caustic 3 est l’une des meilleures de cette catégorie , enfin entièrement gratuite l’appli caustic 3 trouvera facilement sa place sur votre terminal android / avant d’installer caustic 3 il paraît... Télécharger
Vous voulez télécharger caustic unlock key sur votre tablette android ? n’allez pas trop vite en besogne ! vous avez besoin de connaître quelques informations au préalableson éditeur single cell software nous a informé que l’appli faisait partie de la catégorie musique [...] elle nécessite que android 2 , 1 soit installé sur votre appareil et elle a reçu une note de 4 8 sur 5 avec pas moins de 2306 personnes qui l’ont évaluée / ce n’est pas parce que son nombre d’installations n’est pas énorme qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un produit qui vaut le détour | laissez vous tenter et vous verrez que vous pouvez faire confiance à single cell software ; la version android nécessaire pour télécharger ce programme est la version 2 : 1ce n’est pas le plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour mobiles et in fine il y a de grandes chances que votre appareil soit compatible avec l'application [...] avec ses 2306 votes au total ce programme a encore du chemin à faire pour attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs , souvent une nouvelle version de l’application peut bouleverser l’ordre des choses / une dernière information pour terminer : caustic unlock key est payante | ceci dit si ce petit bémol ne retient pas votre attention et que son contenu en vaut le coup n’hésitez vous voulez télécharger caustic unlock key sur... Télécharger
Vous voulez télécharger caustic unlock key sur votre tablette android ? n’allez pas trop vite en besogne ! vous avez besoin de connaître quelques informations au préalableson éditeur single cell software nous a informé que l’appli faisait partie de la catégorie musique [...] elle nécessite que android 2 , 1 soit installé sur votre appareil et elle a reçu une note de 4 8 sur 5 avec pas moins de 2306 personnes qui l’ont évaluée / ce n’est pas parce que son nombre d’installations n’est pas énorme qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un produit qui vaut le détour | laissez vous tenter et vous verrez que vous pouvez faire confiance à single cell software ; la version android nécessaire pour télécharger ce programme est la version 2 : 1ce n’est pas le plus récent des systèmes d’exploitation pour mobiles et in fine il y a de grandes chances que votre appareil soit compatible avec l'application [...] avec ses 2306 votes au total ce programme a encore du chemin à faire pour attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs , souvent une nouvelle version de l’application peut bouleverser l’ordre des choses / une dernière information pour terminer : caustic unlock key est payante | ceci dit si ce petit bémol ne retient pas votre attention et que son contenu en vaut le coup n’hésitez vous voulez télécharger caustic unlock key sur... Télécharger
Toucharger vous permet de télécharger les meilleures apps de "jeux" et parmi ellessand! premiumpensez à vérifier que la version android de votre smartphone ou votre tablette est bien la version 2 [...] 3 c’est la condition sine qua non pour pouvoir utiliser cette app , ce programme est une création de single cell software / en ce qui concerne sa classification nos informations nous indiquent que ce produit est tout public | vous n’avez donc aucune raison de ne pas la télécharger par crainte de tomber sur du contenu déplacé ; si vous voulez télécharger une application de qualité pour votre smartphone ou tablette android téléchargez celle ci : elle a obtenu une note moyenne de 4 4 sur 5 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaitslorsqu’une appli comme celle ci compte autant de votes on peut affirmer qu’elle a du potentiel mais on n’est pas nécéssairement à l’abri d’une déception [...] une toute dernière information pour terminer : cette appli est payante , quand on aime la gratuité des applis cela peut être un problème ceci dit qui sait cette appli peut vous intéresser / toucharger vous permet de télécharger les... Télécharger
Toucharger vous permet de télécharger les meilleures apps de "jeux" et parmi ellessand! premiumpensez à vérifier que la version android de votre smartphone ou votre tablette est bien la version 2 [...] 3 c’est la condition sine qua non pour pouvoir utiliser cette app , ce programme est une création de single cell software / en ce qui concerne sa classification nos informations nous indiquent que ce produit est tout public | vous n’avez donc aucune raison de ne pas la télécharger par crainte de tomber sur du contenu déplacé ; si vous voulez télécharger une application de qualité pour votre smartphone ou tablette android téléchargez celle ci : elle a obtenu une note moyenne de 4 4 sur 5 grâce aux utilisateurs du google play globalement satisfaitslorsqu’une appli comme celle ci compte autant de votes on peut affirmer qu’elle a du potentiel mais on n’est pas nécéssairement à l’abri d’une déception [...] une toute dernière information pour terminer : cette appli est payante , quand on aime la gratuité des applis cela peut être un problème ceci dit qui sait cette appli peut vous intéresser / toucharger vous permet de télécharger les... Télécharger
Mise au point par youda games holding bv [...] l’application stratego® single player est classée dans la catégorie "jeux de société" , elle peut être installée sur smartphone et tablette directement depuis la boutique en ligne de google / avant de la télécharger découvrez ses caractéristiques et ses fonctionnalités : vous reconnaîtrez la marque de youda games holding b | ; l’éditeur à l’origine de stratego® single player : cette application est une application de type "jeux de société" très simplement téléchargeable sur votre terminal androidcette version que nous vous présentons est la plus récente de ce produit elle date du 04 janvier 2016 [...] si vous hésitez encore à l’idée de la télécharger voici le dernier argument qui peut vous convaincre : cette app propose du contenu adapté à tous les utilisateurs , avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements cette application n’est pas encore parmi les plus connues de google play / pourtant le travail de l’éditeur mérite que son produit soit davantage mis en avant | au vu de l’ancienneté de la version android nécessaire pour faire fonctionner ce programme vous n'aurez pas de difficulté à l’installer sur votre smartphone mise au point par youda games holding bv [...]... Télécharger
Mise au point par youda games holding bv [...] l’application stratego® single player est classée dans la catégorie "jeux de société" , elle peut être installée sur smartphone et tablette directement depuis la boutique en ligne de google / avant de la télécharger découvrez ses caractéristiques et ses fonctionnalités : vous reconnaîtrez la marque de youda games holding b | ; l’éditeur à l’origine de stratego® single player : cette application est une application de type "jeux de société" très simplement téléchargeable sur votre terminal androidcette version que nous vous présentons est la plus récente de ce produit elle date du 04 janvier 2016 [...] si vous hésitez encore à l’idée de la télécharger voici le dernier argument qui peut vous convaincre : cette app propose du contenu adapté à tous les utilisateurs , avec entre 10000 et 50000 téléchargements cette application n’est pas encore parmi les plus connues de google play / pourtant le travail de l’éditeur mérite que son produit soit davantage mis en avant | au vu de l’ancienneté de la version android nécessaire pour faire fonctionner ce programme vous n'aurez pas de difficulté à l’installer sur votre smartphone mise au point par youda games holding bv [...]... Télécharger
Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger
Crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reportsjust define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e / g | 4 4 3 every other day third monday of the month & so on ; and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations : event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than dateadd real time monitoring to your crystal reports distribution process with crd's event based schedules reports are fired off when events occur e [...] , database value is present file is modified window is open an email is received etc / dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal... Télécharger
Reaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operationthe batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats [...] in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported , supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more / in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more | if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution ; the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operations : the function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlybeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can reaconverter is a powerful batch image... Télécharger
Reaconverter is a powerful batch image converter that allows you to convert several images from a large number of different formats in a single operationthe batch image converter supports a huge number of different formats so you can use it to open and convert images of any format you can find including rare and obsolete formats [...] in total 235 input image formats and 59 output formats are supported , supported formats include all standard and advanced formats raw formats used by digital photo professionals microsoft office documents as well as cad formats including dwg dxf dgn and many more / in addition to the standard conversion features of batch images you can also edit multiple images at once as well as resize reflect apply filters or watermarks and much more | if you are looking for a sophisticated batch image converter reaconverter is the perfect solution ; the new update of reaconverter 7 allows creative users to do what they should do: create without wasting time in routine operations : the function is called watched folders and is used to identify new or modified files in image folders performing predetermined actions with them instantlybeing imperceptible in the background the option of controlled folders of reaconverter allows the user to change the size of the images cut them adjust the brightness and colors add watermarks or edit images of more than 200 compatible formats that may have gone to the specified source folder [...] you can reaconverter is a powerful batch image... Télécharger
Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for freethe program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items [...] the users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items , users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices / the program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users | autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automatically ; the feature to create automatic backups is helpful in order not to lose any important information : the backup regularity the number of the backups to be kept and the path to keep the backups can be manually set in the settings panel of icecream password managerthis password manages support the addition of the attachments of various formats to the items created in the program [...] the support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser , the icecream password manager is a free software... Télécharger
Icecream password manager is a free software to manage your passwords credit cards identities software licenses secure notes driver licenses passports bank account and ftp accounts for freethe program securely protects your data with aes 256 leading encryption so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items [...] the users only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in icecream password manager profiles and items , users can enable the synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices / the program supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users | autolock of the program within a certain period of time and the feature to clean clipboard automatically within a set period of time that the users can set in the program's settings helps to lock and protect the sensitive information automatically ; the feature to create automatic backups is helpful in order not to lose any important information : the backup regularity the number of the backups to be kept and the path to keep the backups can be manually set in the settings panel of icecream password managerthis password manages support the addition of the attachments of various formats to the items created in the program [...] the support of browser plugins is a great way to get instant access to all the stored data right from the selected browser , the icecream password manager is a free software... Télécharger
Wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programdecrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk , there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc / wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd tovideofile | dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes ; this is the real no : 1 speedall of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original [...] flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc , you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile / | wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger
Wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programdecrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk , there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc / wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd tovideofile | dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes ; this is the real no : 1 speedall of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original [...] flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc , you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile / | wonderfox freedvdripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger
Flexihub is a software that enables you to access and manage usb devices remotely over networkthus for example you can send documents for a printout to your office printer while you are working from home or access the contents of a usb dongle attached to your colleague’s pc as long as you are in the network [...] flexihub works as a control panel for all shared usb devices in the network forming a hardware cloud accessible by network users , there is absolutely no difference whether the device you access is attached to your computer or another computer somewhere else / your shared device can be accessed and used by any flexihub user you invite | using the app is really easy you first have to download and install it ; flexihub consists of server and client parts: the former goes to a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and the latter – to computers that need access to these ports : the application will list all computers in the network as nodes and you will see usb devices attached to themthe app also displays information about devices’ types so it is easier for you to find the device you need to connect to [...] sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub is safe and secure thanks to 256 bit ssl encryption , no unauthorized party can access your data / data traffic is reduced by flexihub via data compression | information for developers: flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions and distributed as part of them ; you can sign up flexihub is a software that enables you to... Télécharger
Flexihub is a software that enables you to access and manage usb devices remotely over networkthus for example you can send documents for a printout to your office printer while you are working from home or access the contents of a usb dongle attached to your colleague’s pc as long as you are in the network [...] flexihub works as a control panel for all shared usb devices in the network forming a hardware cloud accessible by network users , there is absolutely no difference whether the device you access is attached to your computer or another computer somewhere else / your shared device can be accessed and used by any flexihub user you invite | using the app is really easy you first have to download and install it ; flexihub consists of server and client parts: the former goes to a computer whose usb ports are to be shared and the latter – to computers that need access to these ports : the application will list all computers in the network as nodes and you will see usb devices attached to themthe app also displays information about devices’ types so it is easier for you to find the device you need to connect to [...] sharing usb devices with the help of flexihub is safe and secure thanks to 256 bit ssl encryption , no unauthorized party can access your data / data traffic is reduced by flexihub via data compression | information for developers: flexihub can be integrated into other software solutions and distributed as part of them ; you can sign up flexihub is a software that enables you to... Télécharger
This handy app allows you to post photos to instagram from your mac and do it in bulkyou can set captions for each image leave default dimensions or choose to crop it square and retain pictures’ original quality [...] uplet is a bulk instagram uploader for mac , this awesome app allows you to upload and post any number of photos to your instagram account in a single click / the interface of uplet is really simple | all you need to do is login to your instagram account drag and drop photos you want to upload and post all of them in one go directly from your mac ; if required you can edit pictures one by one : uplet allows you to: – post photos in their original dimensions or crop them square; – upload multiple photos at a time; – keep the original quality of images; – add captions with hashtags and emoticonsplease note that uplet is not affiliated to instagram so you will need your instagram account to use it [...] the app is available as standalone software or via mac app store , this handy app allows you to post photos to... Télécharger
This handy app allows you to post photos to instagram from your mac and do it in bulkyou can set captions for each image leave default dimensions or choose to crop it square and retain pictures’ original quality [...] uplet is a bulk instagram uploader for mac , this awesome app allows you to upload and post any number of photos to your instagram account in a single click / the interface of uplet is really simple | all you need to do is login to your instagram account drag and drop photos you want to upload and post all of them in one go directly from your mac ; if required you can edit pictures one by one : uplet allows you to: – post photos in their original dimensions or crop them square; – upload multiple photos at a time; – keep the original quality of images; – add captions with hashtags and emoticonsplease note that uplet is not affiliated to instagram so you will need your instagram account to use it [...] the app is available as standalone software or via mac app store , this handy app allows you to post photos to... Télécharger
Canvas draw5 for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidencenow with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content [...] features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project , work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document / complete versatility canvas draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials as well as creative content printable drawings and shareable pdfs | put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups layouts logos scale drawings floor plans architectural designs and other drawings best served with measured precision placement and the ability to combine text images and objects ; canvas draw5 for mac is a powerful software... Télécharger
Canvas draw5 for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidencenow with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content [...] features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project , work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document / complete versatility canvas draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials as well as creative content printable drawings and shareable pdfs | put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups layouts logos scale drawings floor plans architectural designs and other drawings best served with measured precision placement and the ability to combine text images and objects ; canvas draw5 for mac is a powerful software... Télécharger
Photobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one goset watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayed [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / photobulk is an application for editing... Télécharger
Photobulk is an application for editing pictures in a bulk it enables you to watermark optimize rename resize and convert any number of pictures in one goset watermark with photobulk you can choose to add a text image script or date stamp adjust various settings and angle under which your watermark is displayed [...] protect your copyright with handy and simple single click editor , resize pictures resizing images is a much required option whether you need to upload it on a web site or email it we usually have to fit a particular size / photobulk allows to scale image to a particular size or by a certain percentage | optimize images png and jpeg images can be optimized to load faster or meet requirements of certain websites ; decreasing the size of an image does not affect their quality or resolution : rename giving your images readable names is the easiest way to organize your libraryphotobulk allows you to give your pictures not only new names but set file sequences anew [...] convert some apps and sites require your images to be in certain formats , photobulk can convert a large number of them into png jpg jpeg or tiff format and create gif files / photobulk is an application for editing... Télécharger
Wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programmain features are as follows [...] support hardware encoding inter qsv nvidia nvenc , up to 30x faster video conversion speed than the previous version / decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video filedvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you back up a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes [...] this is the real no , 1 speed / all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as the original | flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc ; you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile : update: fix some bugsfixed an issue with video_ts ripping [...] wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger
Wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and powerful dvd ripper programmain features are as follows [...] support hardware encoding inter qsv nvidia nvenc , up to 30x faster video conversion speed than the previous version / decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video filedvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you back up a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes [...] this is the real no , 1 speed / all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as the original | flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc ; you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile : update: fix some bugsfixed an issue with video_ts ripping [...] wonderfox free dvd ripper speedy is afree and... Télécharger
Lemonldap::ng est un produit open source de websso web single sign écrit en perl et fonctionnant comme module avec le serveur web apachec'est le premier logiciel sso déployé dans les administrations françaises [...] il peut gérer plus de 200 , 000 utilisateurs / beaucoup d'entreprises privées l'utilisent également | beaucoup d'applications sso peuvent déjà l'utiliser obm bugzilla dokuwiki etc ; handlers spéciaux pour zimbra et sympa : support de ldap et tomcat sso valveremplace en toute sécurité les fichiers de sécurité [...] htaccess , une ligne de code à intégrer en java php / net perl ruby python etc | modules d'authentification pour ldap bases de données ssl x509 modules intégrés d'apache kerberos ntlm otp … saml 2 ; 0 / shibboleth openid twitter cas : lemonldap::ng est un produit open source de... Télécharger
Lemonldap::ng est un produit open source de websso web single sign écrit en perl et fonctionnant comme module avec le serveur web apachec'est le premier logiciel sso déployé dans les administrations françaises [...] il peut gérer plus de 200 , 000 utilisateurs / beaucoup d'entreprises privées l'utilisent également | beaucoup d'applications sso peuvent déjà l'utiliser obm bugzilla dokuwiki etc ; handlers spéciaux pour zimbra et sympa : support de ldap et tomcat sso valveremplace en toute sécurité les fichiers de sécurité [...] htaccess , une ligne de code à intégrer en java php / net perl ruby python etc | modules d'authentification pour ldap bases de données ssl x509 modules intégrés d'apache kerberos ntlm otp … saml 2 ; 0 / shibboleth openid twitter cas : lemonldap::ng est un produit open source de... Télécharger
Chrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 81 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests [...] you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index , chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release / you want to have the latest windows version 8 | 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 ; totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 8 : 1chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 [...] , brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 / rate your computer on windows 8 | 1 with 1 click ; fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 : see your computer ratings for cpu memory storage disk graphics gaming [...] re run assessments with a single click on windows vista windows 7 windows 8 and windows 8 , / chrispc win experience index is the free tool... Télécharger
Chrispc win experience index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the windows experience index on your windows 81 installation giving you the possibility to view the cpu ram hdd scores or re run the windows benchmark tests [...] you wonder what gaming or graphical processing power unleashes your pc/laptop hardware? just get the windows indexing scores calculated by windows using chrispc win experience index , chrispc win experience index was tested successfully on windows 10 build 9860 release / you want to have the latest windows version 8 | 1 and also to be able to check your windows experience index ? from now on is quite simple just install chrispc win experience index software and you will get back the windows interface that you are already familiar from windows 7 and windows 8 ; totally convenient chrispc win experience index runs on any windows version on 32 or 64 bits but aims to be used mainly for windows 8 : 1chrispc win experience index has many key features like: brings back the windows experience index to windows 8 [...] , brings back the windows experience index to windows technical preview windows 10 / rate your computer on windows 8 | 1 with 1 click ; fast access to windows experience index scores on windows 7 8 8 : see your computer ratings for cpu memory storage disk graphics gaming [...] re run assessments with a single click on windows vista windows 7 windows 8 and windows 8 , / chrispc win experience index is the free tool... Télécharger
With ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp clientnormally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files [...] this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time , plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manually / the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past | the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc ; : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetablethe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an... Télécharger
With ftpgetter 3 professional users have an easier way to access files from a server using an ftp/sftp clientnormally their single option is to manually log in and move check or send files [...] this can be time consuming for any user and is not the most optimal use of time , plus workers who need to stay abreast of the latest file changes and updates can easily miss them when having to search for them manually / the ftpgetter 3 professional software will automate ftp and sftp transfers so this inefficient manual approach becomes a thing of the past | the program allows users to set up tasks such as synchronizing the files on the server with those in the user's local folder and lay out their frequency once per day several days per week etc ; : then the application takes care of the tasks while the user goes about their normal timetablethe ability to automate ftp and sftp transfers also means users can stay current with the files more easily and can even send or receive email notifications when certain jobs are concluded [...] the user freindly interface of the software is another addition , users can set up and schedule tasks with a few clicks of the mouse / wizards included into the program make this part of the set up straightforward even for inexperienced users | this will be a relief to the end users as well as to the company's it department ; using an ftp/sftp client to get to server files is a good idea certainly in a business scenario but the ftpgetter 3 with ftpgetter 3 professional users have an... Télécharger
Convert adobe pdf files of all versions to other file formats with rich settingsthe target formats include plain text file txt windows bitmap bmp portable network graphics png jpeg format jpg gif format gif encapsulated postscript eps windows meta file wmf enhanced meta file emf and tiff file format tif [...] you can choose single mode for conversion of pdf file one by one or batch mode for conversion of several files all at once , all you need to do is simply reading explicative texts making some clicks with your mouse buttons and pressing next button / extraction of text and graphics from pdf files with the aid of the pdf converter for windows 10 can be as easy as abc | just choose web pages with images ; htm : html as the output option and you will be able to turn text and graphics into web pages for further editsconversion between different versions for pdf files is also supported which means you can easily upgrade or downgrade any pdf file to pdf version 1 [...] 0 adobe acrobat 1 , x 1 / 1 adobe acrobat 2 | ; 2 adobe acrobat 3 : 3 adobe acrobat 4 [...] , 4 adobe acrobat 5 / | 5 adobe acrobat 6 ; : 6 adobe acrobat 7x and 1 [...] 7 adobe acrobat 8 x 9 , x 10 / x iso 32000 standard | convert adobe pdf files of all versions to... Télécharger
Convert adobe pdf files of all versions to other file formats with rich settingsthe target formats include plain text file txt windows bitmap bmp portable network graphics png jpeg format jpg gif format gif encapsulated postscript eps windows meta file wmf enhanced meta file emf and tiff file format tif [...] you can choose single mode for conversion of pdf file one by one or batch mode for conversion of several files all at once , all you need to do is simply reading explicative texts making some clicks with your mouse buttons and pressing next button / extraction of text and graphics from pdf files with the aid of the pdf converter for windows 10 can be as easy as abc | just choose web pages with images ; htm : html as the output option and you will be able to turn text and graphics into web pages for further editsconversion between different versions for pdf files is also supported which means you can easily upgrade or downgrade any pdf file to pdf version 1 [...] 0 adobe acrobat 1 , x 1 / 1 adobe acrobat 2 | ; 2 adobe acrobat 3 : 3 adobe acrobat 4 [...] , 4 adobe acrobat 5 / | 5 adobe acrobat 6 ; : 6 adobe acrobat 7x and 1 [...] 7 adobe acrobat 8 x 9 , x 10 / x iso 32000 standard | convert adobe pdf files of all versions to... Télécharger
Movavi photo editor is a simple and efficient photo editing app for seamless object removal and image processing no special skills required! the intuitive interface makes perfecting your pictures easy fast and fun! delete random bystanders ugly fences shadows or any other element that's spoiling your image in a single clickor try using the object removal feature with a creative flair: maybe make your subjects fly through the air by removing the ladder or stool they are actually standing on [...] use the proprietary magic enhance filter to fix color balance contrast and brightness issues in just a few seconds , flip rotate and crop your pictures for better framing eve resize them if they're too big to share online / * remove unwanted elements from your photos with a single click * magic enhance automatically improves image quality and corrects color * essential picture editing options: rotate and flip images vertically or horizontally * easily select objects for removal: magic wand brush lasso or magnetic lasso * all popular image formats supported including jpeg gif tiff png and more! | movavi photo editor is a simple and efficient... Télécharger
Movavi photo editor is a simple and efficient photo editing app for seamless object removal and image processing no special skills required! the intuitive interface makes perfecting your pictures easy fast and fun! delete random bystanders ugly fences shadows or any other element that's spoiling your image in a single clickor try using the object removal feature with a creative flair: maybe make your subjects fly through the air by removing the ladder or stool they are actually standing on [...] use the proprietary magic enhance filter to fix color balance contrast and brightness issues in just a few seconds , flip rotate and crop your pictures for better framing eve resize them if they're too big to share online / * remove unwanted elements from your photos with a single click * magic enhance automatically improves image quality and corrects color * essential picture editing options: rotate and flip images vertically or horizontally * easily select objects for removal: magic wand brush lasso or magnetic lasso * all popular image formats supported including jpeg gif tiff png and more! | movavi photo editor is a simple and efficient... Télécharger
There are many everyday situations where you might want to encrypt an email or a filefor example you want to send your credit card details to someone [...] or you want to keep your online banking passwords on your laptop but are concerned it might get stolen , or you want to send a debug file with your network details embedded / person to person lets you choose the level of security from mild to strong | mild security means the recipient need not have our software to decrypt ; strong can mean anything up to 'black hole' : because we output in ascii text recipients and server firewalls can see the file is harmless and cannot contain any virusesyou won't want to encrypt every email and every attachment [...] what person to person lets you do is quickly select the ones you do want to secure with a single click , similarly the data vault feature keeps an icon in the task tray so you can retrieve all your passwords with one click / free license is not time limited and provides many useful security features free of charge including powerful rsa encryption of your personal files to a data vault | also with free license you can sign & encrypt files for email attachment or for safe keeping on memory sticks ; ptp protects you with super strong rsa encryption : every time you use a credit card you are using rsa encryptionthe internet depends on rsa encryption being secure [...] all banks and websites rely on it , rsa is the most secure encryption available / unfortunately it can there are many everyday situations where you... Télécharger
There are many everyday situations where you might want to encrypt an email or a filefor example you want to send your credit card details to someone [...] or you want to keep your online banking passwords on your laptop but are concerned it might get stolen , or you want to send a debug file with your network details embedded / person to person lets you choose the level of security from mild to strong | mild security means the recipient need not have our software to decrypt ; strong can mean anything up to 'black hole' : because we output in ascii text recipients and server firewalls can see the file is harmless and cannot contain any virusesyou won't want to encrypt every email and every attachment [...] what person to person lets you do is quickly select the ones you do want to secure with a single click , similarly the data vault feature keeps an icon in the task tray so you can retrieve all your passwords with one click / free license is not time limited and provides many useful security features free of charge including powerful rsa encryption of your personal files to a data vault | also with free license you can sign & encrypt files for email attachment or for safe keeping on memory sticks ; ptp protects you with super strong rsa encryption : every time you use a credit card you are using rsa encryptionthe internet depends on rsa encryption being secure [...] all banks and websites rely on it , rsa is the most secure encryption available / unfortunately it can there are many everyday situations where you... Télécharger
Handy backup server network 77 [...] 5 is a full featured backup software for enterprise data protection , it lets you automatically back up and recover all files folders e mails and important documents stored on all computers in the network / besides "common" workstation data it also lets you create hard drive snapshots and back up databases and server applications of different types including mysql db2 ibm lotus notes/domino postgresql ms sql server ms exchange server oracle and other | all backups are made in "live" mode and don't interrupt work of any applications or system so you can safely use the software on production servers ; there are three types of operations: backup recovery and synchronization : all operations are controlled from a single control point which means that you can assign all backup related tasks to a one person network administrator and save on teaching the company's employees to back up their files themselvesif any node from a backup network crashes its recovery can also be made remotely without physically attending the computer [...] backups are made in the most efficient way with the options of scheduling compression encryption versioning incremental and differential backup and other , while the most frequent scenario is to store data to a central backup server backups can also be stored to remote locations via ftp ftps sftp webdav amazon s3 and other places / our company also provides a highly secured cloud handy backup server network 77 [...] 5 is a... Télécharger
Handy backup server network 77 [...] 5 is a full featured backup software for enterprise data protection , it lets you automatically back up and recover all files folders e mails and important documents stored on all computers in the network / besides "common" workstation data it also lets you create hard drive snapshots and back up databases and server applications of different types including mysql db2 ibm lotus notes/domino postgresql ms sql server ms exchange server oracle and other | all backups are made in "live" mode and don't interrupt work of any applications or system so you can safely use the software on production servers ; there are three types of operations: backup recovery and synchronization : all operations are controlled from a single control point which means that you can assign all backup related tasks to a one person network administrator and save on teaching the company's employees to back up their files themselvesif any node from a backup network crashes its recovery can also be made remotely without physically attending the computer [...] backups are made in the most efficient way with the options of scheduling compression encryption versioning incremental and differential backup and other , while the most frequent scenario is to store data to a central backup server backups can also be stored to remote locations via ftp ftps sftp webdav amazon s3 and other places / our company also provides a highly secured cloud handy backup server network 77 [...] 5 is a... Télécharger
Icecream pdf split & merge for mac is an app to split and merge pdf files on mac easilythis app offers 4 split modes to select from [...] pdf files can be divided into single pages can be split by page ranges or by groups of pages plus detached pages can be deleted from a pdf by their numbers , innovative drop zone helps to easily add multiple files to work with / pdfs can be reordered and previewed before their merging to achieve the best results | ; icecream pdf split & merge for mac is an app... Télécharger
Icecream pdf split & merge for mac is an app to split and merge pdf files on mac easilythis app offers 4 split modes to select from [...] pdf files can be divided into single pages can be split by page ranges or by groups of pages plus detached pages can be deleted from a pdf by their numbers , innovative drop zone helps to easily add multiple files to work with / pdfs can be reordered and previewed before their merging to achieve the best results | ; icecream pdf split & merge for mac is an app... Télécharger
Ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program designed to emulate the morse telegraph and help sufferers of various forms of paralysis and other disabilities by allowing them to type using the universal language of morse codethe program may be used on nearly any pc or laptop because of its low system requirements [...] even most older and low end computers should be able to run ectmorse , ectmorse is easy to use as well / all it takes is the pressing of a single key and ectmorse can enable the user access to any letter or symbol needed to type | the typed characters are displayed in the program ; this ensures that the user may review their work and edit it to their individual needs : beyond the ease of use and language options nearly every aspect of ectmorse can be customized in order to better fit the needs of the userthis can include anything such the key pressure time for writing dots and dashes allowing the user to write at their own pace or even fully customizable characters [...] work can be saved to a time stamped file allowing the user to see the evolution of the piece that is currently being typed over time , in addition to changing the settings the user can use hotkeys to increase the efficiency of the program / these are just a few of the many customization options available in the program that can be found in the user guide and site for ectmorse | ectmorse is incredibly portable ; there are no complicated installation processes so even the most novice of ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program... Télécharger
Ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program designed to emulate the morse telegraph and help sufferers of various forms of paralysis and other disabilities by allowing them to type using the universal language of morse codethe program may be used on nearly any pc or laptop because of its low system requirements [...] even most older and low end computers should be able to run ectmorse , ectmorse is easy to use as well / all it takes is the pressing of a single key and ectmorse can enable the user access to any letter or symbol needed to type | the typed characters are displayed in the program ; this ensures that the user may review their work and edit it to their individual needs : beyond the ease of use and language options nearly every aspect of ectmorse can be customized in order to better fit the needs of the userthis can include anything such the key pressure time for writing dots and dashes allowing the user to write at their own pace or even fully customizable characters [...] work can be saved to a time stamped file allowing the user to see the evolution of the piece that is currently being typed over time , in addition to changing the settings the user can use hotkeys to increase the efficiency of the program / these are just a few of the many customization options available in the program that can be found in the user guide and site for ectmorse | ectmorse is incredibly portable ; there are no complicated installation processes so even the most novice of ectmorse eyecomtec morse is a program... Télécharger
Ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical buttonthe program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking [...] it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills , the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user / ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator device | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and... Télécharger
Ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and augmentative communication program that allows individuals with reduced motor skills to type text letter by letter via pressing only one physical buttonthe program can be coupled with eye tracking applications ecttracker allowing to select characters in a text matrix through eye movements and blinking [...] it also supports direct input of characters from the virtual keyboard through contracting a muscle or a group of muscles drawing the air with ectlistener or other means available to people with limited motor skills , the main window of the program is a text matrix with a set of symbols or pictograms the appearance and the order of which can be customized by the user / ectkeyboard allows to enter text using different methods : step by step mode in which the program highlights one character after another and the user selects the desired character through blinking or other accessible action; coordinate mode when the selection is made horizontally and vertically where the user first indicates the row or the column before selecting the desired character in them; separating regime where the entire text matrix gets divided in two after being selected the part containing the desired letter splits in its turn and so on until a single character is selected ; virtual keyboard mode allows to work with a mouse or another manipulator device | operating modes are suitable for different groups of users with limited motor skills; ectkeyboard is an aac alternative and... Télécharger
Supereasy 1 click backup is your simple and convenient solution to backup files incrementally or by versionthe program automatically recognizes your system configuration and connected devices [...] your files are processed as background tasks that do not interrupt your work , the integrated compression routine achieves a very high compression ratio with minimal storage consumption / backup your files for free during the evaluation period | feature highlights: automatic configuration create backups with a single click backup files during normal computer use backup incrementally or by version save storage through integrated file compression create a bootable recovery disc ; supereasy 1 click backup is your simple and... Télécharger
Supereasy 1 click backup is your simple and convenient solution to backup files incrementally or by versionthe program automatically recognizes your system configuration and connected devices [...] your files are processed as background tasks that do not interrupt your work , the integrated compression routine achieves a very high compression ratio with minimal storage consumption / backup your files for free during the evaluation period | feature highlights: automatic configuration create backups with a single click backup files during normal computer use backup incrementally or by version save storage through integrated file compression create a bootable recovery disc ; supereasy 1 click backup is your simple and... Télécharger
Photo background remover helps to clear digital shots from unwanted backgroundthis feature is highly popular among amateur photographers who need to extract a specific object from a shot to put it into some composition [...] also background removal is often used in online graphic content , thanks to batch image files processing photo background remover can significantly speed up process of clearing backgrounds / there are two methods of detecting the background areas for removal | the first one is manual selection with the aim of two markers: a green marker defines the area that should be left untouched and a red marker is used to define the background area that will be removed ; the area where green and red marker selections overlay each other will not be erased : these selection tools have adjustable radius that help to act maximally preciselymoreover there is also a deselection tool that is used for correcting wrong selections [...] using deselect tool a user removes both green and red selections , after applying background removal you will get an image with 100% transparent background by default / automatic background removal doesn't require any manual adjustments the program will clear an image by itself | a user only needs to activate the process by pressing a "start" button ; photo background remover is a batch file processor : this means that you can edit as many photos as you need in one cyclea user can replace the original background by: a transparent photo background remover helps to clear... Télécharger
Photo background remover helps to clear digital shots from unwanted backgroundthis feature is highly popular among amateur photographers who need to extract a specific object from a shot to put it into some composition [...] also background removal is often used in online graphic content , thanks to batch image files processing photo background remover can significantly speed up process of clearing backgrounds / there are two methods of detecting the background areas for removal | the first one is manual selection with the aim of two markers: a green marker defines the area that should be left untouched and a red marker is used to define the background area that will be removed ; the area where green and red marker selections overlay each other will not be erased : these selection tools have adjustable radius that help to act maximally preciselymoreover there is also a deselection tool that is used for correcting wrong selections [...] using deselect tool a user removes both green and red selections , after applying background removal you will get an image with 100% transparent background by default / automatic background removal doesn't require any manual adjustments the program will clear an image by itself | a user only needs to activate the process by pressing a "start" button ; photo background remover is a batch file processor : this means that you can edit as many photos as you need in one cyclea user can replace the original background by: a transparent photo background remover helps to clear... Télécharger